essay about teaching styles

essay about teaching styles

Teachers must find the most suitable style for the lesson content, but more importantly, a style which will suit all learners and allow them to benefit from the teaching. This is an unwholesome attitude and affects the learning process to a considerable degree. People begin their education from day one till the day they die. 100% plagiarism free. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Get your custom essay from professional writers. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. It soothes nervous energy, helps students focus on you and your message, and gives them confidence that what you say is important and worth listening to. However, some lower ability pupils in the class were provided worksheet where they had to fill in the gaps (see appendix 1). In recent old ages we have witnessed . The school is organised into eight classes, three in the foundation phase and three in Key Stage Two, with years four and five combined. Students preferentially take in and process information in different ways: by seeing and hearing, reflecting and acting, reasoning logically and intuitively, analyzing and visualizing, steadily and in fits and starts. It is also very limited as the teacher can not be expected to be able to answer all of the questions the pupils may have, and may have limited knowledge in certain areas of the curriculum. The hollering and fronting the child off and belittling them is a no-no in my book, because teachers dont know much how psychological damage that has on a child. Instead of just letting the pupils write any lyrics they wanted, the teacher showed them a clear structure that they had to follow. According to the results, I am more a reflective learner than an active learner which means I need time to reflect upon the material to better grasp it. The students learning will be measure by both informal and formal forms of assessment, which includes tests, group projects, journals, and class participation. A teacher is a person who plays the most important role in the development of any student. However, depending on which teaching style the teacher uses, depends on how much other types of learners benefit from PE. Behaviorist theory of education, setting knows the difference between a challenging teacher that helps his or her students learn and a chill teacher that doesn 't teach his or her students anything. It is also important that the teacher writes down key information from the lesson so that the learner can memorise the information visually. To start making interesting writing, you need to . Essay On Teaching Style. When teaching there are an assortment of styles and methods a teacher may choose from. Although it is not possible to teach in a style that will benefit all learners in every lesson, it is important to try and incorporate all learning styles over a series of lessons (Jonassen et al 1993). School University of Phoenix Course Title PHL 320 Type Essay Uploaded By briannabethea Pages 3 Ratings 100% (2) The teaching style were different not only in each subject, but depending on what task was being carried out, and what the teacher felt was most suitable for the pupils in the class. All rights reserved. There is no absolutely right or wrong method or technique to teach, and teachers need to change their approach in different circumstances. During this stage, the pupil develops to think like an adult. There are many studies that offer important information and have determined that cooperative learning not only helps students improve academically, but that it also shows that students take pride in the fact, Paul, ED514.671 From 3 hours. The aim of this topic is for you to know how the teachers affect to the students learning. In fact, teaching styles are reflections of a combination of teachers' theoretical assumptions and actual teaching practice. (National association of secondary school principals. Brandes and Ginnis (1996:167) acknowledge that the movement from established well-known ground to explore new teaching strategies is a tough challenge to teachers. He should be in possession of a certain amount of facts if he is to do his work adequately. 5 Encouraging Creativity 2. 2. The heart of the curriculum in the public schools should consist of a wide variety of purposeful activities based on the present capacities, interests, and needs of the learner. They select the more appropriate strategies to fit their learning styles. These changes have been brought by increased federal and state supervision of accountability of teachers both in schools and in class. New York: Routledge, Grinder, M., 1991. In the new learning, the teacher is the facilitator rather than a source of learning, the source being the child himself. Download. With the clear objective of the class in mind, teachers usually arrange the whole classes into a well-designed task. (2016, Nov 05). The directing style promotes learning through listening and following directions. A strict teacher is very tough on students. It is notable that findings for these characteristics frequently differ for teachers at the elementary school level and teachers at the high school level and that the body of research on the subject of teacher quality suggests that the context of teaching matters (e. g. , differences in grade levels, subject areas, and student populations). But, just as a transmedial narratology to refer back to an overall feel of the lm to raise the children. 4 Ambition. Teaching Styles: Fitness Director Essay Exclusively available on IvyPanda Updated: Feb 23rd, 2022 Table of Contents Introduction Command Style Practice Style Divergent Production Conclusion References We will write a custom Essay on Teaching Styles: Fitness Director specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page 808 certified writers online 4 Ambition A teacher must not be satisfied with his achievement. Essays on Learning Styles. Teaching style plays a vital role in the development of teachers professional expertise (Akbari, Mirhassani, & Bahri, 2005). In education, there are three styles of teaching. argued that, A behavior is more likely to reoccur if it has been reinforced or rewarded. Over-Critical Of Students a strict teacher cannot accept any error or blunder on the part of the students and can be very contemptuous at such instances. Discouraging Attitude some teachers are strict to the extent that they terrify the students and consequentially, the latter start attending their classes altogether. 1. In this way, each teacher has set an example for me, as a future teacher, to follow or not to follow as I see fit. Humour has the power to fuel that engagement. In this new concept of learning the teacher does the following: (1) The teacher is a guide in the learning situation rather than a controller; (2) he removes to the remote background his administrative authority and becomes a cooperating member of the group; (3) he places his mature experiences at the disposal of the group; (4) he emphasizes improving the process of inquiry, attaining greater validity of judgements and making reasonable choices of action; he helps the pupils develop their subject-matters in the process of inquiry into their problems and (5) he aids his pupils to evaluate by increasingly better means the results of their own efforts. We all know that a teacher should make a different ways for the children to have a pleasant classroom atmosphere. Reflective Essay on Teaching. Piaget for Educators. Also while studying this area of history, there were group and class discussions. While many may argue college . It is up to the instructor to decide how he/she can perform these tasks. It is important for a teacher to realise a pupils capability in music in order to teach them effectively and help them advance. They contribute to the success of the students learning. Mishra (2007) has a different theory of teaching styles. ID 27260 George E. Hand-selected US and UK writers Essays On Teaching Styles 4.8/5 2329 Orders prepared Easy to communicate. These styles will help make you an effective teacher. Learning and Teaching; Piagets Development Theory. 1. This activity greatly benefited kinaesthetic learners, as they were physically involved with the nativity story and therefore were able to learn the story far easier than simply reading, or being told about it. This topic is very important when teaching a Physical Education class. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Gardners theory is also very beneficial to teachers and the style they use as it allows teachers to have higher expectations of every child (Ginnis 2008) and therefore push each child further. These teaching styles are critical when trying to teach physical education because they are proven to be effective. Also, by physically doing the dance, the pupils were able to learn the routine very quickly. A strict teacher fails to touch the heart of his/her students, always remains a teacher and failing to become a confidence of the students. Speak calmly When giving directions, providing information, and responding to your students, it pays to speak calmly. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Some of these ideas involve: teacher preparedness, teaching styles, and parental motivation. Gardner argued against past theories that people were born intelligent, and instead suggested that all people are intelligent, but in different ways. People can read each paragraph easily because there. Best Teaching Styles, Essay Example from students accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and other elite schools Back to School Offer Get 20% of Your First Order amount back in Reward Credits! Every day we learn new things in different ways. . Students never respect such a teacher from the heart. Traditional (teacher centered ). A different model explaining how pupils learn is Piagets Theory/ Model of Cognitive Development. What are the qualities of an ideal teacher? When teachers share a laugh or a smile with students, they help students feel more comfortable and open to learning. The other top four are: do not explain things clearly, show favouritism towards students; have a poor attitude and expect too much from students. Jenna Scifo If we learn from these professional developments, we can implement them into our classroom and have our classrooms be effective. Study for free with our range of university lectures! 2 A good knowledge of the nature of the child Educators say that a good teacher is one who finds the hidden laws of the growing mind and then shapes that mind according to a splendid plan. Random people, Gregorc argues, are not so focused and find it hard to memorise facts. Some pupils are in a continuing state of unhappiness because of their fear of being victims of the disapproval of their teacher and classmates. requirements? To hep auditory learners, teachers can incorporate group discussion, audio activities such as listening to music and reading a book out loud so that auditory learners can remember information that they have heard. With the wide array of research about the effective characteristics of school principals, various models have been introduced and tested to identify the most significant applicable effective characteristics, In order to determine the leadership effectiveness, we must understand that how teachers, as well as other individuals, construct their notions of effective leadership are based on their or within the organization itself (Rosser 2003). There is no absolutely right or wrong method or technique to teach, and teachers need to change their approach in different circumstances. Professional development instructors believe that, "professional development enriches teaching and improves learning for all students. Permissive teaching entails friendship between instructors and students as there is no strict discipline. We have experts for any subject. Nature is the international community is having a long time. An example of this could be to making sure the structure of the lesson is indicated on the whiteboard so that pupils can see what the lesson will focus on. 3. Liberty University Teaching refers to different teaching approaches such as lecturing, practice drills, directed questioning, discussion, constructivism and problem solving. 2 Teacher with Sense of Humour. The old saying that teachers are born and not made has just enough truth in it to make it dangerous. The other two classes are taught through the medium of Welsh and range from reception to year six. The students appreciated and were personally motivated. These are the other questions, such as, how can I develop the qualities which I lack? In Autumn 2010, the school was re-awarded the Basic Skills Quality for Maths and Language. So the strategies, Introduction: It is a recognized fact that the various responses of the individual to various kinds of stimuli are determined by a wide variety of tendencies. Strict teachers are over critical of their students and lash out on them at the smallest of pretexts. In many times, teachers can help guide students into a better future. What are best teaching styles that enhance student learning? The essay "Teaching Styles and Technology Evaluation" focuses on the critical analysis of the technologies currently available to support objectivist (traditional) and constructivist (non-traditional) methods of learning to help guide primary schools in their learning technology investment decisions Teachers are said to be the soldiers or heroes in the education system. opinion essay space explorations important essays of english 2nd year Citing thesis apa style. They accept him/her only out of compulsion or fear. Stage three is the Concrete Operations Stage and lasts approximately from seven to eleven years old. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Atherton, J.S., 2010. IV. III. According to the University of South Carolina defines a facilitator teaching style as, This type of teacher will often try to design learning situations and activities that require student processing and application of course content in creative and original ways. ("Teaching Styles"). The major teacher-centered philosophies of education are essentialism and perennialism. During this stage of development, the child becomes more mature and animism and egocentric way of thinking begins to disappear in most people. Teacher-centric learning approach is also often referred to as the traditional educational model . (4) Clear goals and intellectual challenge Effective teachers set high standards for students. This means planning for different kinds of learners for each lesson, and making time for small group instruction for those students who are not quite grasping the instructional content. There are many different methods and style of teaching music in Key Stage Two. Bowling Green State University (@bgsu) December 5, 2022 Francis bacon essays style and essay writing personal statement. Understand the differences in learning styles for your students you must learn to adapt your teaching styles to fit them because teaching styles have a great effect on their learning. Professional development helps teachers grow and when teachers grow students grow and develop too. - Students respect this teacher and know that they can go to her with problems of any kind no matter how big or small. Good teaching is nothing to do with making things hard. They also articulate clear goals. Personal factors, such as instinct and emotions, and social factors, such as cooperation and rivalry, are directly related to a complex psychology of motivation. These two questions are should always be in the mind of every teacher. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! For example, before this stage, children may see a spilt pint of milk as being more than a pint of milk in a bottle. Research I did showed at least 150 different styles from lecturing to brainstorming and vocabulary drills. Teaching styles that affect students learning. It is important for educators to value their students and the perspectives and cultures they bring to the classroom. 2. Marshal (Marzano 1992) also believes that a teacher must develop these concepts in order to help learners develop, and make learners learn independently, so they may continue to develop and gather knowledge for the rest of their lives. The third group includes: scholarship and knowledge of subject health. I scored strong on the Aural side (Auditory) strategies that were recommended are, Step 1: INTAKE: attend class discussions and tutorials, discuss topics with others and your teachers, explain new ideas to other people, use a tape recorder, pretty much any method that is easier for you to "intake" the information. Greater clarity on the empirical evidence can inform the wisdom of current practice, guide state efforts as they struggle with No Child Left Behind compliance regarding teacher quality, and provide direction for future teacher. What better way to impart a sense of self-discipline than by the example of the disciplined classroom? Retrieved from, Teaching Styles, Ability and Teaching Aids, Education Is the Most Important Factor in the Development of a Country. Argumentative Essay, Is Self-Confidence the Most Important Factor for Success, Nutrition Is an Important Factor That Impacts a Persons Healthy, Education Is an Important Factor That Contributes to the Human Resource Development, Financial Literacy Is a Very Important Factor In Life, The communicative style of the second language learning and language teaching styles, The Teaching Process and the Process of Teaching Sample, The Important of Semantics Knowledge in Teaching English. See yourself responding to your students with poise, dignity, and calm assuredness. C. Best qualities of teachers that enhance students learning. The school followed the National Curriculum of Wales. Teachers can use Gregorcs work to help them plan and adapt their style of teaching to suit all learners. 4 Calm teacher. Publication information: NASSP bulletin, may/June 1997, 15-17. My philosophy of teaching is a hybrid of both student-centered and teacher-centered. Truly awful teaching in higher education is most often revealed by a sheer lack of interest in and compassion for students and student learning. Moreover, with the increased variety of classes taken along coupled with different teaching styles and viewpoints, the mind will expand. With regard to teaching style, it is important for a teacher to realise what learning style/ styles pupils may be, in order to set tasks that will be most beneficial to them. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism In the last 20-30 years, learning styles has been a heavily debated topic in the field of education. D. Best teaching styles that enhance student learning. Therefore, no extra time is allowed for joking or wasting since every minute is treasured to a great extent. 1997 Students Say: what makes a good teacher? Title: How do teachers affect students learning. He/she always insists on adhering to the deadlines. I will still have the authority figure, but will allow the students to play an active role in the learning process. When the pupils actually carried out the task themselves, it was very hands on, and the children were actively involved. Most researchers concede that good teaching is crucial and a key factor in improving students performance. When all's said and done, however, most teaching methods can be roughly subdivided into two groups: teacher-centric and student-centric. My school experience placement took place in a Church of Wales school in a small town in central Powys. Teachers should respond flexibly to students' response and encourage students to self-monitor. The second learning style test I took was hosted at North Carolina State University's website (Felder & Soloman, n.d.). It is an essential link to higher student achievement" (Cook, 1997). An Overall of an Effective Teacher Children differ from each other in their learning potential in any given field of learning. 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