google_project_iam_binding terraform

google_project_iam_binding terraform

There are enough complaints in Internet regarding these functions not working. Custom: Add cloudkms.cryptoKeys.getIamPolicy and cloudkms.cryptoKeys.setIamPolicy permissions. It could possibly be related to changes in the IAM API that happened around the filing date of this issue. Organization Administrator: Access to administer all resources belonging to the organization Terraform keeps track of all the resources it already created for this set of configuration files, so it knows your EC2 Instance already exists (notice Terraform says "Refreshing state. privacy statement. Can you give me an overview of your workflow, like are you using terraform to attempt to add this user back, but it gets sent as and comes back as TerraformLooker Studio Google Cloud Terraform Looker Studio Terraform Allow policies, roles and principals are all important concepts in Google Cloud. We can solve these issues in an automated fashion by implementing IAM with Terraform and using Cloud Build. I think the right fix is likely to filter out deleted principles when sending the IAM policy back. In additive mode, a submodule leaves existing bindings unaffected. Well occasionally send you account related emails. The roles are bound using the for_each construct. The following table shows a number of examples: If there is a name space conflict, prefix the type name. group:{emailid}: An email address that represents a Google group. User creation is not actually relevant to the case. I have just tried this with version 3.4.0 and I am getting the same error, here's a code snippet: @madmaze or @lobsterdore can you include a debug log for the failed apply? "${data.google_iam_policy.admin.policy_data}". each of those lines once contained an However, members listed in the module are fully controlled by the module. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. You signed in with another tab or window. I have created a user with capital letters, but the IAM console only finds it as lowercase, which doesn't cause any issues. google_project_iam_binding Authoritative for a given role. As I wrote before, Google provides the email it finds in its databases, and it keeps capital/lowercase as it's in its DB. This page is a companion to the main page about creating environments. google_project_iam_binding: Authoritative for a given role. @josephlewis42 if you have an option to (temporary) remove that user, you'll see it fixes your terraform processing. Add the following code to, which uses the aws_instance resource to deploy an EC2 Instance: resource "aws_instance" " example " . Proceed with caution. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I've been noticing the same error across many different projects as of today: For example, this config is causing this error: The error is quite confusing, because looks valid as an IAM member to me. Google IAM Terraform Module This is a collection of submodules that make it easier to non-destructively manage multiple IAM roles for resources on Google Cloud Platform: Artifact Registry IAM Audit Config BigQuery IAM Billing Accounts IAM Custom Role IAM Folders IAM KMS Crypto Keys IAM KMS_Key Rings IAM Organizations IAM Projects IAM As a workaround until the fix is released you can delete service account IAM members with the deleted: prefix and terraform will work as usual. Storage Admin: Full control of GCS resources. I've hit the same issue today running terraform gke public module. Three different resources help you manage your IAM policy for a Spanner database. There are two issues that may arise from this and how roles are propagated. We can use Terraform for more than just infrastructure as code; we can also use it to implement account access controls. Maybe this can help others in the thread. Naming Terraform resources is quite a challenge. Custom: Add cloudkms.keyRings.getIamPolicy and cloudkms.keyRings.getIamPolicy permissions. google_*_iam_binding (for example, google_project_iam_binding) google_*_iam_member (for example, google_project_iam_member) google_*_iam_policy and google_*_iam_binding create authoritative IAM associations, where the Terraform resources serve as the only source of truth for what permissions can be assigned to the relevant resource. Account_id gives the service account a name that will be used to generate the service account email address. IAM policy for Spanner databases. Can you file a separate issue with debug logs included? Just today faced this bug and am very surprised that it's not fixed for months. Docker Google. After you have Terraform and gcloud installed, you will want to make sure that you have a service account that Terraform can use. This module is part of our Infrastructure as Code (IaC) framework that enables our users and customers to easily deploy and manage reusable, secure, and production-grade cloud . In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page. Pub/Sub Admin: Create and manage service accounts. IAM policy for Compute Engine Snapshot. This seems unrelated to the other issues around deleted: IAM members, though it started occurring at the same time. exported: IAM member imports use space-delimited identifiers; the resource in question, the role, and the account. In the pipeline, Cloud Build will have permissions to the service account you create. For example, [email protected]. Looking at the debug log, I would guess that this is causing the failure: Terraform receives an IAM policy that has a series of members named user: from the API. Thanks! Therefore, we recommend to use the resource For the sake of argument, lets say its set at the folder level. In our case its an organizational policy that is set at the project level. If you pass 2 or more entities (for example. Dont know where to get started with IAM? If you can point me to the code where this is done I can try to replicate it using gcloud CLI, and see if its an SKD issue or implementation issue (usually the SDK will make fixes to it before applying it). google_project_iam_binding resource is Authoritative which mean it will delete any binding that is NOT explicitly specified in the terraform configuration. Try using the user I sent you by mail. I believe that the issue happens when attempting to add a role to a new service account (existing policy), you have to first fetch the policy which includes the user with the capital letter, then append to it and apply it. Deleting this removes all policies from the project, locking out users without I'll close this as a duplicate at this point as #4276 is the same issue. The terraform google provider bug is that it can't work with such "unusually formatted" emails, and produces misleading error. I believe all (or most) of them have this issue (user(s) with Upper case letter(s)). Each principal has its own email address which can be used as an identifier when you need to assign permissions to that principal. Lets take a look at hierarchical structure in Google Cloud. google_project_iam_member is used to define a single user:role pairing. Under that folder I can have a project that will then have resources attached to it. Step #13: Click on the Trust relationship tab on the Roles page. Hey @zffocussss!. resourcemanager.organizations.setIamPolicy permissions. I'll ask around for why the API would be returning upper case values and if this is intended we should handle this correctly in Terraform. To my eye this looks blatantly wrong, and using the iam_binding resource within terraform attempts to preserve any existing members, so it posts the same series of user: members back. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. storage.buckets.setIamPolicy permissions. google_project_iam_member to define a single role binding for a single principal. Other roles within the IAM policy for the project are preserved. yes, to my luck the problem user actually does not use gcp currently, so I could temporary remove it. @slevenick answers Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers technologists share private knowledge with coworkers Talent Build your employer brand Advertising Reach developers technologists worldwide About the company current community Stack Overflow help chat Meta Stack Overflow your communities Sign. I'm still having trouble reproducing this issue, and I believe that there is something strange going on with the particular emails being used here as emails are not handled case sensitively by the API. This IAM policy for a Google project is a singleton. It's not recommended to use google_project_iam_policy with your provider project Hey @akrasnov-drv sorry that this caused issues for you. The error message " Error 400: Request contains an invalid argument., badReques" is misleading. The API was returning the error googleapi: Error 400: Role roles/myCustomRole is not supported for this resource., badRequest when trying to create the google_project_iam_member. However, roles not listed in the module will be unaffected. Folder IAM Admin: Allows users to administer IAM policies on folders. to your account, Updates the IAM policy to grant a role to a list of members. This module supports Terraform version 1 and is compatible with the Terraform Google Provider version 4. resourcemanager.folders.setIamPolicy permissions (must be added in the organization). For more information see the official documentation and API. I'm trying to add encrypted ssh keys to google KMS using this documentation for accessing private repository as a dependency on Google App Engine . Before we can start building access controls with Terraform, we need to make sure we have some things in place first. @akrasnov-drv thank you for figuring out the root cause of this issue! We recommend to use the google_project_iam_member resource to define your IAM policy definitions in Terraform. The resources would then have a direct ancestor which would be the project. Try this IAM tutorial to hit the ground running. This policy is then inherited to all resources under that folder. resource " google_project_iam_member " " lacework_custom_project_role_binding " {project = local. Unfortunately this is tedious, potentially forgotten, and not something that you can abstract away in a Terraform module. How are you adding back the user with lower case letters? Custom: Add resourcemanager.folders.getIamPolicy and Don't know if that makes a difference. compute.subnetworks.setIamPolicy permissions. To configure permissions for a service account on other GCP resources, use the google_project_iam set of resources. But Google keeps it case sensitive, therefor google provider should support this too. @slevenick unfortunately, earlier today I bumped up to v3.2.0 on this project for an unrelated reason, and I am unable to downgrade again (trying to do so results in an error with terraform apply). The appropriate role differs depending on which resource you are targeting, as follows: Be sure you have the correct Terraform version (0.12), you can choose the binary here: Be sure you have the compiled plugins on $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/. intended for Terraform 0.12.x is v6.4.1. authoritative: set the role's members (including removing any not listed), unlisted roles are not affected. $100 60 . I specified lowercase, and Google found it, but then it added the user as (likely it was initially registered so in gmail by the user) Each submodule performs operations over some variables before making any changes on the IAM bindings in GCP. @michyliao that looks like a different issue. With a simple setup, Terraform will be able to authenticate automatically using the credentials from your gcloud configuration. Custom: Add resourcemanager.organizations.getIamPolicy and Cloud KMS Admin: Enables management of crypto resources. The policy will be Yes, sure. Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay. Project custom: Add compute.subnetworks.getIamPolicy and member/members - (Required) Identities that will be granted the privilege in role. Weve been tasked with solving 2 problems: 2. You can send it to my github username Google IAM Terraform Module This is a collection of submodules that make it easier to non-destructively manage multiple IAM roles for resources on Google Cloud Platform: Artifact Registry IAM Audit Config BigQuery IAM Billing Accounts IAM Custom Role IAM Folders IAM KMS Crypto Keys IAM KMS_Key Rings IAM Organizations IAM Projects IAM Terraform google_project_iam_binding deletes GCP compute engine default service account from IAM principals GCP GKE - Google Compute Engine: Not all instances running in IGM GKE cannot be created anymore after the GCP Compute Engine Default Service Account disappeared in the IAM console. Lets see how constraints work. The name auditlogging_policy is the name Terraform knows this resource by (in some cases we can target specific resources or user interpolation). Looking at the logs, I suspect the issue is related to deleted IAM principles. This Terraform module makes it easier to non-destructively manage multiple IAM roles for resources on Google Cloud Platform. Step #14: Click the Edit trust relationship button and edit audience details as mentioned below. IAM binding imports use space-delimited identifiers; the resource in question and the role. pubsub.subscriptions.setIamPolicy permissions. Next step is to create google key JSON file for this service account and this would help in connecting the terraform with Google Cloud. Of course, the google_project_iam_policy is the most secure and definite specification. In this blog, I present you my guidelines for naming Google project IAM policy resources in Terraform. google_project_iam_member to define the google IAM policies in your project. For example, or If you find incompatibilities using Terraform >=0.13, please open an issue. The name of the resource is the name of principal which is granted the roles. I've been doing a bit more investigation into this (tracked in #333). Some principals have been assigned basic roles. Perform one of the following steps: To set roles for one or more topics, select the topics. I've been able to consistently reproduce it on my project, here are the debug logs. This will allow Cloud Build to assume the permissions of that service account and in turn authenticate your Terraform configuration. google_project_iam_member/google_project_iam_binding Fails for roles/cloudsql.client, Works for Other, terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-kubernetes-engine#380, terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-project-factory#333, ibm-cloud-architecture/terraform-openshift4-gcp#2. Two other differences seem to be in the headers: I am also seeing this issue when applying iam_member with version = "~> 3.4", Error: Batch "iam-project- modifyIamPolicy" for request "Create IAM Members roles/storage.objectAdmin for \"project \\\"\\\"\"" returned error: Error applying IAM policy for project "": Error setting IAM policy for project "": googleapi: Error 400: The role name must be in the form "roles/{role}", "organizations/{organization_id}/roles/{role}", or "projects/{project_id}/roles/{role}"., badRequest, In the debug logs, I am seeing this: or google_project_iam_member, uses the ID of the project configured with the provider. Project- Id of the project to apply policy to. identifier for the resource. Have a question about this project? What does this mean? I created user in Google console (IAM). Specifically, I see that we attempt to reflect a deleted IAM principle back in the setPolicy response. I suspect that there is something strange happening with the IAM policy for your existing project. This binding resource can be imported using the project_id and role, e.g. Lets briefly look at some basic components of IAM, which make up the foundation of any IAM strategy. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that a principal will only need to be bound to a single role. Storage Legacy Bucket Owner: Read and write access to existing It would help to have the full request/response pair without any changes. GitHub Code Issues 1.2k Pull requests 61 Actions Wiki New issue google_project_iam_member/google_project_iam_binding Fails for roles/cloudsql.client, Works for Other #5107 Closed So now, how can we implement and keep track of these tools and concepts? I'm unable to track this down by just the error message from the debug logs (invalid argument is very generic), I'll probably need to be able to reproduce this to make further progress. additive: add members to role, old members are not deleted from this role. I believe this is an unrelated issue, but it presents with the same (not very helpful) error message. I've got a fix for this on the way: GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules#2819. Unfortunately, I cannot tell if this is the version that was used when creating the binding or if I've since updated the version; the state history does not seem to contain information about provider versions. This policy resource can be imported using the project_id. Surprisingly I'm unable to reproduce this issue in my own project. @slevenick It seems that, for the affected project, resource "google_project_iam_binding" always fails to apply. Resource google_service_account - Creates a service account. I have been able to use this exact resource setup to apply other roles to other service accounts. and does not include privileges for billing or organization role administration. Only one Be careful! organization-level access. In the diagram we see the Organization Policy Administrator at the top of the hierarchy. In my project this user has "owner" rights if it changes anything. project - (Optional) The project ID. Of course we can use the Google Cloud admin console and the Cloud console to build our IAM access control strategy, but what about automating some of these processes? Remember to set the mode variable and give enough permissions to manage the selected resource as well. Make sure that service account has all the proper permissions needed. Likely it's old. Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a collection of tools that allows administrators to define who can do what on resources in a Google Cloud account. Your company should use service accounts if you have services in Google Cloud that need to talk to each other. Right now we have very broad permissions. Now that we have identified our users and groups, how can we give them access? Sets the IAM policy for the project and replaces any existing policy already attached. If an issue is assigned to a user, that user is claiming responsibility for the issue. I was using google_project_iam_member as, You can find a list of constraints here. IAM goes far beyond users and groups. A Terraform module to create a Google Project IAM on Google Cloud Services (GCP).. As I wrote before, I tried to re-add the user in low case letters, but Google added it again with capital ones like it originally was (and you saw this behavior when you tried to add a user with capital letters). Automating access controls can save your company time, money, and give your organization the agility it needs to make changes in a structured way when the need arises. After using the policy insights tool in Google Cloud, the team decides that some principles have too much access. Other roles within the IAM policy for the project are preserved. An allow policy is a collection of role bindings that bind one or more principals to individual roles. Assess, plan, implement, and measure software practices and capabilities to modernize and simplify your organization's business application portfolios. Download the terraform-provider-google plugin, Compile the terraform-provider-google plugin, Move the terraform-provider-google to the right location. The same problem may occurs to a lesser extend with the google_project_iam_binding. Resource google_service_account_iam_member - Grants access for a user (referenced as member) to assume a service account (service_account_id) by granting the user the iam.ServiceAccountUser role (referenced as role above). I am trying to create a basic Service Account with the roles/logging.logWriter IAM role with Terraform. It's just another side effect that adds troubles. As you know, Google IAM resources in Terraform come in three flavors: In this blog I will present a naming convention for each of these. Project compute admin: Full control of Compute Engine resources. For example with the Cloud Run Invoker role I can and run.routes.invoke. google_project_iam_policy: Authoritative. IAM policy for Dataproc job. I don't know if you can register new Google user with capital letters in email now, but it was definitely possible in the past. How did you create the user with capital letters, is it just an old email that existed? IAM binding imports use space-delimited identifiers: the resource in question and the role, e.g. policy_data - (Required only by google_project_iam_policy) The google_iam_policy data source that represents When implementing access controls with Terraform we need to know at what level we should give resources access. google_project . As you can see below, I am using a yaml file in order to automatically build a pipeline in Cloud Build. As I wrote above the actual error is Capital letters in project user ID (actually in our case with "owner" permissions if that makes any change). Got a workload running outside of Google Cloud? Required for google_project_iam_policy - you must explicitly set the project, and it The Edit trust relationship button is displayed. Any advice for me? @jjorissen52 can you provide debug logs for the failing run? I understand that RFC defines email addresses as case insensitive. It will help me track down what exactly about these users is causing the issue. Custom: Add resourcemanager.projects.getIamPolicy and resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy permissions. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. It means that resources can be associated with a parent. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and You can give the principal access to resources through permissions which the principal can be assigned through a role binding. Already on GitHub? Each of these resources serves a different use case: So, which resource do you use in practice? Google Sheets & Google Apps Script fully managed by Terraform. I add a binding with a different user, posting back a policy with. We can take this a step further with allow policies. Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a collection of tools that allows administrators to define who can do what on resources in a Google Cloud account. Need to create another project to be able to create GKE. A principal can be thought of as an entity that would need access to resources. @jjorissen52 That is odd. @slevenick The project does have one user with capital letters in the email, though none of bindings defined via terraform do anything with that user. [projects|organizations]/{parent-name}/roles/{role-name}. \--role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter . This means that any members added to roles outside the module will be removed the next time Terraform runs. Now all binding/membership works. Now that we have the service account and all the proper tools in place, lets build a pipeline. Terraform 1. I believe this issue has been fixed with 2.20.1 as I am unable to reproduce issues at this point, Downgrading from 3.x to 2.x is going to be difficult and not recommended. I was just experiencing what seems like a related issue to this and #4276 and was able to solve it. This binding resource can be imported using the project_id and role, e.g. Im unable to replicate it on a single role, already containing a CamelCase user name, maybe its an issue with size of the payload? Please let me know if you encounter the same issue with that version, but I'll close this until then. domain:{domain}: A Google Apps domain name that represents all the users of that domain. Debug Logs, terraform apply -target=module.booklawyer.module.etl.google_project_iam_binding.sql_client. Weve got you covered. Hi, Note: If role is set to roles/owner and you don't specify a user or service account you have access to in members, you can lock yourself out of your project. 0.12.x-compatible version of this module, the last released version Any progress? Thank you for the efforts :) Furthermore, we use the You can use this page as a start, then add more configuration parameters for your environment, as needed. Remove user with capital letters in their Gmail account from IAM via cloud console. I have created a Github repo for this code and . $ terraform import google_storage_bucket_iam_binding.editor "b/ { {bucket}} roles/storage.objectViewer" IAM policy imports use the identifier of the resource in question, e.g. I have a resource "google_project_iam_custom_role", a data "google_iam_policy" (not certain this is required), and a resource "google_project_iam_member". I'm back to being confused about why this is happening. I'm hesitant to share the whole log, its full of seemingly sensitive info. Note that the bindings variable accepts an empty map {} passed in as an argument in the case that resources don't have IAM bindings to apply. You can see from this progression that the projects direct ancestor is the Devops folder (which represents the Devops department). If you feel this issue should be reopened, we encourage creating a new issue linking back to this one for added context. For example, I can have a folder that represents the Devops team. This is a collection of submodules that make it easier to non-destructively manage multiple IAM roles for resources on Google Cloud Platform: This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.13+ and tested using Terraform 1.0+. I'm trying to debug with the team internally, and may reach out to some of you for help in reproducing this for them. From the Edit permissions panel,. A role is a collection of individual permissions. terraform-google-project-iam. Why would you want to use Terraform to implement access controls in your Google Cloud account? But you can see it in debug and it brakes the workflow (I mean just existence of it). Error 400: Policy members must be of the form ":"., badRequest, Google provider Set IAM policy not remove "deleted:" entries and API returns 400 : Policy members must be of the form ":"., badRequest, SetIamPolicy fails if there are leftover "deleted:" permissions in project,, Applying IAM policy failed with "Request contains an invalid argument., badRequest" error, Please do not leave "+1" or "me too" comments, they generate extra noise for issue followers and do not help prioritize the request, If you are interested in working on this issue or have submitted a pull request, please leave a comment. Cloud KMS Admin: Enables management of cryptoresources. IAM policy imports use the identifier of the resource in question. Three different resources help you manage your IAM policy for a project. Understanding what users need access. @madmaze can you send me the full debug logs for a failing run? Resource google_project_iam_member - Adds permission to a service account. Installation of base packages like wget, curl, unzip, gcloud, etc. I believe that removing these faulty members will cause terraform to succeed. That will help me debug what is going on. role - (Required) The role that should be applied. Each step in the pipeline is introduced through a Docker container. Relationship tab on the trust relationship tab on the active issues for the failing?. For months yaml file in order to automatically Build a pipeline in Cloud Build for your existing project may... The hierarchy if an issue seems unrelated to the main page about creating environments can also use it my! Name that will then have resources attached to it then have a direct ancestor is the name principal!, curl, unzip, gcloud, etc main page about creating environments account from IAM via Cloud.... Compute Admin: Enables management of crypto resources back a policy with their Gmail from. The sake of argument, lets Build a pipeline bug and am very surprised that it 's fixed. 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