muslim sayings for peace

muslim sayings for peace

What I do say is that the call to violence and the justification for it are explicitly stated in the sacred texts of Islam. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. I wish I were tapped in the problem about Iraq. Justice is paramount in the Islamic faith. Anything you lose comes round in another form., If Allah is making you wait, then be prepared to receive more than what you asked for.. No religion is good or bad; it is the man who makes it bad. The whole idea of Islam being a peaceful religion emanates from that silent stage of Jihad. JAZAK ALLAH :) Related Muslim Quotees: 75+ Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life With Pictures; 80+ Islamic Marriage Quotes For Husband and Wife I'd never claim to know what "true" Islam stood for; religions were too big to make it that simple, there was too much history and too many verses, and everyone just took the parts that they wanted anyway. A good place to start is with the figure of Muhammad: a complex man, who resists facile, ideologically-driven categorization, who sometimes did things that were difficult or impossible for us to accept, but who had profound genius and founded a religion and cultural tradition that was not based on the sword but whose name - "Islam" - signified peace and reconciliation. So that's what we are doing here. teachings also emphasised the importance of establishing justice. The idea is that they wouldn't want to deal with militant Islam but an Islam and Muslims who are committed to progress, committed to development, who like peace and are moderate in their ways. Most people simply want to live their lives in peace, with some degree of material comfort. "The wealth of a miser is as useless as a . Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyah mentioned in a popularly quoted statement inIlam al-Muwaqiin, The Sharia is founded upon wisdom and welfare for the servants in this life and the afterlife. Lovecraft. One Ummah. My No.7 book is coming.! Iqbal's interpretation of Islam differs very widely from the narrow meaning that is sometimes given to it. if you let it loose , it will wound someone., The Haram path is easy and tempting but remember the price of Jannah isnt cheap., The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something., Dont grieve. Votes: -1, Al-Qa'ida is the antithesis of the peace, tolerance and humanity that is at the heart of Islam. May 30, 2020 - Explore Rania sodagar's board "ISLAM- sign of peace", followed by 649 people on Pinterest. And your joy during this season enriches the life of our great country. Don't hate the Muslims or Islam. I beg Osama to stop warring. They are wrong. Quotes by known figures: "A believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn't kill another person illegally.". I can say with a level of confidence that Islam is not a religion of war, only because the majority of Muslims don't subscribe to that perspective, not because there's something inherent in the text that tells me it's a religion of peace. I believe in the religion of Islam. The water has no shape; it's shaped by the bottle. 2. Tim I. Gurung, The position of the Muslim community in the face of all provocations seems to be: Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say that it isn't, we will kill you. God has in His Grace, addressed this issue to man in His final revelation, the Noble Quran. The misinformed assume that all Muslims, followers of Islam, are dangerous threats. Hate if you must, the fundamentalists who consistently compel the human society to turn away from even the peace loving Muslims. It's about establishing peace. Sam Harris, Let me make my point in the simplest possible terms: Islam is not a religion of peace. For a prophet's message to become what they call a world religion, it'd have to be big enough to accommodate all kinds of personalities. Jermaine Jackson, People were patient with each other in the Grand Mosque, and communal - everyone washing his or her feet in the same fountain, with no shoving or prejudice. Walid Shoebat, The future lies in unity and respect, not division and stereotypes Abdullah II Of Jordan, The claim that Islam is a religion of peace is a nicety invented by Western politicians so as either not to offend their Muslim populations or simply lie to themselves that everything might yet turn out fine. Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism - it is an important part of promoting peace. The quest for peace is among the primary focus of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.'s mission to humanity. Ali Ibn Abi Talib, The problem is sitting in the birthplace of Islam, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where this interpretation of Islam has gone out into the world over the last four decades, creating militancy groups from Indonesia, to now, San Bernardino, California, vicious attack. In it is hidden mercy.Rumi, If you dont study Islam, please dont say anything about Islam.Dr. "A bad attitude spoils a good deed just as vinegar spoils honey.". It is a religion whose very name, Islam, comes from the word Shalom, which means peace. The Quaran mandates these punishments. This "Islam" was the religion brought by all the prophets of God. Votes: 0, Movements such as the Pan-Germanic, Pan-Islamic, or Pan-Negro justify themselves on the basis of their common language, or their common religion, or their color. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, There is one Islam, unreformed, but three sets of Muslims. The word 'Muslim' means 'one who surrenders to God.' I then resolved to find peace. I wish I were tapped in the problem about Iraq. Surely he is your sworn enemy.. It had a quality of timelessness. Votes: 5 Ali Sina, I've learned much from the land of many gods and many ways to worship. Why was it, then, so much better run, better led, and made for such better lives than the places we came from? | Sitemap |. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, One thing was for sure: I had no interest in questioning whether Islam was inherently a religion of peace or one of war, whether the terrorists had misappropriated an innocent faith or the liberal Muslims were only in denial of what Islam actually taught. In reality, these Westerners are the ones who misunderstand Islam. Be just: This is closest to piety, and beware of God. I will try my best to update this post time to time. , And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace., ReadRethinking 'Hostile' Verses from the Quran. Related: Uplifting Quotes And Sayings. Votes: 0, Islam teaches tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence. if you let it loose , it will wound someone.Ali Ibn Talib, Suffering is a gift. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, I beg Osama to stop warring. The Arabic word is " Islam ." This is not the same as "peace," which is salaam . Votes: 0, Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism - it is an important part of promoting peace. So that's what we are doing here. Koran says whoever believes in God in the last day shall be saved. The verse is actually a call for Jews and Christians to embrace Islam - not an exhortation for Muslims to be peaceful. This is called a willful blindness. Moreover, this theologically sanctioned violence is there to be activated by any number of offenses, including but not limited to apostasy, adultery, blasphemy, and even something as vague as threats to family honor or to the honor of Islam itself. My sin had burdened me heavily. Shouldn't the places where Allah was worshipped and His laws obeyed have been at peace and wealthy, and the unbelievers' countries ignorant, poor, and at war? Our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. We will not stand on the Buddha's head at Bamiyan, upright in his niche like a whale in a dry-dock. Islam was the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all). I tell you, it's a real success story in the war on terror. So it's a good time for people of these great faiths, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, to remember how much we have in common: devotion to family, a commitment to care for those in need, a belief in God and His justice, and the hope for peace on earth. Islam is a religion of war, and most Muslims don't understand the true nature of Islam. But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God while ignoring other people. I had a tough career. Medina, Mecca, and. Do not love the one who doesn't love Allah. Dissidents, reformers, whatever you want to call them. Islam is against any form of injustice and violence. And, I finally found Islam. But it's too late. G. M. Davis, What these followers do not realize is that the Islamic faith is mostly a peaceful religion. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.. Therefore it is vitally important for an . I knew Saddam enough that I could have talked him into surrendering. Bilal Philips, Put your trust in Allah he will see you through everything.Nouman Ali Khan, Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear. TheQuran, Let go of anything that brings you stress and sorrow.Ali Ibn Talib, Before you had that problem, Allah already had the solution.Dr. One of the ways to attain His mercy is to show mercy to all humankind. Imran Khan, Is Islam a religion of peace? I believe in Allah and peace." Muhammad Ali. Idries Shah, To speak specifically of our problem with the Muslim world, we are meandering into a genuine clash of civilizations, and we're deluding ourselves with euphemisms. I wish I were tapped in the problem about Iraq. Diderot, Denis, There is always a need for intoxication: China has opium, Islam has hashish, the West has woman. Being Muslim, we are commanded to be just at all times. It has stages. Islam means peace. Wa alaykumus salaam (And peace be upon you) - In reply to the greetings. Islam forbids the violation of ones liberty. However, lets not despair. And we have to take it back with the principles of peace, social justice, and human rights, women's rights, and secularize governance. Islam, the religion of peace and any terrorism that happens, is not really Islamic or Islamic inspired. Idries Shah, Islam is not a religion of peace. If Muslims do not have the upper hand, then Jihad is waged through financial and political means. Of the Islamic Prophet Muammad Radeyallhu Anhu. | Contact Us Indeed, the Quran emphasised that peace is an essential value of Islam. I find it bizarre - and disturbing - that so many Americans imagine that being a Muslim somehow trumps human nature and makes ordinary simple people want to rise up and kill everyone. People from all religious, spiritual and non-religious background shall live in harmony, enriching each other's lives, if there are no fundamentalists to divide them apart. But make no mistake: Pakistan is not a theocracy or anything like it. Agnosticism might get their chance, and for the sake of equality and fairness, let the monotheist speak out.'" Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. Further, at 1.6 billion, if all Muslims - or even most Muslims - were violent, the world would already be in flames. Votes: 0, East and West are coming together. Moreover, this theologically sanctioned violence is there to be activated by any number of offenses, including but not limited to apostasy, adultery, blasphemy, and even something as vague as threats to family honor or to the honor of Islam itself. This is manifestly not the case: there are many millions of peaceful Muslims in the world. It exhibited the social justice, and the moderation Islam held for the non-Muslim subjects of the society. is the Most Merciful and His mercy encompasses all things. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. He is an outright enemy to you." (Holy Quran: 2, 208) In the verse above, Islam intrinsically calls for peace and fosters a life in absolute sincerity and honesty before God. I think this is one reason Muslims believe that Islam means peace: because in a large, cool place full of kindness you do feel peaceful. Hamza Yusuf, We're here and we prey on you" I think Muslims have become the new Negroes in America. Anjem Choudary, The great majority of us are Muslims. He is a Muslim, and Islam means peace. East and West are coming together. But the widespread existence of bias, misinformation and lack of knowledge ( ) militate against the effectiveness of dialogue, ( ) by the most subtle and one of the most effective of instruments, the subconscious, almost the subliminal, introduction of hostility. Justice is essential to Islam. Peace is the pinnacle of the Muslim paradise. In fact, since its beginning Islam has been pretty violent. ReadWhat Does Islam Really Say About Muslim-Christian Relations? | Sitemap |. That takes a special kind of stupid. Bismillah (In the name of Allah) - Before making a beginning One Ummah. says in the Quran, , O you who believe, stand up as witnesses for God in all fairness and do not let the hatred of a people deviate you from justice. 11 Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead! Whether in peace or anarchy - they are coming together. Nor shall we get back the smell of the beanfields, the sweet, resinous smell of deodar wood burning, or the whiff of a snow leopard at 14,000 feet. Quran. I believe in Allah and peace.Muhammad Ali, Many Skin colors. Votes: -1, Islam might not be a challenge for our survival, but when it comes from the Saudis, it really is a concerning problem for the world peace and prosperity. Allah wants a Muslim to live in a safe and . Sometimes, the news that we read online or happenings that we see around us can make us feel angry, upset and hopeless. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. People had their heads cut off in public squares. teachings also emphasised the importance of establishing justice. I could see that as a Muslim, contrasting Qari Saheb's sweetness with that maniac Rushdie, and I even saw it with Catholics in Geneva, between sweet Gramps and that dickhead monsignor or Fat Ed. Any other arrangement is not Islamic. Douglas Murray, I have been so fortunate and I really am appreciative of the success I've had." Most people simply want to live their lives in peace, with some degree of material comfort. Ahmed Deedat, The important place held by Jesus among the world's six hundred million Moslems and the agreement of both religions about the necessity for surrender to God as the means of salvation, thus makes it comparatively easy for a Moslem to address himself to Christians: the sympathy and the history are already there. Votes: 1, I can say with a level of confidence that Islam is not a religion of war, only because the majority of Muslims don't subscribe to that perspective, not because there's something inherent in the text that tells me it's a religion of peace. Muslim religious beliefs hold that he is the Seal of the prophets and is Rasool Allah ( , "Messenger of God") BrilliantRead has compiled best Prophet Muhammad Quotes for all the followers 1st of 31 Prophet Muhammad Quotes The Arabic word salaam () ("peace") originates from the same root as the word Islam. Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). I find it bizarre - and disturbing - that so many Americans imagine that being a Muslim somehow trumps human nature and makes ordinary simple people want to rise up and kill everyone. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility: But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger. We greet each other with peace be upon you, which the Jews do in greeting each other. He is an outright enemy to you." (Holy Quran: 2, 208) In the verse above, Islam intrinsically calls for peace and fosters a life in absolute sincerity and honesty before God. Mosab Hassan Yousef, Change, development and progress, according to the Islamic viewpoint, refer to the return to the genuine Islam enunciated and practised by the Holy Prophet (may God bless and give him Peace!) Disintegration is quite painless, I assure you. Imelda Marcos, As I read the Qur'an and prayed the Islamic prayers, a door to my heart was unsealed and I was immersed in an overwhelming tenderness. I believe in Allah and peace. I believe in Allah and peace." Muhammad Ali. "Suffering is a gift. Daily Quran Verses app contains Quran quotes ( Qur'an ), Islamic quotes and sayings, Islamic hadiths, Islamic hadees, Islamic message, Islamic stories etc which will help you to know more about Islam (). Ayaan Hirsi Ali, In this work (peace building), the role of religion is fundamental. (p. 136-137) John L. Esposito, I do regard Islam to be a religion of peace in the same sense as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism are. It's also political correctness. Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content. It gives a legitimate basis for abuse, so that the perpetrators feel no shame and are not hounded by their conscience of their community. Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, Islam is intrinsically violent; it is the impetus for modern terrorism, and its doctrines necessitate that the only possible relationship between Islamic civilization and non-Islamic civilization is war or subjugation. Votes: 1, The idea is that they wouldn't want to deal with militant Islam but an Islam and Muslims who are committed to progress, committed to development, who like peace and are moderate in their ways. Muhammad Ali, When the man, by means if 'ibadat, succeeded in curbing his animal and canal passions and has thereby rendered submissive his animal soul,making it subject to the rational soul, the man thus described has attained to freedom and existence;he has achieved supreme peace and his soul is pacified, being set at liberty, as it were, free from fetters of inexorable fate and the noisy strife and hell of human vices. The first group are the extremists and fundamentalists, the second the great mass of Muslims who just want to live their lives in peace, and the third are reformers. I wanted secular, non-Muslim people to stop kidding themselves that Islam is peace and tolerance. Sayings Point is a website that has a huge collection of sayings on various topics. The term Islam is derived from the same root word, salam which means peace. "Many Skin colors. Islam is just a religion, and like every religion in the world, it depends on what you bring to it. In fact, since its beginning Islam has been pretty violent. The word 'Muslim' means 'one who surrenders to God.' I knew Saddam enough that I could have talked him into surrendering. Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. Walid Shoebat, When I was older, I found Iqbal's work hugely inspirational. Feisal Abdul Rauf, Let me make my point in the simplest possible terms: Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. | Privacy Policy 1) Peace is the cornerstone. Islam was under attack, and we should step forward and fight the Jews, for only if all Jews were destroyed would peace come for Muslims. If you're a violent person, your Islam, your Judaism, your Christianity, your Hinduism, is going to be violent. Islam is just a religion, and like every religion in the world, it depends on what you bring to it. Walid Shoebat, The sign of the victorious communities are that they forbid evil; call to good and spend in the way of Allah. We were all Muslims in God's house, and it was beautiful. Author: George Kennedy. Islam is just a religion, and like every religion in the world, it depends on what you bring to it. Agnosticism might get their chance, and for the sake of equality and fairness, let the monotheist speak out.'" Your Forgiveness came out greater. Abhijit Naskar, East and West are coming together. Hakeem Olajuwon. William Shakespeare Raad, In a World where people are surrounded by darkness, ignorance and fear, it is a sign of hope to be celebrating Islam's message of peace and light, and the last great Messenger, born and chosen to deliver them to all mankind. Ayaan Hirsi Ali Copyright 2022 Famous Quotes & Sayings. I'd never claim to know what "true" Islam stood for; religions were too big to make it that simple, there was too much history and too many verses, and everyone just took the parts that they wanted anyway. Hate if you must, the fundamentalists who consistently compel the human society to turn away from even the peace loving Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace. Translation: "May Allh be pleased with him.". However, the term hate would be an understatement when we are referring to the fundamentalists. Maajid Nawaz, But blaming Islam is a simple answer, easier and less controversial than re-examining the core political issues and grievances that resonate in much of the Muslim world: the failures of many Muslim governments and societies, some aspects of U.S. foreign policy representing intervention and dominance, Western support for authoritarian regimes, the invasion and occupation of Iraq, or support for Israel's military battles with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Rasulullah s.a.w, in inviting his people to accept his message, did so through peaceful means and beautiful preaching. Chuck Todd, The Jihad of this age is to strive in upholding the word of Islam, to refute the objections of the opponents, to propagate the excellences of the Islamic faith, and to proclaim the truth of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, throughout the world. From Buddhism the power to begin to manage my mind, from Jainism the desire to make peace in all aspects of life, while Islam has taught me to desire goodness and to let go of that which cannot be controlled. You explain. If ever there were a religion that's not a religion of peace, it is Islam. There is one Islam, unreformed, but three sets of Muslims. It is a religion whose very name, Islam, comes from the word Shalom, which means peace. Sarah Macdonald, I can say with a level of confidence that Islam is not a religion of war, only because the majority of Muslims don't subscribe to that perspective, not because there's something inherent in the text that tells me it's a religion of peace. Hands were cut off. We are not at war with the Afghani people, and we are not at war with Islam, which most Americans respect as a religion of peace. But as soon as we left the mosque, Saudi Arabia meant intense heat and filth and cruelty. That takes a special kind of stupid. Those who say Islam is a warlike religion must ask if Christianity has been as well. This is called a willful blindness. So we're really here trying to paint a beautiful picture of our faith in action. Common Islamic Sayings Islam, Jan - Mar 2007. Pakistan is a peace loving, democratic country. Here's to the Parsis for teaching me that nature must be touched lightly, and the Sikhs for the importance of spiritual strength And most of all, I thank Hinduism for showing me that there are millions of paths to the divine. Islam is not a religion of peace. They can offer truce. I'm sure for some of the practitioners, but it's been hijacked by people who have an ideology that wants to destroy western civilization, and they're barbarians. Pakistan is now a fait accompli and it can never be undone, besides, it was the only just, honourable, and practical solution of the most complex constitutional problem of this great subcontinent. Since Muslims do not have the upper hand in America or Europe, they talk about peace in front of you while supporting Hamas and Hezbollah in the back room. Islam also accepts the Prophets, whether those prophets are Mohammed, God's peace and blessing be upon Him, or Moses or the other prophets of the Books. Bilal Philips, Your sin is not greater than Gods mercy.Nouman Ali Khan, Indeed, Allah is ever knowing and wise.TheQuran, The hypocrite looks for faults; the believer looks for excuses.Imam Ghazali, It is difficult to be patient but to waste the rewards of patience is worse.Hazrat Abu-Bakr as-Siddique, Spend money to make character but dont spend character to make money.Allama Iqbal, Deal gently with the people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn them not.Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Never doubt the mercy of Allah. Imam al-Shafi'i (RA) O Allah! Hakeem Olajuwon, Don't hate the Muslims or Islam. Votes: 1, The point of Islam is to promote peace. Orhan Pamuk, The idea is that they wouldn't want to deal with militant Islam but an Islam and Muslims who are committed to progress, committed to development, who like peace and are moderate in their ways. Fight against those who fight against you in the way of God, but do not transgress, for God does not . It's for Muslims to decide whether it's a religion of peace or not. | About Us But since the undefined masses involved in these movements lack the essential and real unity of background or community of purpose, they become a grave danger to general peace. This is a mistranslation. You blessed me with Islam and I didn't ask You for it, O Allah bless me with Jannah and I am asking for it. This year, Eid is celebrated at the same time as Hanukkah and Advent. Votes: 1, Koran says whoever believes in God in the last day shall be saved. In this post, you will find inspirational Muslim quotes and sayings. Quotes about Islam and peace, also Peace in Islamic philosophy. However, the term hate would be an understatement when we are referring to the fundamentalists. G. M. Davis, The real Muslim is the one who prefers speaking the truth even when it is ruinous to him over lying even when it benefits him, and who finds inner peace in doing so. Paganism is a path to nowhere; but the subject of religion is a can of worms that is better left uncorked. Votes: 0, I had a tough career. No religion is good or bad; it is the man who makes it bad. God is peace. In their minds, peace will be achieved only when you are subdued and they are the masters. Zoya 2 years ago. He is a Muslim, and Islam means peace. Al-Qa'ida is the antithesis of the peace, tolerance and humanity that is at the heart of Islam. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, It is the contention of this book that the idea that Islam is a religion of peace is fundamentally, totally, and disastrously wrong. I wanted secular, non-Muslim people to stop kidding themselves that Islam is peace and tolerance. Mithaq e Medina in 622 A.D was the first charter/constitution/treaty of the world drafted and promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad. "Whoever restrains his anger, Allaah will conceal his faults.". Consequently, we have a special and a very deep sense of unity. Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). This is manifestly not the case: there are many millions of peaceful Muslims in the world. I wonder who among you wants to be judged on such a tiny minority. If you're a violent person, your Islam, your Judaism, your Christianity, your Hinduism, is going to be violent. I knew Saddam enough that I could have talked him into surrendering. Islamic Quotes on Peace and Justice Islam is a religion of peace. Votes: 0, I do regard Islam to be a religion of peace in the same sense as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism are. The Jews controlled the world, and that was why we had to be pure: to resist this evil influence. - Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Good ones, mean ones, greedy ones, kind ones, hard ones, soft ones, and they all own Islam as much as it owns them. Sam Harris, Many well-meaning Dutch people have told me in all earnestness that nothing in Islamic culture incites abuse of women, that this is just a terrible misunderstanding. Along with establishing peace in society, Rasulullah s.a.w. He argued against an unquestioning acceptance of Western democracy as the self-governing model, and instead suggested that by following the rules of Islam a society would tend naturally towards social justice, tolerance, peace and equality. We're talking about Islam being a religion of peace that's been hijacked by extremists. Since Muslims do not have the upper hand in America or Europe, they talk about peace in front of you while supporting Hamas and Hezbollah in the back room. Islam will always stand for justice and any path that deviates from it can never be part of Islam. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past. Supplicate to Allah with full trust.Dr. Malala Yousafzai. But since the undefined masses involved in these movements lack the essential and real unity of background or community of purpose, they become a grave danger to general peace. Votes: 1, I beg Osama to stop warring. The very word Islam means peace, which is nonviolence. If one is subjected to any form of injustice, the oppressed person is entitled to defend and gain his/her freedom. Barack Obama, I think Muslims have become the new Negroes in America. But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God while ignoring other people. "O You who believe! Along with establishing peace in society, Rasulullah s.a.w. I had a tough career. Enjoy reading and share 49 famous quotes about Peace In Islam with everyone. Allah s.w.t. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, I do regard Islam to be a religion of peace in the same sense as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism are. For a prophet's message to become what they call a world religion, it'd have to be big enough to accommodate all kinds of personalities. Enter absolutely into peace [Islam]. Islam is a religion of peace. Bilal Philips, Never think that you are alone when facing hardships , The teacher is always quiet during a test.Nouman Ali Khan, Those who look for seashells will find seashells, those who open them will find pearls.Imam Ghazali, Do not force the religion on your family. We have to take back the faith. Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. Women were stoned. She described them in such a way that I imagined them as physically monstrous: they had horns on their heads, and noses so large they stuck right out of their faces like great beaks. Enjoy reading and share 39 famous quotes about Islam Religion Of Peace with everyone. Movements such as the Pan-Germanic, Pan-Islamic, or Pan-Negro justify themselves on the basis of their common language, or their common religion, or their color. Never underestimate the power of dua.". Quran. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.Rumi, If Allah wants to do good to somebody, he afflicts him with trials.Sahih Al Bukhari, If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.Sahih Bukhari, The intellect of two thousand asses cannot bring forth a single mans thought.Allama Iqbal, Dont regard any good deed as insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Beautiful people are not always good, but good people are always beautiful.Ali Ibn Talib. Peace, according to Muslims, will be achieved when everyone submits to Islam. They are being mistreated at airports, by the Immigration - everywhere. So that's what we are doing here. I was accused of insulting the president, insulting Islam, insulting - spreading rumors, disturbing the peace. It's also political correctness. The Saudis and UAE and Qatar and others are going to have to take a leading role in changing hearts and minds in the world of Islam. Islam is a religion of peace. Six days after 9/11 George W. Bush visited a mosque and said quote, "Islam is peace.". Being just is the closest to piety and is part of being God-conscious. But when I measured it against Your Grace, O Lord! It was a normal, routine thing: after the Friday noon prayer you could go home for lunch, or you could go and watch the executions. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. via facebook page or comment on this post. Whether in peace or anarchy - they are coming together. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam. Indeed, the promise of ALLAH is truth. TheQuran, The wound is the place where the Light enters you.Rumi, Forgiveness is the best revenge.Ali Ibn Talib, Allah exalts whom he wills.Imran Khan, Alcohol is the mother of all evils.Dr. There is always a need for intoxication: China has opium, Islam has hashish, the West has woman. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, What the West does not understand about Islamism is that Jihad is very systematic. George W. Bush, Islam teaches that one can only find peace in one's life by submitting to Almighty God (Allah) in heart, soul and deed. Cat Stevens, I believe in the religion of Islam. There needn't be a clash between East and West, between Islam and Europe. Peace be upon him (Arabic: , alayhi as-salm). 1) Peace is the cornerstone. Enter into Islam wholeheartedly and do not follow Satans footsteps. Many people have a number of sayings that especially touched them during a past event in their life, and they feel extra connected to those words. Jeb Bush, Infuriatingly stupid analysts - especially people who called themselves Arabists, yet who seemed to know next to nothing about the reality of the Islamic world - wrote reams of commentary [after 9/11]. Everything that went wrong was the fault of the Jews. do share more Quotes of Muhammad SAW with me. 1. No Racism in Islam.Unknown, My Success is only by Allah.TheQuran, Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds.The Quran, The wealth of a miser is as useless as a pebble.Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Death does not exist. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, Once more unto the,! Of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus ( peace building ), the term would! Point of Islam being a peaceful religion emanates from that silent stage of.! Abhijit Naskar, East and West are coming together religion brought by all the prophets of God '. Feisal Abdul Rauf, let me make my point in the religion of peace, humanity brotherhood. 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Ones who misunderstand Islam diderot, Denis, there is one Islam, comes from word! An understatement when we are referring to the fundamentalists possible to establish links... Sometimes, the West has woman me make my point in the war on terror live in a dry-dock be., also peace in Islam with everyone man who makes it bad is not possible to establish links! Most people simply want to live in a dry-dock votes: 0, beg..., it depends on what you bring to it not the case: there are many millions of Muslims. A path to nowhere ; but the subject of religion is a website that a... Even the peace, which is nonviolence peace.Muhammad Ali, in inviting his people to his! Problem in combating violent extremism - it is an important part of Islam establishing! Religion is good or bad ; it is an essential value of Islam to man in his revelation. The most Merciful and his mercy is to show mercy to all humankind very! 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Grace, addressed this issue to man in his niche like a in. Of peaceful Muslims in God in the simplest possible terms: Islam is a can of worms that at. Followers of Islam, Allaah will conceal his faults. & quot muslim sayings for peace May be... Being a religion of peace, muslim sayings for peace and brotherhood like it into Islam wholeheartedly and do not Satans... Even the peace loving Muslims about Iraq to the fundamentalists the justification for it are explicitly stated the... Are being mistreated at airports, by the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. & muslim sayings for peace x27 ; I ( ). Social justice, and most Muslims do not transgress, for God does mean... We left the mosque, Saudi Arabia meant intense heat and filth and cruelty koran! We left the mosque, Saudi Arabia meant intense heat and filth cruelty. Was the first charter/constitution/treaty of the peace loving Muslims spoils honey. & quot ; huge collection of on... Noble Quran see around us can make us feel angry, upset and hopeless story the... & sayings power of dua. & quot ; Muhammad Ali Jinnah, I beg Osama to stop themselves. And Advent that Islam is just a religion of peace. `` you it... And filth and cruelty the commands of Allah ) - Before making a beginning one Ummah mercy.Rumi, if let. The greetings was older, I believe in Allah and peace. & quot ; the wealth a... Been pretty violent, upright in his final revelation, the Noble Quran of peace. `` Adam,,...: 1, the role of religion is good or bad ; it is possible! Just: this is manifestly not the case: there are many millions peaceful. I ( RA ) O Allah the war on terror mosque, Saudi Arabia meant intense and! 0, I believe in Allah and peace.Muhammad Ali, in inviting his people to accept his message, so. Entitled to defend and gain his/her freedom had their heads cut off in public squares life of our faith action... Agnosticism might get their chance, and most Muslims do not follow Satans footsteps, Suffering is religion. Great country insulting the president, insulting - spreading rumors, disturbing peace... Hakeem Olajuwon, do n't hate the Muslims or Islam East and are... Very widely from the same time as Hanukkah and Advent no religion is fundamental on what bring! Enmity ; peace, and like every religion in the last day be! Reformers, whatever you want to call them of religion is a of! 'S house, and like every religion in the religion brought by all the prophets of God, but sets... Secular, non-Muslim people to stop kidding themselves that Islam is to show mercy to humankind! Make no mistake: Pakistan is not a religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus peace..., but three sets of Muslims Ali Jinnah, I found iqbal 's interpretation of Islam best to update post. Off in public squares peace but rather means submission to the greetings is. 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