random flashes of light in the night sky

random flashes of light in the night sky

We were on top a mountain, cant wait to get back there. Magnification effect on brightness of object Vs background of sky, BBC Sky at Night Observing Masterclass Series. Western PA. Many people will see occasional flashes of light, especially as they age. Also can rule out satellite activity as I see them all the time! They are very short but seem very bright. All of these comments make sense as far as being satellite sightings, however I have seen these same random flashes deviate from a straight line and ( 1 ) reverse, (2) turn as much as 90 degrees. There was no more flashes after that. It was fascinating, no explanation for statiinary light flashes among the stars, something none of us have ever seen before. It was in the same spot. It's easy! Very interesting. Very weird in opinion as I see them a lot in the same space in the nights shy. The next flash it was at the 8 o'clock position. A straight down vector meteorite obviously wont repeat, and my cam doesnt pick up the typical meteoric greenish glow of IR heat from these. I am trying to find logical explanations but the stationary sattelight doesn't ring truebut then I am no expert. It's also strangely always more or less in the same region, thought that's pretty much just the region you see when looking out from that window, but I'm frequently spotting other things like satellites, airplanes etc. I face the window at night, for the last two nights Ive seen a very bright star. Also, sprites are much larger than these single flashes. These are very poor videos for reference. My newest observation occured Thursday 13. Ive had a look at your video. No rhyme or reasonI want to know what these are! However Im no fool, and my depth perception is pretty legit, I knew this flash was VERY far. By coincidence, one out of 10,000 clovers have four leaves instead of the normal three. Then it just disappeared before dusk. I also have seen iridium flares but they usually fade in and out and last a bit longer. Everytime I 'm out imaging I normally see at least one or two. Theyre always stationary in the sky. Multiple people spotted a mysterious beam of light in the sky last week. The intensity of the flash is decreasing within a series, the start ist the brightest. However, that streak of light, seemingly exiting from area of flash, definitely wasnt a satellite and I was awake and sober. It's brighter than all other things I see in the night sky, though it could seem brighter than it is because it's in the corner of the eye or at least a bit off the focus. https://youtu.be/Ls98E2Alcvs Was looking for random meteors when all of a sudden this speck of light, just like a star, formed out of black sky, reached a magnitude of about -2 and quickly went out. This is my email if anybody has any knowledge about this. This is to ensure that when I record a flash, I give the recording long enough to record any subsequent strobe flashes from the airplane, if thats what it is that Im capturing. Last night November 26, 2022 around 7:00 PM New Jersey I glanced into night sky while outside with my daughter. Then it moved right a few degrees as the flash came from there and then left and 2 or 3 more flashes. Usually near to the same position in the sky but tonight I saw 2 in different parts of the sky. We checked radar and found no lightning flashes for 200 miles. We had clear sky, i saw many satelittes also crossing that area. Its very busy up there. What Im seeing matches exactly whats reported all down this page. Around 9:15 tonight I saw the same thing in the western sky, above the cluster of those 7 stars. I was just outside and observed the flash. These flashes have absolutely nothing to do with planes. https://youtu.be/bMAi6vuTQT8 still not sure what these things are? I just saw 5 flashes of light simultaneously all from the same point. This would imply that they are most likely satellites or space junk. What you saw could be drones as they are being used all over the place and have blinking lights but not like these flashes. Definitely not rocket bursts, youd never see the light from such a small power unit, those reposition bursts probably use less energy than a regular match, and wouldnt be so bright as to see from up there. I dont think a meteor head on would produce that effect. Either from the many small cube satellites that are up there nowadays or from older decommissioned satellites or space junk. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. I believe these are called Bolides? I felt that this thing or whatever it is.was tracking me. Like a small camera flash never in the same location. Last night I saw an odd one. I stargaze a lot. Thanks! From my garden a couple hours after sunset I can see many of them flashing in a line and in the same places. There was about 6 more flash. Made me think of a camera flash. An . Not moving satellites. November 24, 2014 in The Astro Lounge. I too have seen the unmoving pin-prick flashes. Im in Ireland, btw. Sorry, I should have welcomed you to SGL. Wed always stare at the stars together and track the ISS.. Called a bolide, these are meteors bright enough to flash and cast shadows, and they explore above your head several times each year. I watched this object for about 4 minutes until I could no longer see the flashes.This past Thursday, November 20th at around 7pm I saw flashing that has me totally stumped. I would love to know what it was! Subtler than bolides and less staccato than heat lightning, these electric lightshows are best seen in rural skies on moonless nights, especially from the northern third of the US. 'Dancing' lights: not the above then. I have no knowledge of the cosmos but I was so intrigued and my search brought me here. I. Im confused as to whether it is there it is something UFO like or or a natural phenomenon every video you had was completely different than different than what I have been experiencing and I cant find any videos that are similar to what I see I have a video and about 5 recordings of it Im not sure what to do but I really would love to talk to somebody and get down to it. Pacific Northwest sky north. So Im commenting from Queensland Australia, adding onto my last comment, it dosnt move, the constellations do but it stays in the same stop flashing every 50 seconds, sometimes its really bright then other it seems like its twice as far away, but every 50 seconds. One with a Canon SX130 IS, the other with a Canon SX 510HS. i counted 11 total. Thought it could be lightning, but dismissed that after longer observation. We saw a series of about 4 flashes in 20 minutes in varying spots. I have some information for you. They do not increase then decrease in brightness at all like a sat glint would. Who knows. Over the years Ive recorded many single flashes of light that are NOT airplanes. The flashes are usually very bright and always COOL WHITE like a strobe light. After a few seconds I realized that it was not Jupiter I saw, Jupiter was quite near the light, but somewhat lower in altitude. Or ..who knows. A curious phenomenon involving white flashes occurred yesterday Saturday 12th Nov 2022 around 7.45 pm to 7.50 pm EAT. Neighbour has watched them and commented on them several times too. And then I constantly get huge flashes in the sky or little flashes but you can tell that they are very far away So I know that they are huge in comparison or far away in comparison to where I am. I looked up the clear night sky and was watching the Ursa Major constellation when I noticed a very bright but quick flash in the arm area of the plough. Closeup, they can be spectacular and loud, but from a distance we just see a part of the sky light up. Hello all, this post has generated a substantial amount of comments and it might benefit from a better platform to discuss the subject. We often see comments about bolides (theseexceptionally bright meteors) reportedthe Almanac Meteor Guide. It mostly flashes rather sharply, similar to a camera flash but sometimes I also had the impression it was a bit slower like with a very short fade in/out. Over the years Ive imaged all of these TLEs with the same camera which Ive imaged the flashes in question. I just saw my probably 20th one of these straight up at 1030 pm EST. My husband only saw the last flash and he said it looked like a camera flash it was so bright. Ive been seeing them for over 6 years. Also they will flash gold or yellow sometimes. This light flashes around 9 or 10 times in a random pattern and stayed in the same spot for over 2 or 3 minutes. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. These flashes only occur once during the recordings. Professor of Science Director, Institute for Theory & Computation and is now heading up the https://twitter.com/GalileoProject1 with NASA. I was looking in the clear sky and saw A bright white flash in the form of a dot Approximately the size of what the moon would be at a pretty high azimuth. Mostly it's a single flash, but sometimes it repeated a second and rarely a third or fourth time. When I record a flash I always check on Stellarium (planetarium software) to see if there were any known satellites at the spot of the flash during the time recorded. I've seen brightening of the sky that I realized after a while was from distant searchlights. I turned my head looking above Mars. Im glad I found this, as I was starting to doubt my sanity for a split second there. Sign up for a new account in our community. When I see flashes like this, it's usually a plane turning. At first I thought it might have been my eyes playing tricks on me or a dim cloud covering a star but the night was pretty clear, and after the flash, the light disappeared. The musk train has a trajectory easy to follow. I live very close to an airport so I am very familiar with anything flying in relation to that. I see them too, im in Sparta TN, first time was two years ago, same area of sky but not in same place. Tonight there are pale flashes in the clouds. I did a random Google search and nothing really came up. 4;30 AM during a meteor shower. - Sign In or Create Account - Stationary Flashes in the Night Sky Portals to Hell S01E08 - 14th June 2019 Strawberry River B&B Inn, Uinta Basin, Utah sky ufo flashes portals to hell By ocpaul20, Can anyone shed a little light on this? It seemed like a small kinda dim star the flash was extremely fast if you werent staring right where it happened you would miss it. An hour later i tried my luck again (was hoping to see this again) and there it went, 2 or three flashes again. I am replying to your post because you seem to have a clear level mind and a rational take on the subject. Satellite tracking could help me to help solve these. To do that I leaned my head agains the wall of my house to keep my view stationary and watched the light until it started quite slowly to dim and become invisible. Generally, it seems to be very slow moving (for a satellite maybe its in a very high orbit?) Ive seen them before. We also saw a fire ball toward the East around 3Am. I went inside to get someone to witness this as well. Ive seen hundreds of satellites and hundreds of shooting stars. Very cool!! It was so rapid, that I did not see its origin, but only passing just above me and going behind me. Can you spot it? Still none the wiser. Other times I would see one moving across the sky slowly, I would say out loud, LIGHT UP! Maybe 5 or so. And nature creates flashestoo. See these flashes (flashbulbs) lets say quite regulary in austria where i live. Its almost exactly how that would go down if that was real. Possibly further than a satellite. For the first time in my life I witnessed the lone flash, and I am no "amateur astronomer" like the original post (plenty of astronomy jargon I did not understand) just a person who loves watching the stars. Then it moved up and it seemed further away because the flashes werent as bright. In that time, my husband and I both witnessed three instances of these single flashes. I think like others we have just assumed that geo-stationary satellites were far too far away to appear so bright. Do satellites use camera flash strobes at nighttime? Though, it is very weird how these are being spotted and why in certain conditions with certain characteristics. Thats a great representation of the flash phenomena as seen by my eyes. lie either. I saw something very similar about an hour ago, just above, and slightly to the left, of Venus. Ive been seeing it often then it disappears. Sometimes there will be two or three in a row in the same spot. Directly where I was looking in the sky, a single flash occurred it was very bright, but not light up the sky bright. Seeing stars photopsia symptoms and causes flashes of light in corner eye or peripheral vision seeing flashes of light spiritual they are your guardian angels why you see flashes floaters lights in your eyes health plus seeing flashing lights in eyes when to find treatment nvision eye centers spots and flashes eye doctor in elmhurst il why you . So i think most of these flashes are just satellites and debris, cool to see and some are quite spectacular! This is new and very notable. However i actually also saw the flash (2 times) which i connected to a moving object (like a sat) i could follow for a couple of seconds the it disappeared.. Ive just sent an email to MUFON to see if they have an explanation. That would also explain why this seems to be a recent phenomenon, although it doesnt explain why they appear stationary. What many others have described also dont sound like TLEs to me. Definitely brighter than stars, satellites or maybe even the ISS when directly above, but difficult to compare because those do not flash. They flash at the corner of my vision and to get my attention. I was looking more towards the West when I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. They occurred S, W, NW & NNW. but ever since then Ive always been searching the internet for similar sightings and even find myself waiting at night staring at the sky hoping to see another UFO. Light rays that you may see around lamps, headlights or streetlights may be a symptom of cataract or an effect from an intraocular lens (IOL) or refractive surgery. Unknown Bright Flashes of Light in the Night Sky | Sony A7s 4K AQUPAZ 5.37K subscribers 202 Dislike Share 18,534 views May 12, 2017 While looking out for meteor's on the night of May 12,. Alberta Canada here. Ive seen them in several different positions, not on the same trajectory, and within several seconds of each other, while being able, at times to see satellites at the same time in a different position, i see them mostly in winter due to the darker nights here in North Scotland, weird indeed. We took the family out to the desert to watch the perseids. As for what it is, there is only 1 explanation a geostationary satellite, but as for why it was flashing lots, no clue. Then 5minutes later 2 more flashes. Came looking for similar experiences hoping for an explanation. The video. I feel the same about tracking me. Could be a drone. For instance every 12 seconds at the same spot. We theorized a reflection from a satellite, but I think it was mentioned somewhere here why that might not be it. I wanted to think rationally but everything that came to mind didn't make sense. Maybe a transformer blowing? No motion. The 2 inches is relative the sky i imagine could be hundreds if not thousands of miles apart.. it was clearly in space. I think It cloaked it self. I recently relocated to a region in the inland eastern US and all of a sudden I am seeing a ton of the flashes. By the time my eyes move to where it seems to have occurred it's already gone. Ive seen these same flashes. I would love to know what they are. Why Do I See Random Flashes Of Light In The Dark. For instance every 15seconds for 2 or 3 minutes. Very strange indeed. Spotted shootingstars and airplanes too thats how i had to rule out airplanes because the blinking lights of an airplane would definitely have been seen for a longer time (not single flashes). I was just outside, staring at the sky and I said, Dad, if you can hear me.. give me a sign.. show me a shooting star or something. I have also noticed the craft that brighten when I ask aswell, then dissappear. I have tried to search info from the net, but I have not been very succesfull. I also think that there could be many other, possibility's. Very mysterious. Warriors / Life Designers. They could be satellites or space junk however, the satellite tracking apps tell me they should be visible for around 11 minutes! If any nearby star blew up, life on Earth might be threatened by the resulting radiation. Like a camera flash but 1000 times brighter and bigger and usually happens near the horizon. Iridium Flares Captured" link, and that was nothing like what we saw. I see something like that quite often, and it has increased over the years as space debris and sattelites has increased in numbers. First time poster? The flashes happened about every 30 seconds, I say flashes because at one point there were two flashes near to each other, one flashing after the other. Two times a single light and once btwo equally bright ones near each other (maybe 1-2 full moons width). Had a regular interval, but it was very long, like 2 plus minutes. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. How Far is the Most Distant Object in the Universe. Short, bright flashes like a camera flash. Started to try to look into it and gave up. I saw on 4th sept. 21 different series (~6) of flashes in different time-intervals (ranging from ~3 to ~12sec) always on the same spot in the nightsky. No warning, no starting out dim. A few seconds later it flashed again but it was directly above my car in the sky about 75 feet. It's also never a regular interval, anything between 2 and about 10 seconds. Yes. We watched it for about 30 minutes flash about every 40 something seconds. In most of my observations the falshes are literally on the very same spot. Theyre in LEO which requires movement. May 28, 2021 in The Astro Lounge, Does anyone know what are those random flashes we often see in the night sky ? Irregular in terms of timing, positions, etc. This was the first search result when I searched this and happy to see its not just me. And Im very well versed in aviation and plane spotting. Seeing stars photopsia symptoms and causes flashes of light in corner eye or peripheral vision why we see swirling colors when our eyes are closed the swaddle seeing flashes of light spiritual they are your guardian angels. Sometimes, if the night is very dark and clear, I can see the object. You will literally cut oxygen from your brain and see flashes next to planets etc. Mercury emerges as an evening "star" around the 10th, when it sets an hour after the Sun. Not in same spot or linear, more like a triangle formation each time. No crap? Ive seen them numerous times over the past 5 or 6 years but this time it wasnt in the sky. What do you call an amazing streak of light you can sometimes see in the night sky falling into Earth's atmosphere and burning up? I was standing upon my deck, waiting for my dog. @w4gon79 what do you see..? Its very odd but then we often have odd things happening in this area. Just a bright flash, like a very distant camera flash, then darknessno trail, no dim satellite moseying along, also the bright flash does not move like those in the link. Since a couple of months I regularly see flashes of lights in the night sky and wonder what they are. If you see one, well, that could be a sign well be in for a surprise: the most intriguing sky-flash of themall! I see at least one every time I am outside for an hour or so. I have absolutely no comprehension of what may have caused what I had seen. Hi mate, I doubt they are meteors, for it would mean they are all on exactly the same perfect front on projectory at every angle all over the world. The one to the right wasnt nearly as bright as the one on the left. Was looking for random meteors when all of a sudden this speck of light, just like a star, formed out of black sky, reached a magnitude of about -2 and quickly went out. Tonight I came searching because I just saw an extremely bright white flash that lit up the visible night sky of the porch Im sleeping on. When I thought maybe it was a trick of light I saw it again. There are several meteor showers a yearand even outside of those, if you spend enough time stargazing, youll see them. High altitude recon drones maybe, but not airplanes or helicopters of any kind. I see them every night when the sky is clear and I always wonder if they are satellites or maybe something more out of this world but it always leaves me standing there watching the night sky hoping to see something incredible but I always usually end up being puzzled by these strange lights. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_debris, http://www.universetoday.com/116598/flash-iridium-flares-captured-in-real-time-by-thierry-legault/, BBC Sky at Night Observing Masterclass Series. Of course, this doesnt mean that it couldnt be a satellite that isnt in the NORAD element files used by Stellarium or a piece of space junk. They wouldnt all come straight at you. it was not comets or gravel from say planet X what not, this was more machine like, space force? I have seen flashes at times at all hours after Sunset to Sun rise. I seen 4 flashes in a 10-15 min period all in one spot I have a night sky app and nothing showed up. The video was taken in Sedona, Arizona and shows a repeatedly flashing light moving quite slowly. Thats exactly what I see. https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChDTTeDpgDB/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= It is not a tumbling satellite neither do I think its a shooting star hitting head on. Very beautiful video footage if you follow the link, the satellite lightgetting so big and bright and then dimming back down. Same in NW Pennsylvania! By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. One of my hobbies is trying to catch them on a clear night and watch how fast their cruising. For that reason, the Urmah were found at several times in our solar system. Other times, they move with almost calculated movements. Rise up everyone. Thanks for your time. One theory is that they are meteorites hitting the atmosphere head on so its just a flash instead of a trail but sometimes the flashes happen two or three times in a row right in or right near the same spot so Im at a loss. I also saw a meteor shortly afterwards nearby in the sky. Ive seen the exact same type of flash in the same spot about 3 or 4 times in the last year. aug 16 2022. I saw a typicalcamera flash one, and then a second or 2 later there was another, a tad over from the first. If this is the wrong place for this topic I apologize. I will post that if I can. No, the entire sky does not light up. Then after a slightly longer period, yet another flash in exactly the same spot! While . I watch naked eyes and it cannot be glare or optical refraction. What can just sit out there in one spot like that? It looked like a dim star to my group who traveled to the equator to seeit. At magnitude -0.6, it is easily located in binoculars about five degrees to the upper left of Venus. I thought about that with the random flashes I have seen but someone told me that all meteors come in at an angle. The odds of a nearby star going ka-blooie before Labor Day is about one in10,000. Heat lightning is also common when high clouds are present. They are sometimes quite bright. I started seeing them in the spring of 2021, and those would glad once, usually, and were the silvery/ blue of stars. Its been super active in UPSTATE NY.. Just saw this tonight 8/30/2022 1am EST. What's more I have seen this twice now this week in the same or similar area of sky. One night l even said to myself now show yourself and it did . They were randomly flashing in different spots and at random intervals of times. My friends neighbor is an astronomy professor and Im hoping to get a chance to talk to him about these mysterious flashes of light, Please let us know what your neighbor thinks about the flashes , Ive been seeing these too. Everyone wants to call them Iridium flares, but what truly boggles my mind, is that sometimes the flashes will be stationary for what seems like several minutes. I have never seen one low to the ground before so now im completely at a loss as to what it may be. He watched for about 30 seconds. It is like an LED light: instant on, holds for maybe a quarter of a second at most, then instant off. Always wondered what they were which is why Im here. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. It seemed to me to have come directly from the area I was watching. I thought I was going mad. Not the first time, either. Sometimes it will flash off to the side of my vision as if it wants to get my attention. When lightning is not responsible, the flash may have a true celestial originan exploding meteor. The Flas last for about 1 to 1.5 secs and looks like a slow camera flash wtf, never seen these in the sky. It boggles my mind. Custom programming and server maintenance by Reinvented Inc. What Are Lightning Sprites? I cannot find out what these are. This year I and my friends have seen similar lights three times, all lasting a few seconds. Based on the responses it seems as though the flashes may just be the debris floating around our planet catching and reflecting light, or a meteor coming straight towards earth, or maybe the collision of the debris? The first words out of his mouth after the flashing had stopped was, "What the hell was that?". First time ever seeing something like this in my life of stargazing, it was on 8/15/22 and Im currently in northern California. Except this single flash happened exactly every 17 seconds we watched it for about 30 minutes or so. I also saw 2 on the western horizon a dusk one time. These take place between an hour to 3 hours after Sunset. This evening, Mercury stands at greatest elongation, 20 degrees east of the Sun. and I looked again. It is more as if you are in a dark football stadium and one person up in the stands takes a picture with flash. Tonight, having a smoke in the garden at midnight, clear dark sky, I saw a flash in the corner of my eye. A cirrostratus veneer acts like a mirror and can reflect a lightning bolt from 50 miles away. (I use to know the name, forgive me). Hey Joel, Have you considered Iridium flashes. A few years ago I would have suggested Iridium satellites, but the ones that produced these very bright flashes are currently being or already have been de-orbited. Thanks for sharing this. I just looked out my home office window and go flashes like a camera flash was outside almost like a strobe light that you see on the school bus so thats what I assumed it was and I looked outside and it didnt seem to come from anywhere. I usually gaze north but have also seen it rarely in other parts of the sky that I also rarely gaze at. We stargaze every night. The second one was either pink or violet, darker in the center, and shot a pink or violet beam out to the side. I also see them, same like you said in your comment, no repeat of where or Usually looking either East or north. They did not move all were stationary. I have also studied the UFO phenomenon fairly extensively and these fit the unidentified qualifier, but theres likely a very scientific explanation. I have seen these single pulses in western PA. also. Ive seen satellites flash before especially the musk star link satellites. stat. They kinda remind me of when startrek comes out of hyper space, Has anyone thought of the possibility of sprites Ive seen these also and came to the conclusion that they may be sprites like this, https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://weatherboy.com/rare-sprites-and-jets-photographed-above-thunderstorm/&ved=2ahUKEwjDgfiR7fnzAhWPuJ4KHelmCM8QFnoECDkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0SOcXLNBOj9kvJjXSIDyDW. Much like a re-entering space ship would do if it was at the wrong trajectory? Hello Im from south central PA and Skywatch almost on a daily basis for short periods of time. Tonight the sky is full of meteors, but Ive seen ships up close and afar and bright flashes of light from nowhere. I saw two of these single point flashes in 2018 while I was living in Mt Shasta, CA. I didn't want to ask this on a UFO website where every single person said it was Aliens. Exactly! Aug 9, 2018 #1 Since a couple of months I regularly see flashes of lights in the night sky and wonder what they are. I have never witness that type of reaction before or since from a pulse. Auroras, too, can cook up impressive ghostly flashes. I also see a tiny flick of light which lasts for barely a millisecond. I saw the flashes tonight. Just a flash and back to black. Completely random timing, and in different spots in the sky every time! Ive seen that! It isnt lightening, Ive checked the radars and weather satellites and there is no storm action or lightning around anywhere near here. Ive seen numerous strange objects but the best by far was a rectangle with the bottom two corners turned up it flashed accross Perths sky a few times then it split in the middle without splitting and both sides started to flap, like a bat or bird, and it flew like that accross the night sky (it was the brightest white colour). Very brigh and very quick Sometimes seeing an occasional flash in the night sky can be explained by fragments entering our atmosphere. Hi It did not move at all. I have been seeing them this year in central Texas. I started seeing the flashes this year (2022), usually between 8 and 10 PM ET. But I see two different ones and it looks like it thrust towards atmosphere then getse bright one more time but further away then stays lit like its flying further away. This was about 10pm. That whatever I had seen accelerated so fast, I only had seen the latter movement, so to speak. They are not of human origins. I have seen two "point meteors", i.e. fascinating. Just saw an unexplained flash 8:09 pm Arizona time, Nov 2 2022. or? People see them with me but not on their own. If the light is flashing, it indicates that there is network activity. Over the past few nights Ive seen several of these pings in the night sky generally in the west, around 10 11pm but could be all the time I guess? Satellites that appear to project a large light ring around them. 10th November 11:09 pm West/South West sky from the Kapiti Coast New Zealand 7 bright flashes On /Off bright white light I may have seen more than 10 in the span of like two minutes time. At the end of the clip I added the latest capture of a flash captured on my low light camera from a few nights ago. It wasnt a round flash either, it was more like pointed in several directions, if that makes sense. Very odd? Were never too surprised when the night sky has a sudden flash. These flashes were a magnitude of about 2. I also saw one single flash today in Switzerland and one about 2 weeks ago in Poland. A airplane would show a long trail of linking lights if captured at 30 seconds. I quickly shifted my focus onto that spot and about 5 seconds later saw another flash in the exact same location. Ive been watching just near Orions belt for about 3 hours now, its a consistent single flash every 50 seconds. I am on a Oahu right now. Then it flashed again at the same height but to the left then a final flash even further to the left. If I watch long enough Ill see flashing phenomena, satellite-similar phenomena (one course direction but disappearing and reappearing). So .. again unlikely for a propulsion system. BUT tonight I saw something different. with pro subscriptions. Not Planes. I dont remember the exact days or times but both were in the first two weeks of September 2022. I think what most people are talking about here are quick, bright pulsesnot really a ball, and no streak. They seem to be randomly placed. Looked like a star blipped in and out of existence. I got up at 12:30 and saw the star, I got up again at 2:44 and saw it again, as I was getting up it started to blink and move, I watched it move out of sight when I reached the window to see where it went it was gone. Flashes in the Sky: Earth's Gamma-Ray Bursts Triggered by Lightning February 17, 2005 A great mystery was set in motion a few years ago when a spacecraft designed to measure gamma-ray bursts - the most powerful explosions in the Universe - found that Earth was actually emitting some flashes of its own. I can estimate speeds and altitudes of aircraft and satellites. Flashes of light in the night sky Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! We have been seeing the flashes for years. Random bright light flashes in the night sky. - Sign In or Create Account - Flashes of light in the night sky. The first time I witnessed anything similar was in 2012 in Tulum, Mexico. Those have very distinct events (green sky, lightning, rad poisoning, etc). More on wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_debris. Sprites last less than half a frame which is less than 19ms. Sept 27 8:3pm. The flashs had to be 150 times brighter than anything else in the sky. They seem to respond to my thoughts; I will ask to see them, then they flash. For years Ive been witnessing single flashes, grouped flashes that seem almost communication like flashes, very close up beach ball sized illuminated things that just suddenly disappear, theres definitely something going on. It was followed a few seconds later by a short, single boom. After 5 minutes or so as I was looking NW a single pure white blink just to the left of my direct line of sight. But hopefully this isn't the wrong site for such a topic as this. Last month it was a perfectly round ball, bright orange with flames at its front. I live in indiana and this is the second time in 2 years Ive looked up at the sky while driving and on a straight road I look up at the sky and see a ball of light that just shows up then zips off and almost immediately disappears. I didn't want to tell the story without someone else seeing these flashes. How about the usual suspects: military aircraft activity, high altitude weather ballooons? Hello. When I was younger me and my friend actually saw an enormous UFO with large rectangular windows and could see humanoids in the windows because it was so close to us about a hundred feet above my neighbors house and was total silent as it hovered there shining this bright beam of light across the sky over my neighborhood in Newport Kentucky at the golden tower apartment building in Covington before Vanishing before my eyes but when I saw it I thought it was the end of the world and I have never been more terrified in my life but the crazy thing about the whole incident was that surprisingly there were no other Witnesses to photograph this thing or even make a report about the incident besides me and my friend when we got to school that morning we told everyone about it drew hundreds of pictures of it but no one believed us and everyone thought we were nuts haha but we know what we saw and it was as terrifying as it was incredible. Injury. It's brighter than all other things I see in the night sky, Not so much startled by the name of an Egyptian Goddess being blasted into my mind but more so due to her uncanny resemblance to a figure I'd. Hi James, your not the only one, I believe you mate, I live in Kent south east England, on my way to work one morning around 4 am I encountered a huge black equilateral triangle slowly moving towards me, turned and went straight above me, pastel shades of pinkish blue lights, I was gobsmacked and very humbled to witness this thing. On the first clipthere is a cosmic ray detected by the CCD as well. Unlike winter clouds which are generally widespread and stratiform, the warm summermonths often find clear skies in one community while billowing puffy thunderstorms eruptnearby. In some cases I find a match (usually an Iridium satellite) for the flash confirming that it was a satellite that caused it. I dont think thats possible? Tonight we have seen about 6 already within 2 hours. I made another time-lapse which caught a bout 5 or more flashes in a two hour period over 500 photos at in austria) or any IR flares. Primarily because the statistical chance of three coming in like that is vanishingly negligible. In 2017 (If I remember correctly), I believe it was when a Chinese satellite was losing orbit, almost same time in evening (9 9:15 pm)and nearly same track, could watch flashes (about 7-9 seconds apart) track from west to east. The closest supernova in our own lifetimesthe only one visible to the naked eyehappened in 1987 and lay a safe 700,000 lightyears away in an adjacent dwarf galaxy. Last I saw was just briiight white light and then it was gone. Except for theres absolutely no sound and it appeared that the flash was probably very very high in atmosphere. lostheadphones . So, I have actually been to the dr about it, since for the longest I was the only one seeing them. I could just detect the feint satellite, in my 10x50 bins, travelling north. I see them frequently in the UK around the Big Dipper between 10 pm and 1 am. So, I'm reasonably familiar with 'observing stuff' in the night sky. Very curiousbut also, in a mysterious, quiet kind of way, very beautiful. You must log in or register to reply here. There are a lot of debris in orbit that can reflect light. Iridium satellite flashes in the sky - YouTube, Meteor fireball lights up the night sky over Perth, Western Australia -- Sott.net. No idea what it was tho, just lucky it was exactly where I was looking at the time, The students rushed out to watch but were overcome with fear I thought it was a spinning reflection from the ISS since it is being sighted in Nairobi this week and used that speculation to calm down the students. Unlike anything I have ever seen before. Would love to know what it was. The satellite was tumbling and catching the sun. I always wondered about meteors coming straight in. X37B unmanned space force vehicle? My initial thought was that its from the DLR tracks near Greenwich/Deptford way, but it just seems too bright to be that or planes. Random bright flashes - General Observing and Astronomy - Cloudy Nights Posts: 100 Joined: 09 May 2021 Loc: Cleveland, Tennessee, USA Posted 11 September 2021 - 09:35 AM Hi, thank you all. I saw one of these flashes this morning, around 6am Eastern Time here in Central Virginia. Ill report back after a while if anything significant occurs. Ive seen these quick, bright almost like a camera flash many times before. Hey Jon, ive seen alot of these flashes, most are one time flashes which I originate to satellites, ive seen brighter flashes tho, that does not go in a straight line, it piqued my interest so I went in to grab my star binoculars, took me three days to see something similar again. I do still spend a small amount of time sky-gazing with my naked eyes. These flashes happen way to often for them to go unnoticed by the thousands of academic cameras trained at the skies around the world. Saw sky-flashes aswell. I could see stars directly around where these flashes occurred and had seen several planes that night also so the cloud cover wasnt obscuring the source of the flashes and I saw nothing that would have caused them. Interesting to find this page with others all over the world witnessing this same new mysterious phenomenon, I too searching for answers. Hello, I found this page searching for answers online too. Could they be shooting stars coming directly at a focal point? Im currently watching two of those lights for the last hour. Last time there was seven flashes from one satellite traveling near Cassiopeia after the last flash. 1121 Main Street | P.O. However, Ive seen this and also have seen one or two stragglers well outside that can ring. Perhaps we just need to ask for them to show themselves. 10 seconds per exposure. Starlink satellites are always moving and are not in GSO/GEO. On my second night using them, I found the same phenomena. Hi Nor, I sure have. Usually a series of flashes about 20 seconds apart and from the same general direction. That makes some sense with what is observed, but Im not sure the really bright flashes could be explained with concentrated photons. It did not move and looked stationary but was really quick and reminded me of a camera flash in the distance. Exact same thing here kimberly! Ive seen these single flash events with my naked eye many times. Then again in the same place several seconds later. Before I saw it I thought to myself show yourself and then it happened. Saw just a few of these camera flashes in the night sky too. What I have learned though is that geostationary satellites cant be seen as bright objects immediately visible with naked eye. Agree in the U.K. in Berkshire, seen the flashes on 3 consecutive days, but in different area on the 3rd day 1st day 8pm before BST started, in the area of the 2 stars just down from the Plough/Dipper, the next day in the Plough/Dipper at 9pm after BST started, 2 days later in a different area completely and lower down in the horizon than before, different time of the evening, later on. Not really. Would love a scientific explanation to this because its wigging me out! every few seconds. The time was 10.20pm (GMT+1) and skies were clear. That's when i thought it's maybe some tumbling object like a satellite reflecting the sun. However if you tilt your head back long enough, and you look very closely hard enough. Got me intrigued. I am neither joking nor crazy. Many reported seeing bright flashes of light between 1 and 4 a.m. Thursday. You don't see it, then when you do it's dim and then quickly gets brighter then back to dim and eventually not visible. You get occasional flashes from sunlight reflecting off solar panels of (rotating) satellites, although you then also see the (fainter) trail of the satellite. meteors coming straight at the observer. A tiny pin prick of light that flashes just once incredibly fast. I was being driven dangerously fast in a Blue sports car, by an unknown woman, in top gear, before overshooting a corner, crashing into deep water and then drowning [after helping her to escape through the sunroof]. Hi Steve, have you linked your footage anywhere? I never managed to have it focused with my eyes, it's always off by some degrees, so i also can't tell if it is moving. I think its geo-stationary satellites, theyre just shinier than expected. I was looking NE After approximately 5 minutes again a similar flash but directly in my line of sight as if I were looking at it intentionally. A few nights ago I saw this flashing phenomenon consistently happening on/off in the same stationary place for about 5-6 seconds. I see it's an old thread but has recently be posted to. No trajectory, no periodicity. A satellite isn't going to dance around like that. Copyright 2021 Stargazers Lounge Weve ruled out the regular possibilities such as satellites and high flying planes. after the flash out came a light orb that stayed lit for a short period of time, unlike a shooting star or comets with faster longer streaks and unlike satellites with slower speeds. As others have mentioned in this thread, they look like bright, white camera flashes. Would really like to point nice size telescope to take the light spectra and see if its sunlight or other light. I have had life long ufo encounters and feel this is connected; very happy to hear of someone else having the same experiences! Few minutes later, another three quick flashes that faded on the third flash. I saw what you are taking about last night. Plus the objects are more or less static. Rightly or wrongly, Silver, Blue and Car [KA] dream symbols have been interpreted as Cassiopaean / Pleiadian prompts? Even if for a momentary flash, the movement would be perceptible in my opinion. I always focused on a area from my POV around VEGA where those flashes happened. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. We saw them flying grid patterns over the national forest one night. I also saw these quick bright flashes a couple of nights ago. Automatically I said "whoa". I was looking at the direction of Vega when a bright star appeared maybe 5-7 degrees to the north of it and a bit lower from then horizon (5 degrees max.). Flashes remained in roughly same spot for about 30 minutes then appeared to move some distance and remain stationary again. Amateur astronomy is my #1 hobby. I use Stellarium, Night Sky, Star Walk, Flight Radar 24, RadarScope, etc. I figured it was a bright meteor. Such amorphous flickers of light are common in July and August. This would imply that they are most likely satellites or space junk. Looking for an explanation of what I saw in the night sky when I let the dogs out about an hour ago in Western Downs, Qld, Australia led me here. I stayed out for another 10 min or so and saw nothing else. I watched for about a minute. Searchlights Shining Beams Light Into Sky Stock Fooe 100 Royalty 16788958 Shutterstock. I am going to look for more now Ive read this post thank you. The fact that they can be observed to flash multiple times in the same spot makes all but geo-stationary satellites not possible as they would streak or they wouldnt produce multiple flashes in the same place. We keep wondering if it could be military. I am visiting Culca canyon, Peru this week and we also noticed these flashes tonight while sitting in the hot springs. I found this page because I was trying to figure out what we saw last night. It was right near Alpha Capricorni. Same here in the U.K. Does anyone know anything about this? A streak of light passed above me at incredible speed. Around Orions belt area and further away. We have not been able to notice any movement of the lights agains the background stars. My only good theory is a sat with a pulsed laser aimed at the Earth, but thats just a good guess. At one point he shines a laser at the exact area of the sky that the light is flashing. Cheers. Referencing the poor quality video I captured, the star/ object remained in the same position and flashed this sporadic light for 30 second and disappeared. I see these too. Yet to see any pattern though. Logo: the lion. In the Netherlands. My personal email is neumanara1@yahoo.com. My brother is in AZ and reported the exact same phenomena to me yesterday. Weve seen these flashes for years now during all weathers. Keep looking up. Look up Iridium flare. sky; lights . Thanks for your input. They flash with purpose. I live in the southwest of England ,now l go out every night and sit for fifteen minutes and sure as day l see them . Just a flash and back to black. Got my camera but it never came back. Or from the nearby trainlines. Flashes of light or floaters can be a symptom of diabetic retinopathy. For a number of years now I have been using a Watec 902H low light CCTV camera for monitoring lightning related phenomena. Ill stop asking for signs so much if you just give me an obvious sign you can hear me. Less than a minute later, in the exact spot I was looking I saw one of those single flashes. I live in Reno Nevada and Im facing towards Area 51 and I wonder. The flashes in question are not cosmic rays hitting the CCD chip. It pulsed every 11 seconds on the dot. Definitely not planes or satellites. Very bright and distant. I have observed this random quick flashes for months now. I used to be quite obsessed by Iridium Flare spotting and additionally spent a few years ticking off as many satellites on the Heavens Above database as I could. Ive never seen a warm white or any specific color flash. The longest similar kind of a stationary bright light I have seen lasted for about a minute. The flashes are always cool white, but not any blue hues. Whereas the flashes we are discussing here last much longer than half a frame. They appear in the sky when I asked them to. Thought it was maybe a rotating satellite catching sun but it was more like a giant flash. Which was followed by a transition in perspective from dying in the car to then assisting in the recovery of my body- at which point the scenario rotated to being shown the front of the car where a Subaru emblem was very pronounced. 5 seconds later it flashed again at the skies around the 10th, when it sets an or. Reflection from a better platform to discuss the subject few seconds later another... 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