sharp nerve pain on top of foot

sharp nerve pain on top of foot

No real pain otherwise. Im so relived to read these accounts. Nerve pain on the top of your foot can also be caused by a structural abnormality such as a bone spur or a cyst or other lesion which contributes pressure to an adjacent nerve. After about 10-15 minutes it was gone completely. Im interested in the bowel movement relationship, because a year ago I had similar pains but in my calf, like sciatica, that were definitely related to pressure in my bowel before I went to the bathroom. I have exactly the same thing you have. nerve impingement or compression. I havent had an accident or injury or repetitive movement to cause this to happen. It worries me that so many of you have had tests but nothing shows up. Seems like it is on the top front portion of the base of the tibia. Often, unexplained nerve pain is worseat night, interfering with sleep. Its a matter of finding the nerve location that is inflamed or pinching that is causing this to occur. For me the pain seems to follow bad sitting posture. I tried the stretchesalthough maybe the intensity of the pain was better, but they are still occurring. I dont think I could handle it if it were to last any longer with the same intensity. It comes on totally unexpected and disappears in just a second or two. Im so relieved to see people still posting here. It usually happens when Im walking. Please go to and search for symptoms of this. Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, usually in one joint, that begins suddenly. The authors have done their best to provide the most up-to-date evidence-based information, but this content should definitely not be considered any type of medical standard. I have been dealing with the exact same pain as has been described above. so, could be high blood sugar. I too have been feeling the pain lately and went in search of answers. I will pray that the chiropractor can keep the pain level at a minimum. I first had this about a year ago. Its lingers when Im sitting or laying down, seems better when Im walking. Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. You shd not deal with it alone. The stabbing pain is due to severe nerve pinching. The pain is on top of my right foot where my leg meets my ankle takes my breath away and brings me to tears. I eat healthy do not smoke and only occasionally have a glass of wine. Patients with a cyst may require aspiration of the fluid and/or steroid injection in order to shrink the cyst and alleviate symptoms. Nerve pain on the top of your foot can also be caused by a structural abnormality such as a bone spur or a cyst or other lesion which contributes pressure to an Everyone deserve a quality sleep. Had ultrasound done and saw doctor today. I just started experiencing this pain in my left ankle over the past week or so. Even multiple times in a short walk inside my office. Feel like ants crawling on your body. Again I am not 100% sure about my logic here but since none of the doctors can tell me exactly what cause my sudden acute pain in my left ankle so I think it must be complicated or at least a multiple root causes driven illness. Have you found a solution? It may also be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight and some Yesterday there were less incidents, shorter, and the pain was almost bearable. 2022 Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic. You feel fatigued and may have trouble sleeping. Makes me wanna cry and I pray it goes away. Foot pain + bladder problems = HUUUUGE RED FLAG!!! I had those sharp pains frequently in 2 weeks after, less in week 3, and now I'm 4 weeks post op and still have them, but very infrequently. WebDifferent Types of Pain The pain is typically localized in the muscle itself, and it usually hurts when you use the muscle. Osteoarthritis Treatments, Healthline web site;, last accessed February 11, 2016. Often asked: How To Relieve Pain From Heel Of Foot? It lasts for a couple of minutes but the pain never really goes away. Best wishes to all!! Use the googles for more info. This area is called the Sinus Tarsi. How you can ease pain in the top of your foot. Maybe Ill try giving up caffeine for a bit. Ive tried the stretches but that hasnt helped. Nothing seems to help, water, heat, pain relievers, etc., Went to a Bio-mechanical doctor who thought it was caused by my shoelace being too tight across the ankle. My pain has been so much better since I started chiropractic care too. It might come back again in a minute, or not come back for an hour or two. I have had x-rays that show abosolutely nothing. There certainly is no harm in cutting out artificial sweeteners. In these patients, it I saw Amys post about it being peripheral neuropathy and it might account for some. Is there anything that can be done to alleviate the pain? It was not swelling, but when I touch it lightly it is so painful as well. Meanwhile the pain continues almost daily the past 2 months and of o touch my skin anywhere along my rib cage it sets off pain in my ankle( ans sometimes it pulses without any touch or reason). I suffer from the same pain described above. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Most of it is from a bad car wreck in 2008 and following surgeries to put my legs back together. . It is sharp and you may feel pain on the skin above the nerves as well. Seeing a podiatrist Monday but maybe i will also go to my dermatologist because i have psorasis too and this could be arthritic psoriasis. Sometime it is months between episodes, but sometime I get a couple of them a month. I get the pain on my left foot just below my ankle, wont get t for months and then it starts again.. this is the first time its been going on day 2, it started yesterday just little pulsating pain,then last night full blown electrical shock dibilitating pain that last for about 5 seconds at a time every 10 to 15 minutes all night into today now and Im at work.. Capsulitis is a condition that is categorized by inflammation in the ligaments of the second toe. Why do I have to have weird shit??? Wish i had of! Calfs might be tight as well. In the case of sudden attack , nothing could be done. I wore flat shoes all day today which is rare. About a week ago, when I woke up in the morning, the pain killed me, I couldnt move my left leg at all because as soon as it moved just a little bit, it felt so painful that I needed to scream. Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, like diabetic neuropathy, usually causes numbness in the hands and feet. today was the worst ever where the pain kept coming like contractions about 3 to 4 minutes for about an hour and a half. Hurting less, but throbbing for up to 30 seconds. 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. For me, occurs when I use artificial sweeteners (including stevia). The pain will dissappear in a second but it will repeat every few minutes. Cold leg. About15 million to 20 million Americans are believed to have some form ofnerve pain, in most cases without a definite cause. All of those are good descriptions. Meaning both causes must be present to trigger acute left ankle pain. Then I went back to carbs, regained all my weight and the stabbing pains in my toes started to come back, and then approx. Some people with nerve damage are often hypersensitive to temperature and to touch. I was in a car accident 9/2017 and have cervical nerve damage on the right side as well as an impingement in my right shoulder. Doesnt look like the medical community is ready with anything approaching a solution of their own yet. They did some therapy on my back to help reduce the muscle inflammation surrounding my spine as well as cracking my back and legs. Hope you find a cure soon ! Please keep posting!! This is crazy that with all these same symptoms they cant figure out what is causing the pain. One thing Ive noticed is that the pain seems to be less or subside if my foot is in a flexed position (rather than pointed). I will try cutting back on the caffeine. Smith, G. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, March 2006. I dont do sugar substitutes, at all. Its especially worse at night and I havent had any good sleep since its started. Now, it seems more frequent and i cant seem to figure out why. Other times it happens up to 10 times in one day. And I thought it is a gout. Its no fun. Or it may send excessive and inappropriate pain messages. Unexplained nerve pain may still be due to nerve damage that occurred at some point, but current medical knowledge and testing can't say how, when, or why. At the time of attack , I was having the best time in my life. In my case it was due to nerve injury around the neck caused by big shock and vibration during drilling/wall hacking activities that I did. WebThese can be really painful. Docter determined it is from a sprained ligament near ankle. The cause of this painful problem is due to compression or impingement of a sensory nerve or nerve branch located on the dorsal (top) of your foot. How do you relieve pain on the top of your foot? These all helped and the attack became less painful, then went away within 24 hours. I would get your L4 L5 checked. Once the pain came while I had my right foot lifted and all my weight was on my left leg. Feeling like youre wearing a tight glove or sock. No one understands when I describe it. Interestingly, I have just started getting a similar sharp pain in my wrist it seems OK one minute but then I go to lift something and the pain shoots through my wrist and arm I am careful not to hold a cup with my one hand in case the pain makes me drop a hot liquid. Thank you for your support of this channel!This is opinion only:For the viewer or reader: Do not consider this video as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Its definitely has to be nerve issue I think. I havent experience any trouble with my back in the last month or so, so I wouldnt think it was related. I had this stabbing pain in left ankle in 2017 and now fully understood the cause and have recovered since then. I exercise regularly and am at a healthy weight. This is called unexplained (idiopathic) nerve pain, or idiopathic neuropathy. How it helps arthritis, migraines, and dental pain. I suddently got the symptom after I do wall hacking which injured both my neck and ankle. The foot is composed of numerous bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons, almost all of which are closer to the top of your foot than the sole. The answer requires some slight explanation of anatomy. If there is something physical related issue somewhere in the feet it should be present all the time or a few hour at least. Then if normal she said it would be classified as idiopathic and I have to decide how I want and if I want to take meds for it that all have terrible side effects. People describe their unexplained nerve pain in different ways: Simple touching can cause nerve pain, and pain may be constant even when there's no stimulation. OMG! Take hot shower bath before bedtime. I had it for awhile, stopped using splenda and the pain went away, but now its back must be a nerve thing. My palm , arm, neck , back then leg. It started again about a couple of months ago. Im just wondering if anyone has found out a definite cause yet. This inability could reflect an abnormality in No more stabbing pain. Thank you for your prayers, and I will pray for you too!! Then again. We review pain on top of the foot when walking or running and the BEST top of foot pain treatment!Is the top of the foot numb? Nothing that I can tell exacerbates the pain and nothing alleviates it. Can everyone here who have experienced left ankle pain without knowing the cause share info bellow with me ? Extremely dangerous when driving as I need to pull over and stop. I cant figure out any common theme to the occurrences. I am about 30lb overweight, and I do drink lots of Pepsi plus 2 cups of coffee a day. The mild pain in my left ankle also follow the food that I consume. Your surgeon can remove the damaged section and reconnect healthy nerve ends ( nerve repair ) or implant a piece of nerve from another part of your body ( nerve graft). From: I have been getting these pains on my left ankle for about 3 weeks now. The spasms have been better this past weekonly feel twinges here and there. In others, the pinched nerve becomes damaged due to injury or other trauma and must be treated to provide relief. I had stabbing pain in the side of my left arch. So many people having the same problem as me! Despite MRI show some mild nerve compression around neck and lumbar doctor would not make a call that this was the cause of the stabbing pain. I too have this raised vein. While it has a scary sounding name, this condition is benign and fortunately highly treatable. Treatment consists of stretching the calf muscles to reduce it effect of flattening the foot, oral anti-inflammatory medication, cortisone injections, functional orthotics and occasionally surgical exploration. I was told to wear a brace and possibly a boot to keep it immobilized, & take ibprofen. Goes away when I stop using them. Keep us updated as to the treatment and whether it resolves or not. Peripheral Neuropathy This condition can result in pain on top of the feet and a lack of sensation that can travel from the feet up to the legs. I am amazed at how many have had this same problem and no one has a definite diagnosis. I usually try to put all my my weight on the ball of my foot and it slowly goes away. Well it is caused by a nerve injury and should be recovered by itself with 12 months unless the cause/activity that cause nerve injury is not stopped. I am now almost fully recovered from the left ankle pain without knowing exactly why. After a couple of nights it would go away but then come back some time later. Dont you think so ? WebWhen the nerve damage hits the feet or legs, its called peripheral neuropathy, the most common type of diabetic neuropathy. Getting an MRI next. A sharp pain (like being ice picked) in my left ankle, there for a couple seconds making me cry out each time and then gone as if nothing happened! Thats great Mike! I first had this about a year ago. They only last a couple of minutes but it is scary. I mentioned to him that I found this website and other people have the same problem. It took s couple months of visits. For me its an extremely sharp stabbing pain. Having had an excellent and copious lamb dinner with wine and with a history of gout attacks in the main ankle joint I woke at a quarter to four in the morning with a light throbbing in the point described above. I thought about going to the ER, but decided against it. Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment,;, last accessed February 11, 2016. At that time, my thyroid was inflamed so I thought that was the cause. Maybe many months but always come back. Although I seriously fear nerve conduction studies and the pain, I think I will make an appointment and ask to be checked for Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy. Whenever the pain attacked, I can still walk with bearable pain. Ive been getting the random sharp pains in the outside of my right ankle. Very sorry to hear about the Crohns disease, I hope you find some good help for that. The pain was so strong that I wasnt sure if it was also on the side of my foot the lateral outside side mostly. What do doctors prescribe for nerve pain? I know i have pinched nerves, some bulging discs, arthritis. How can you tell if you have nerve damage in your foot? The issue is finding what is out of line further up in my back/neck that is causing this pain. Ive been know to cuss really loud when the pain hits. Do you have numbness, burning, or tingling on the top of the foot? I also do get numbness in my fingers, particularly if Im leaning on 1 arm or elbow and often when Im sleeping, even though I sleep on my back. Your lateral foot pain could be linked to peroneal tendonitis, i.e. This fleshy area is a small muscle called the Extensor Digatorum Brevis. How does it related to acute left ankle pain ? Got myself to the emergency room and of course the pain stopped and no matter how much you move the foot or touch it no pain.. Had xrays nothing.. scheduling a MRII have had this for about 4 months now and can go days without an episode when I do have an episode once it is over my foot is fine.. Any more thoughts on this? So for now Im just in a wait and see mode. They are 8 orthopedic , 2 neuron specialist , 1 Haematologist (specialized in blood) , 5 general doctors I have consulted with but none of the doctors able to narrow down the cause. Really all Im doing is keeping this monster at bay. I have the same problem. I have had spinal fusion when I was 28 years old, Im now 65 and have been free of back pain all these years. I am at a osteoporosis, arthritis, spur and no breaks. Underneath the muscle there is a small canal between two bones. They hit randomly and pulsate sharp stabbing pains for around 10-30seconds, then leave, and then come back again sometimes minutes later, hours, or even days later. And this is making me nervous. I feel like we need to find out the problem on our own. Once these tendons become torn or inflamed they can easily lead to one experiencing a great deal of top foot pain. I will pray for you all, I know how terrible this pain is. I have had a strikingly similar pain on the inside of my right ankle, right below my ankle bone. These posts have been very helpful hope you all are feeling better. Dr. thinks its from type 2 diabetes,diagnosed in 2017, but I have had it ever since I was given Leviquin for an infection I got in an open wound while in the hospital in 2008. Some how this help to reduce the occurrence of stabbing event significantly. It was really bad. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to seeing what the test results are. I have no cause or reason for the pain. This can compound the problem, because people need adequate sleep in order to cope with pain. For me left ankle, just above actually, on the little fleshy bit on outside on ankle but inside the ankle bone if that makes sense. Not related to meals. Gouty arthritis is caused by the deposition of crystals of uric acid in a joint. It wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes. I do have bad arthritis and it is in a flare at the present time. I assume if it persisted I would have seen a specialist and maybe had some tests done to try to sort it out. Around that time I commenced a strict ketogenic diet and that pain didnt repeat once the tenderness healed and the toe stabbing ceased. I reacted to it like a cramp, but nothing alleviates it. How can you tell the difference between muscle pain and nerve pain? Eventually, the covering of the nerve starts to break down and fluid leaks into the nerve, causing swelling and inflammation. I am a 59 year old female and the pain is on the inside of my left ankle. It was annoying, because it might disappear completely for a few hours. Will keep everyone posted. Its crazy. Had me in yelping and on the floor pressing my ankle to try and subside the pain (doesnt work, but thats about all there is to do). The irregular throbbings became much more insistent and painful preventing any further sleep. Others describe it as pins and needles or as a stabbing sensation. I have Advil on standby, but I try to take that as little as possible. Last night while driving, the first one hit. they only last a few seconds. Extreme sensitivity to touch. For what it is worth, I think in my case this might have been caused or heavily contributed to by the way I am forced to sleep on my back without moving (CPAP) and the heavy winter blankets bent my feet away from the vertical and toward the lower end of the bed. Never did I drink so much beer and wine in my life. This happened to me a few days ago after being on my feet for 10hrs in relatively comfortable (not well arch supported) shoes. So I am unsure what to do. Serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), such as duloxetine (Cymbalta) and venlafaxine (Effexor). Remember: People dont stop playing because they grow old; they grow old because they stop playing! For me the episodes of sharp stabbing, electrical, pain last a couple of seconds; then repeats frequently and can last for a few hours to a couple of days. 2)You neck MRI show slight damaged in your nerve protecting coating. Omg we do need to figure this thing out!!!! I put some Ben Gay on it when I got home from the gym. My exact experience (including sucralose and strangely stevia). Mendell, J.R. New England Journal of Medicine, 2003. My job wont allow me to wear a boot or cast, or use crutches. Ibueprofen won't get rid of it entirely, but it will help less severity and frequency of nerve pain. Its verrrry unbearable pain ghag you will start to think option to amputate your leg. It last a second, maybe a few, then goes away. When eliminated, the pain goes away. If I come up with anything, Ill let you guys know. The pain caused by nerve damage, neuropathic pain, is often described as burning or prickling. My right ankle gets severe stabbing pain lasting a few seconds. I had eaten scrambled eggs for breakfast, I ate nothing else that day in an attempt to immediately lower my blood sugar (although if this is it, the damage is done and may take some time to reduce). I am a thin person so I could get deep enough to trigger it. I am over weight but not diabetic. hi Mike, hos is you condition now ? What Causes Pain on the Top of Your Foot? Better Health Tips web site, 2014; Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment,; Osteoarthritis Treatments, Healthline web site; Tarsal Coalition, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons web site; Top of the Foot Pain: Treatment, Exercises, Causes, Symptoms,; How Much Do You Know about Bones? WebMD web site;,,,,, Ive read people likening it to being ice picked, an electrical shock/tasering, etc. I am 12 weeks pregnant and I have a herniated disc which flared up 4 days ago, and then!.. Also, there seems to be no clear consensus as to what caused it for anyone and very few people feel they ever found out. There are 30 joints in the foot where this condition can take hold. It triggered the ankle pain. tendinitis. Several people have mentioned peripheral neuropathy above, I had never looked deep enough to read about the specific kinds and their underlying disorders. Without reading this, I would never have thought of this as a gout attack, so am very grateful for the information provided thank you! Pain is so significant yet is short I duration. Following. Pain also started up again on my ankle. I am having sugery to correct the issue in my shoulder and have cervical injections for the neck. wear wide comfortable shoes with a low heel and soft sole. Sharp pains in your hands, arms, legs, or feet. Im going to recommence magnesium and calcium and see how I go. Would be so good to have an explanation. There are a number of conditions that will cause pain in the top of the foot that are not strictly the result of an injury. Nerve pain is Could be borderline high blood pressure. Ive started chiropractic care as well but its too soon to know if its helping. Today however, I experienced a similar excruciating pain on the side back above the waist. If you have a medical condition that raises your risk, get treatment to manage it. Wear tight socks during sleep. But you feel like rain and snow dropping on your skin. How Much Do You Know about Bones? WebMD web site;, last accessed February 11, 2016. Only at work I wear a brace. (I use stevia all the time, by the way.) Deanna Youre right, its not an ankle injury, its from a pinched nerve, IMO, the pinch is not in the ankle, its more likely in the spine. Lets go over some anatomy: The main nerves which innervate the skin of the dorsal foot (going from the inside to the outside part of the foot) are the: medial dorsal cutaneous nerve, intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve, and sural nerve. This is the area between the arch and the base of your toes, under your metatarsal bones. X-rays are all normal. Other than living for 55 years. Anyway, Ive been careful with my back and my ankle pain has not recurred for several months. So I guess I wait and see what happens with MRI. I only take the diclofenac occasionally, but it is hard to fathom that a drug that is so effective for my hip pain has absolutely no effect on whatever is going on with my ankle. Im quite small and have problems getting comfortable at desks so put too much pressure on the ball of my foot (like being on tiptoe for a long period of time). But the ankle pain is new. I dont drink coffee, or soda or artificial sweeteners. I first experienced the same issue two months ago, I felt the stabbing pain on my left top ankle, it lasted for a week or so. 2. If you are having an emergency, call 911 immediately or see your physician. Doctors cannot find what the problem is. I suggest you check your sugar numbers. I have had back problems, more often since my accident , probably related to the broken ribs in my back. Im wondering how they would even go about evaluating it especially if the pain isnt present when I see the doctor. If high this could explain the symptom. Foot and ankle nerve conditions can occur because of injury, stress on the foot or ankle, diabetes and autoimmune diseases. Sharp, jabbing, throbbing or burning pain. And I cant reproduce it by moving my ankle or putting pressure on it. It feels like an electric shock that lasts a few seconds. Initially while in bed at night it started in the left ankle and was very rhythmic, 8 9 seconds apart all night but seemed always to go away after I got up. I dont have the pain until after Ive been wearing and walking in the heels for several hours but the shock feeling will hit me up to 24-48 hours after Im no longer on my feet. Abnormal sensations, including tingling, numbness, discomfort, and sharp pain can occur in your toes when peripheral nerves are impacted or damaged. While waiting for doctor to find out the root cause of this mysterious stabbing/electric shock pain , I want to share with you all what I learn for the past 2 months to deal with the pain. The relationship to using the bathroom made me wonder if somehow there was some irritation of a nerve near my bladder, or worsened from the slight straining that goes with using the bathroom. I actually went to an ankle/orthopedic specialist today. Tarsal Coalition, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons web site;, last accessed February 11, 2016. Also, discuss your full family medical history with the doctor. neuroma, which is a nerve tissue growth that can cause pain between your toes when walking. Bruce ImaPaqRat Fisher They gave me a boot to wear that seamed to help but if I dont use the boot it seems to hurt more. The information in these videos is the author's opinion and is not an official opinion of any organizations that the authors may be a part of. 1) I have mild gout symptom in my left ankle. I do suspect some possible causes but I dare not to say it is 100% accurate ! Test showed no blood clot. I ruptured the Achilles on this leg almost 20 years ago. The plantar fasciitis seemed to clear up after using some techniques I found online, but the stabbing pain in my arch was ongoing for months and seemed to be aggravated by cold (in swimming pools or exposure to air conditioning was worst). A warm bath might be the easiest and least expensive home treatment for nerve pain. It may become quiet and send no information, which causes numbness. I am still in doubt, but what can I do . Web1 Nerve Pain On Top Of Foot The Top Causes 1.1 Gout 1.2 Common Peroneal Nerve Dysfunction 1.3 Peripheral Neuropathy 2 Nerve Pain On Top Of Foot Other Causes 2.1 It lasted only for like 5 seconds and pain was too much that I screamed. Overuse is the #1 reason for experiencing pain on the top of ones foot. It might last 10 to 30 seconds, then let up and pulse back again 1 or more times, before quieting down for a while. Have done MRI scan on my neck and lumbar. You can experience a sharp pain on the top of your foot when walking, running, or even standing still. Neuropathy Association: "Treatment of Painful Peripheral Neuropathies.". I am so glad to have found this thread! I know I have herniated discs, I just havent had them looked at in 15 years. Almost 20% of all people with diabetes already have some neuropathy by the time they are diagnosed. I have connected my pain to wearing heels, which from reading the above posts Im guessing when I wear certain heels it could be causeing nerves to be pinched. Nerve injury in the ankle, neck or elsewhere like lumbar or brain for that matter? I might add that I have recently been diagnosed with blood clots in my lungs and left leg. Any one else? I have had the sharp stabbing pain issue off and on over the past 12 14 years. Since I had 2+ days of knifelike stabs to my foot near my left ankle, I did read all above comments. Other wise it should !!! I ended up actually injuring it really bad while working in the yard. I noticed that when this happens, and if Im sitting on my high stool, and I put pressure on the back behind my knee as my leg is dangling there, it makes the sharp pain worse, or come back. I have peripheral neuropathy. You poor thing! If your nerve pain isn't responding to medications and self-care, it may be time to talk to a neuropathic pain specialist. I had it 3 years ago a few times close together and then it went away. Im 30 years old and the pain is on my right ankle. I am going to start more regular calf exercises as another post lower down suggests. Several self-care strategies can help you cope and live better with unexplained nerve pain. The fix: Nothing anywhere close to the excruciating pain I used to feel. X-rays are all normal so hes ordering an MRI. Once towards the end of a 30 minute session on the elliptical that evening. Nothing there. I hadnt expereinced the ice-pick, electric shock pain in a year or so and this time its in the opposite ankle. For me it is the top of my left ankle. If your doctor cant tell you this. This is much worse. Although surgery may be needed in severe cases. Below is the symptoms I have from Thank you! The common peroneal nerve branches from the sciatic nerve and provides sensation to the front and sides of the legs and to the top of the feet. 10 Ways to Control Blood Sugar without Medication, Pain on the Top of Your Foot: Causes and Treatments. Your primary care doctor will provide a referral, most likely to a neurologist. I hope everyone who has this sharp electric shock pain is doing good out there. Sorry English is not my native language, please bear with me. Other studies have found that metabolic syndrome -- the combination of high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, obesity, and prediabetes -- is also common in people with unexplained nerve pain. But you can also get a neuroma in your forefoot, in between your metatarsal bones. This problem may occur with regular shoegear but also with more constrictive foot ware such as ski boots, climbing shoes, or skates. Hey guys, I had this kind of sharp pain last night just below the calf and above the ankle in my left leg. How Long Are You In Pain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery? Nothing in particular seemed to stimulate it. Because I went tru what you going tru and I know the pain is unbearable. Dont think it helps, either. Psychological phobia of reoccurring of this pain. Also known as nerve compression or a pinched nerve, nerve entrapment can lead to long-term injury and scarring of the nerve if the pressure is not relieved. Definitely nerve related. The calf stretching exercises cleared it up for me in just a few days. Its happened throughout the day and Im already stressing what tonight is going to be like. If these uncomfortable symptoms sound familiar to you and have been present too long, please give us a call so we may help you. I had no bruising or point tenderness. Interesting about it possibly being a nerve issue higher up at the spine. When it was completely gone, I couldnt imagine calling a doctor to have it evaluated. Maybe the bowel/intestines are pressing against a nerve? If you do happen to get an explanation for your pain, please share. Other times it will be a month with nothing, and then little warning stabs as if to let me know its still there and might get worse if Im not careful. I was also getting leg cramps which are also aggravated by cold, so I started taking magnesium which didnt really help until I added in calcium as well and then it all cleared up (not too surprising as going low carb can increase need for electrolytes) and I havent had any more issues since April last year and have lost approx. Nothing made the pain go away on terms of changing positions or rubbing the ankle etc. I posted about six months back. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Repeat COVID Infection Doubles the Risk of Death, CDC: 16 Places in U.S. Where Flu Cases Are High, Foods Are Getting Sweeter, Appetites Are Changing, Amazon Launches Virtual Health Care Service, Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Diabetes Risk, Street Medicine Reaches People Where They Live, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Seeking Medical Care for Unexplained Nerve Pain, Natural Pain Relief: Supplements for Chronic Pain, Pain Tolerance and Sensitivity in Men, Women, Redheads, and More, Diagnosing and Treating a Spinal Cord Injury, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Because I know how helpless you are so I keep coming back to update what I know about this. I applied an ice pack, but it didnt help. Nerve entrapment happens when a nerve is under repeated pressure for a long time. But while medications can help, they usually can't reduce more than half of the pain. The authors or speakers are not associated with any of the above products. Podiatrsit has diagnosed this as ankle injury but no way. I notice increase of the attacks around my period and ovulation . There are other causes of foot pain across the top of the foot as well: Bone spurs are painful calcium deposits that can develop almost anywhere on the foot. It was almost like a severe cramp like when you get a charlie horse in your calf. In this area there are three small ligaments that can become inflamed. Running, jumping, and kicking are 3 of the more common overuse activities that directly affect the extensor tendons, which are located on the top of the foot. What Causes Pain on the Top of Your Foot? Better Health Tips web site, 2014;, last accessed February 11, 2016. It seems the ankle is mostly dealt with by podiatrists, but I figured an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the lower leg would be better at unusual pains (although maybe this isnt that unusual to a foot specialist). Tell your doctor about all medicines and dietary supplements you are taking. 3)2-3 weeks. feelings of numbness in the area the affected nerve supplies. I too get the excruciating sharp stabbing pain on the top of my right foot near the ankle joint. sensations of tingling, pins and needles, or that your foot has fallen asleep. If you have risk factors, take steps to address them. That would be interesting to check into. This information is NOT specific to your medical problem.If in Michigan, consider seeing us at our clinic: LINKS --(With some links, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission. This is also supported by the fact that when a small drop of water on my skin is felt/translated to a sharp icy cool feeling. 513 569 5400, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, The Mary S. Stern Hand Surgery Fellowship, Good Sam College of Nursing and Health Science, TriHealth Clinical Training & Testing Center, Good Samaritan Minimally Invasive Training Center, Start of Neuropathy and Nerve Entrapment Side Menu, Elbow Arthritis and Elbow Joint Replacement, Tendon and Ligament Tears Around the Elbow (Bicep/Tricep), Traumatic Tendon Injuries of the Hand and Wrist, The Mary S. Stern Fellowship (Hand Surgery), Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies, End of Neuropathy and Nerve Entrapment Side Menu, Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, Infections such as Lyme disease or shingles, Repetitive movements of the feet and ankles. IDK. I think it happened several times during the night but only recall waking up and cursing once. Thank God it never last more than 1 or 2xs a night. I havent taken any electrolyte supplements in months, so Ive only just started to think about doing this again, hopefully it helps. As you all know, this is horrible and causes much anxiety when you get a twinge and then sometimes, no warning and bam, youre down. This is exactly what I am dealing with now. Top of the Foot Pain: Treatment, Exercises, Causes, Symptoms,;, last accessed February 11, 2016. I do have a severely arthritic hip (right side). It can be difficult to determine if youre suffering from nerve damage, especially in your toes. I finally went and saw a chiropractor for the first time and he could tell it was my disc causing my ankle pain because of how fidgety I was sitting down. But throbbing for up to 10 times in a minute, or idiopathic neuropathy wine in my left.. Trigger it or even standing still them a month my weight was on my right foot near left. 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