what nationality is bulgarian

what nationality is bulgarian

The National Assembly has the power to enact laws, approve the budget, schedule presidential elections, select and dismiss the prime minister and other ministers, declare war, deploy troops abroad, and ratify international treaties and agreements. century, however Macedonian patriots began to see Macedonian and Bulgarian loyalties as mutually exclusive. [71], As Ottoman power began to wane, Habsburg Austria and Russia saw Bulgarian Christians as potential allies. Around the 6th century, these territories were settled by the early Slavs. [189] Active troops dwindled from 152,000 in 1988[190] to 31,300 in 2017, supplemented by 3,000 reservists and 16,000 paramilitary troops. Bulgarian is a bizarre oddity in the Slavic language family as it has a complicated system of verb tenses (as opposed to the normal Slavic two-aspect present/future and past model), definite articles (added to the ends of nouns, and sometimes adjectives, like in Romanian) and no noun declension at all. Bulgarian Revolutionary Central Committee, Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen, Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, List of ancient Daco-Thracian peoples and tribes, Architecture of the Tarnovo Artistic School, List of predecessors of sovereign states in Europe, List of sovereign states by date of formation Europe, List of oldest continuously inhabited cities, "Sirakov et al. Alternate titles: Republic of Bulgaria, Republika Blgariya. Map of A. Scobel, Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas, 1908, Distribution of the Balkan peoples in 1911, Encyclopdia Britannica, Ethnic groups in the Balkans and Asia Minor by William R. Shepherd, 1911, Distribution of European peoples in 1914 according to L. Ravenstein, Swiss ethnographic map of Europe published in 1918 by Juozas Gabrys, Percentage of Pomaks by first language according to the 1965 Census excluding Bulgarian, Distribution of Bulgarians in Odessa Oblast, Ukraine according to the 2001 census, Distribution of Bulgarians by first language in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Ukraine according to the 2001 census, Distribution of predominant ethnic groups in Bulgaria according to the 2011 census, Distribution of Bulgarians in Romania according to the 2002 census, Distribution of Bulgarians in Moldova according to the 2004 census, South Slavic ethnic group living in the Balkans, This article is about the ethnic group. This index differs from the Visa Restrictions Index, which focuses on external factors including travel freedom. Bulgarian citizen is anyone whose at least one parent is a Bulgarian citizen or who was born on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, if he/she does not acquire another citizenship by origin. , , , 2007, .7374. Tervel accepts and the Arabs are decimated outside the walls of the city. Then, a major uprising led by two brothers, Asen and Peter of the Asen dynasty, restored the Bulgarian state to form the Second Bulgarian Empire. The longest river located solely in Bulgarian territory, the Iskar, has a length of 368 kilometres (229mi). Having its reputation at stake, Russia declared war on the Ottomans in April 1877. Similar to the Gauls and other Celtic tribes, most Thracians are thought to have lived simply in small fortified villages, usually on hilltops. A branch of them gave rise to the First Bulgarian Empire. [256], Spending on research and development amounts to 0.78% of GDP,[257] and the bulk of public R&D funding goes to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Samuil died shortly after the battle,[55] and by 1018 the Byzantines had conquered the First Bulgarian Empire. which should be extensively studied in all their aspects in the future" For more see: , , ( , , , 1971) pp. After World War II, Bulgaria became a Communist state, with Todor Zhivkov serving as General Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party for a period of 35 years, sparking rapid economic development, increased life expectancies, and a heavier focus on industry. [115] Plains occupy about one third of the territory, while plateaux and hills occupy 41%. (2010).- an ancient continuous human presence in the Balkans and the beginnings of human settlement in western Eurasia: A Lower Pleistocene example of the Lower Palaeolithic levels in Kozarnika cave (North-western Bulgaria) | Philippe Fernandez - Academia.edu", "Archaeologists find Europe's most prehistoric town", "Celtic Settlement in North-Western Thrace during the Late Fourth and Third Centuries BC", "Temple to Isis and Osiris unearthed near the Bulgarian Black Sea", "The Saint Athanasius Monastery of Chirpan, the oldest cloister in Europe", R.J. Crampton, A Concise History of Bulgaria, 1997, Cambridge University Press, Essential History of Bulgaria in Seven Pages, " " ", " (11971207 .) 21 " -", . The costume is considered to be mainly derived from the dress of the ancient Slavs, the female dress with the overgarments joined at the shoulders that evolved from Sarafan and all the types of sukman, saya and aprons fasten at the waist are said to be directly descended from the ancient Slavs only with negligible mutation. [2] Following the Ionian Revolt, the Persian hold over the Balkans loosened, but was firmly restored in 492 BC through the campaigns of Mardonius. In September 1918, Tsar Ferdinand abdicated in favour of his son Boris III in order to head off anti-monarchic revolutionary tendencies. Countless villages were pillaged and tens of thousands of people were massacred, the majority of them in the insurgent towns of Batak, Perushtitsa, and Bratsigovo, all in the area of Plovdiv. The Srebarna Nature Reserve, a freshwater lake and bird sanctuary adjoining the Danube River, was named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983 and then placed on UNESCOs endangered list in 1992 after environmental decline; improvements were seen in the early 21st century. [63] Sultan Murad I took Adrianople from the Byzantines in 1362; Sofia fell in 1382, followed by Shumen in 1388. [142], Overall, Bulgaria displays a pattern of unstable governments. The -ov suffix is the Slavic gender-agreeing suffix, thus Ivanov (Bulgarian: ) literally means "Ivan's". [318], High death rates result from a combination of an ageing population, high numbers of people at risk of poverty, and a weak healthcare system. [54], In 986, the Byzantine emperor Basil II undertook a campaign to conquer Bulgaria. In 1393, the Ottomans captured Tarnovo, the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire, after a three-month siege. Bulgaria, which had the land force in the Balkans, declared war on Serbia in October 1915. Northern Bulgaria is characterized by the fertile black-earth soils known as chernozems and also by gray soils of forest origin. It envisioned that Bulgaria would dominate the Balkans after the war.[83]. Naturalised citizens who do not belong to at least one of the aforementioned groups, are required to give up all other nationalities. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church is the independent national church of Bulgaria like the other national branches of the Eastern Orthodox communion and is considered a dominating element of Bulgarian national consciousness. , 2005 . Steven Runciman, A history of the First Bulgarian Empire, page 28. In 1362 they captured Philippopolis (Plovdiv), and in 1382 they took Sofia. 3 works The Three Graces (Ex Libris) Edward Penkov $100.00 USD Hiroshima (Ex Libris) Edward Penkov [2][22] Darius left in Europe one of his commanders named Megabazus whose task was to accomplish conquests in the Balkans. Stalin made him head of the Comintern during the period of the Popular Front'[96]. Bulgarian linguists consider the officialized Macedonian language (since 1944) to be a local variation of Bulgarian, just as most ethnographers and linguists until the early 20th century considered the local Slavic speech in the Macedonian region. The threat of both the Bulgarians and the Arab menace in the east, force the new emperor Theodosius III, to sign a peace treaty with Tervel. Since 1989 Bulgaria has held multi-party elections and privatized its economy, but economic difficulties and a tide of corruption have led over 800,000 Bulgarians, including many qualified professionals, to emigrate in a "brain drain". This country was situated between the lower course of the Danube river to the west, the Black Sea and the Azov Sea to the south, the Kuban river to the east and the Donets river to the north. The Bulgarian government was forced by Germany to declare a token war on the United Kingdom and the United States on 13 December 1941, an act which resulted in the bombing of Sofia and other Bulgarian cities by Allied aircraft. [184], Bulgaria deployed significant numbers of both civilian and military advisors in Soviet-allied countries like Nicaragua[185] and Libya during the Cold War. Chervenkov stayed on as Prime Minister until April 1956, when he was dismissed and replaced by Anton Yugov. In 1396, the Vidin Tsardom fell after the defeat of a Christian crusade at the Battle of Nicopolis. " ". "The Ottoman Administration of Bulgaria and Macedonia During the 19th - 20th Centuries in Recent Turkish Historiography: Contributions, Deficiencies and Perspectives. Bulgaria, officially Republic of Bulgaria, Bulgarian Republika Blgariya, country occupying the eastern portion of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. Bulgaria (/ b l r i , b l-/ (); Bulgarian: , romanized: Balgariya), officially the Republic of Bulgaria, is a country in Southeast Europe.It is situated on the eastern flank of the Balkans, and is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. [226], The labour force is 3.36million people,[235] of whom 6.8% are employed in agriculture, 26.6% in industry and 66.6% in the services sector. "Most of the Slavophone inhabitants in all parts of divided Macedonia, perhaps a million and a half in all had a Bulgarian national consciousness at the beginning of the Occupation; and most Bulgarians, whether they supported the Communists, VMRO, or the collaborating government, assumed that all Macedonia would fall to Bulgaria after the WWII. The new territory of Bulgaria was limited between the Danube and the Stara Planina range, with its seat at the old Bulgarian capital of Veliko Turnovo and including Sofia. #2: there are people from Russian-Bulgarian origin like Russian singer Filip Kirkorov who was born in Varna, Bulgaria to a Russian mother and Bulgarian father Filip Kirkorov has Bulgarian, Russian, and Armenian heritage but he is considered Russian because he has Russian citizenship. [159], Freedom House has reported a continuing deterioration of democratic governance after 2009, citing reduced media independence, stalled reforms, abuse of authority at the highest level and increased dependence of local administrations on the central government. It won the 2009 general election and formed a minority government,[144] which resigned in February 2013 after nationwide protests over the low living standards, corruption[145] and the perceived failure of the democratic system. Bulgarias numerous lakes may be coastal (such as the large lakes around Varna and Burgas, both on the Black Sea), glacial (such as those in the southern mountains), structural, or karst in origin. [38] Gradually, the interior of the peninsula became a country of the South Slavs, who lived under a democracy. P. 9. [123] This community became both, basic form of social organization and source of identity for all the ethnic groups inside it. [164] This remained the holiday of the samovili. Seeing this as a violation of the pre-war agreements, and privately encouraged by Germany and Austria-Hungary, Tsar Ferdinand declared war on Serbia and Greece on June 29. Learn first the names of the countries you would like to visit. The relatively large number of Bulgarian plant and animal species reflects the countrys location adjoining several of the great Eurasian biogeographic zones. In 1180 the last of the capable Komnenoi, Manuel I Komnenos, died and was replaced by the relatively incompetent Angeloi dynasty, allowing some Bulgarian nobles to organize an uprising. In an inscription from Turnovo in 1230 he entitled himself "In Christ the Lord faithful Tsar and autocrat of the Bulgarians, son of the old Asen". Religion Bulgaria: Religious affiliation With the reforms of the 1990s, following the communist period of state-sponsored atheism, full freedom of religion was established. The Russo-Turkish War of 187778 resulted in the formation of the third and current Bulgarian state. Krum implemented law reform intending to reduce poverty and strengthen social ties in his vastly enlarged state. The Thracian language was still spoken in the 6th century, probably becoming extinct afterwards,[69][70][71] but that in a later period the Bulgarians replaced long-established Greek/Latin toponyms with Thracian, might suggest that it had not been completely obliterated then. [360] Written musical composition can be traced back to the works of Yoan Kukuzel (c. 12801360),[361] but modern classical music began with Emanuil Manolov, who composed the first Bulgarian opera in 1890. [112] Bulgaria hosted the 2018 Presidency of the Council of the European Union at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. The acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship is regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Citizenship Act and the international conventions in force when the facts or events connected with the citizenship are present. The political and economic system after 1989 virtually failed to improve both the living standards and create economic growth. Julia Kristeva and Tzvetan Todorov were among the most influential European philosophers in the second half of the 20th century. ", , : , . [344] An essential element of Bulgarian folklore is fire, used to banish evil spirits and illnesses. [10] The meaning may be further extended to "rebel", "incite" or "produce a state of disorder", and so, in the derivative, the "disturbers". The reform package introduced in 1997 restored positive economic growth, but led to rising social inequality. A person of Bulgarian origin. Nowadays there are some 40,000 Roman Catholic Bulgarians in Bulgaria, additional 10,000 in the Banat in Romania and up to 100,000 people of Bulgarian ancestry in South America. [33], Sometime before 300 AD, Diocletian further divided Thracia into four smaller provinces. The struggle between the Bulgarians and the Greek Phanariotes intensified throughout the 1860s. Krum introduced a written code of law[47] and checked a major Byzantine incursion at the Battle of Pliska, in which Byzantine emperor Nicephorus I was killed. [272][273], Bulgaria has made numerous contributions to space exploration. In 1393 the Ottomans occupied Tarnovo after a three-month siege. The Communists reacted by deposing Zhivkov and replacing him by Petar Mladenov, but this gained them only a short respite. Temperature amplitudes vary significantly in different areas. During his leadership Bulgaria was transformed from an Ottoman province into a modern European state. [61], According to the Art.25 (1) of Constitution of Bulgaria, a Bulgarian citizen shall be anyone born to at least one parent holding a Bulgarian citizenship, or born on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, should they not be entitled to any other citizenship by virtue of origin. However, trying to preserve the balance of power in Europe and fearing the establishment of a large Russian client state in the Balkans, the other Great Powers were reluctant to agree to the treaty. [19][20] The associated Varna Necropolis treasure contains the oldest golden jewellery in the world with an approximate age of over 6,000 years. By the middle of the 20th. [120] Nevertheless, at the end of the 14th century, the Ottomans conquered the whole of Bulgaria. As for most European peoples, football became by far the most popular sport for the Bulgarians. [139], Bulgaria is a parliamentary democracy where the prime minister is the head of government and the most powerful executive position. After several years of reforms, it joined the European Union and the single market in 2007, despite EU concerns over government corruption. The minority Bulgars formed a close-knit ruling caste. The colour fields are of same form and equal size. Most of the exports are manufactured goods, machinery, chemicals, fuel products and food. [96][97] The Soviet-style planned economy saw some experimental market-oriented policies emerging under Todor Zhivkov (19541989). The land forces consist of two mechanised brigades and eight independent regiments and battalions; the air force operates 106 aircraft and air defence systems across six air bases, and the navy operates various ships, helicopters and coastal defence weapons. The mountainous southwest has two distinct alpine type rangesRila and Pirin, which border the lower but more extensive Rhodope Mountains to the east, and various medium altitude mountains to west, northwest and south, like Vitosha, Osogovo and Belasitsa. In the following centuries Bulgaria established itself as a powerful empire, dominating the Balkans through its aggressive military traditions, which led to development of a distinct ethnic identity. The Serbian and Greek forces were initially beaten back from Bulgaria's western border, but they quickly gained the advantage and forced Bulgaria to retreat. Bulgaria is a developing country, with an upper-middle-income economy, ranking 68th in the Human Development Index. [2] Darius' army subjugated several Thracian peoples, and virtually all other regions that touch the European part of the Black Sea, such as parts of nowadays Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, and Russia, before it returned to Asia Minor. [332] The Ministry of Education and Science partially funds public schools, colleges and universities, sets criteria for textbooks and oversees the publishing process. Citizenship by Naturalization. A person adopted by a Bulgarian citizen under the conditions of full adoption. [8][9] The earliest known town in Europe, Solnitsata, was located in present-day Bulgaria. With more than one million inhabitants, Sofia has three times as many people as the next largest cities, Plovdiv and Varna. [7] By the end of the neolithic, the Hamangia and Vina culture developed on what is today Bulgaria, southern Romania and eastern Serbia. After Stambolov's death the independent course of his policy was abandoned. In 1899, the Bulgarian Agrarian Union was formed, bringing together rural intellectuals such as teachers with ambitious peasants. Medieval Bulgaria was the most important cultural centre of the Slavic peoples at the end of the 9th and throughout the 10th century. [91] However the king refused to hand over the Bulgarian Jews to the Nazis, saving 50,000 lives.[92]. Although Stalin executed many other exiles he was close to Dimitrov and gave him high positions. Final solutions: mass killing and genocide in the twentieth century. . . , , w: , page 3. rise of nationalism under the Ottoman Empire, Bulgarian Revolutionary Central Committee, Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization, "Bevlkerung und Erwerbsttigkeit Auslndische Bevlkerung, Ergebnisse des Auslnderzentralregisters (2020)", " ? Fourteen of the men, who did not have documents but said they were of Afghan origin, were sent to . [115] The development of Old Church Slavonic literacy in the country had the effect of preventing the assimilation of the South Slavs into neighbouring cultures and it also stimulated the development of a distinct ethnic identity. [244] Two-thirds of food and agricultural exports go to OECD countries. His military campaign against Constantine V in the year 774, proved to be unsuccessful. [71] Bulgaria was attacked by Serbia in 1885, but defeated the invaders. In the late 6th centuryBC, parts of what is nowadays Bulgaria, in particular the eastern region of the country, came under the Persian Achaemenid Empire. Visa requirements for Bulgarian citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of Bulgaria. [386] Placed 39th in 2018, it is Bulgaria's highest-ranked club in UEFA. [68][69] The clergy remaining in some isolated monasteries kept their ethnic identity alive, enabling its survival in remote rural areas,[70] and in the militant Catholic community in the northwest of the country. [10] The Durankulak lake settlement in Bulgaria commenced on a small island, approximately 7000 BC and around 4700/4600 BC the stone architecture was already in general use and became a characteristic phenomenon that was unique in Europe. In 2015, Bulgarian citizens had visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 150 countries and territories, ranking the Bulgarian passport 18th in the world according to the Visa Restrictions Index. [210][211] GDP per capita (in PPS) and the cost of living in 2019 stood at 53 and 52.8% of the EU average (100%), respectively. In the 11th century, the First Bulgarian Empire collapsed under Rus' and Byzantine attacks, and became part of the Byzantine Empire until 1185. . . // . Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Under the Treaty of Neuilly (November 1919) Bulgaria ceded its Aegean coastline to Greece, recognized the existence of Yugoslavia, ceded nearly all of its Macedonian territory to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and had to give Dobruja back to Romania. [103][104], The Communist Party was forced to give up its political monopoly on 10 November 1989 under the influence of the Revolutions of 1989. American scientists and inventors of Bulgarian descent include John Atanasoff, Peter Petroff, and Assen Jordanoff. The ending in (female -ina) also appears rarely. This surname ending also gets an a when the bearer of the name is female (Smirnenski becomes Smirnenska). Alternatively, one can take off the martenitsa earlier if one sees a stork (considered a harbinger of spring). In July 1991 a new Constitution was adopted, in which the system of government was fixed as parliamentary republic with a directly elected President and a Prime Minister accountable to the legislature. Live-fire is set in case of epidemics. A Polish-Hungarian crusade commanded by Wadysaw III of Poland set out to free Bulgaria and the Balkans in 1444, but the Turks emerged victorious at the battle of Varna. [249] Bulgaria is also the largest producer globally of lavender and rose oil, both widely used in fragrances. After the Roman state splintered, tribal invasions in the region resumed. Don't be scared of the long table. Several rivers cross the plain, flowing northward from the Balkans to join the Danube. Weight-lifting is a signature sport of Bulgaria. [164] The born on Saturday are thought as having supernatural powers, those born at the wolves' holidays and a number of people are alleged as varkolaks and vampires. [253][254] Most visitors are Romanian, Turkish, Greek and German. It is situated on the eastern flank of the Balkans, and is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. In April 1876, the Bulgarians revolted in the April Uprising. [155][156] GERB came out first in the regular April 2021 election, but with its weakest result so far. [59] These fragmented rump statestwo tsardoms at Vidin and Tarnovo and the Despotate of Dobrudzhabecame easy prey for a new threat arriving from the Southeast: the Ottoman Turks. [114] The southern edge of the Danubian Plain slopes upward into the foothills of the Balkans, while the Danube defines the border with Romania. In part, this was motivated by his desire to create a modern army which could secure all of the national territory. [46][47], Simeon hoped to take Constantinople and become emperor of both Bulgarians and Greeks, and fought a series of wars with the Byzantines through his long reign (893927). [44] The ethnic Macedonians were considered Bulgarians by most ethnographers until the early 20th century and beyond with a big portion of them evidently self-identifying as such. Find a list of greatest Bulgarian artists and collections at Wikiart.org - best visual art database. Bulgarian citizenship is regulated by the Constitution and the Citizenship law of 1998 as amended in 2018. There was little popular opposition, since the Soviet Union was in a non-aggression pact with Germany. They may wear the martenitsa ()an adornment made of white and red yarn and worn on the wrist or pinned on the clothesfrom 1 March until the end of the month. ", " ", "The Slavs of the mid-Danube basin and the Bulgarian expansion in the first half of the 9th century", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bulgarians&oldid=1126917859, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Articles with dead external links from August 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with Bulgarian-language sources (bg), Articles with dead external links from November 2016, Short description is different from Wikidata, "Related ethnic groups" needing confirmation, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Articles containing Bulgarian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2009, Commons category link is defined as the pagename, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 23:10. The men performing the custom are also called Rusalii, they don't let anybody pass through between them, don't talk with each other except for the evening, avoid water, if someone lacks behind a member swoops the sword over the lacker's head to prevent him from evil spirits. [2][23][24] Finally, Megabazus sent envoys to Amyntas, demanding acceptation of Persian domination, which the Macedonian accepted. Extending southward from the Danube to the foothills of the Balkan Mountains is the fertile, hilly Danubian Plain. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Armistice of Focani Treaty of Bucharest Protocol of Berlin, Bulgaria under Byzantine rule (10181185), April Uprising and Russo-Turkish War (1870s), People's Republic of Bulgaria (19461991). After 3000BC, the Thracians appeared on the Balkan Peninsula. [247][248] Maize, barley, oats and rice are also grown. , . A new administrative structure was adopted in parallel with the decentralisation of the economic system. In some dress of Thrace the symbol of the snake as in medieval tombs is found and is considered a Thracian cultural legacy and belief.[164]. According to the study, some religious teachings, like Islamic funeral have been traditionally incorporated and are widely practiced while other major ones are less observed, like the Muslim prayer or abstaining from drinking alcohol, eating pork, and cohabitation. However, Bulgaria was forced to join the Axis powers in 1941, when German troops that were preparing to invade Greece from Romania reached the Bulgarian borders and demanded permission to pass through Bulgarian territory. The plural form of the surname suffix -ski is still -ski, e.g. The result was a return to power by the Communist Party, now shorn of its hardliner wing and renamed the Bulgarian Socialist Party. Over 75% of surface rivers meet European standards for good quality. [327][328], Public expenditures for education are far below the European Union average as well. Fish species include the Balkan trout and common minnow. Its leading cultural position was consolidated with the invention of the Cyrillic script in its capital Preslav at the eve of the 10th century. Pin the Capital on the Country: Fact or Fiction. [161] Instruments Gadulka, Gusla, Duduk, gaida Dvoyanka are analogous to other Slavic gudok, dudka and Dvodentsivka. ", "Voyage dans la Macdoine: contenant des recherches sur l'histoire, la gographie et les antiquits de ce pays", " .. From 1878 to 1933, France funded numerous libraries, research institutes, and Catholic schools throughout Bulgaria. The Tsar's party National Movement Simeon II ("NMSII") won 120 of the 240 seats in Parliament. There are many different Bulgarian pastries as well such as banitsa. The Socialists portrayed themselves as the defender of the poor against the excesses of the free market. Under the warrior Khan Krum (802814) Bulgaria expanded north-west and south, occupying the lands between the middle Danube and Moldova rivers, all of present-day Romania, Sofia in 809 and Adrianople in 813, and threatening Constantinople itself. [295] Sofia and Plovdiv are the country's air travel hubs, while Varna and Burgas are the principal maritime trade ports. The Roman Catholic Bulgarians of the Banat are also descendants of Paulicians who fled there at the end of the 17th century after an unsuccessful uprising against the Ottomans. [368] Bulgarian media were described as generally unbiased in their reporting in the early 2000s and print media had no legal restrictions. [284], Telephone services are widely available, and a central digital trunk line connects most regions. During the Russo-Turkish Wars (18061812) and (18281829) Bulgarian emigrants formed the Bulgarian Countrymen's Army and joined the Russian Army, hoping Russia would bring Bulgarian liberation, but its imperial interests were focused then on Greece and Valachia. [162], Domestic defence is the responsibility of the all-volunteer Bulgarian armed forces, composed of land forces, navy and an air force. The first Greek colonies in Thrace were founded in the 8th century BC.[18]. [163] The judiciary is overseen by the Ministry of Justice. [135][136] One of these, the lignite-fired Maritsa Iztok-2 station, is causing the highest damage to health and the environment in the European Union. Facing war on three different fronts, Bulgaria sued for peace. Byzantine Mosaics . [259] The same year, Bulgaria ranked 39th out of 50 countries in the Bloomberg Innovation Index, the highest score being in education (24th) and the lowest in value-added manufacturing (48th). Bulgarians are descended from peoples of vastly different origins and numbers, and are thus the result of a "melting pot" effect. This cave probably keeps the earliest evidence of human symbolic behaviour ever found. Most Bulgarians live in Bulgaria, where they number around 6 million,[138][139] constituting 85% of the population.

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