sharp pain on top of foot at night

sharp pain on top of foot at night

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Thanks for a most interesting website, which has helped a lot. Kidney diseases. to thank you for an EXCELLENT website. All of which together did wonders, for my pain level in my spine also has relieving the foot pain. Feels like a bone fracture, but no swelling or injury to the foot. 1 Burning Heel Pain At Night The Likely Causes. female, 40 lbs overweight, skinny ankles/feet, drink around 1 gallon filtered water daily. He also had be placing an ice pack on my spine 10 min on then 10 min off, moving it to different parts of my spine which were hurting. He's not sure why but he thinks it may have something to do with my spondylolisthesis. 2004-2022 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. During the examination he identified very tender/sore streak from the point the pain occurred to about 2 inches toward the back of the foot. I read most of the comments and someone posted that he used the pain cream or spray called NEURAGEN .This would gradually reduce most of the pain .I purchased it at CVS pharmacy in the diabetic section .I hope this help you too .God bless! The following website has some good info for treatment options: This sounds like a pretty good explanation of what I've experienced. Normally lasts 5 seconds or so per episode. same symptoms. A common condition and the most frequently seen related to osteoarthritis in the big toe, is known as hallux rigidus. It's starting to climb to my ankle it seems too. Causes and treatments for pain in the arch of the foot. I have not had this for about 5 years, so was shocked and upset to be woken in the middle of the night with the terrible pain in my right foot, which feels as though someone is stabbing me with a white hot knitting needle. Without the successful removal of uric acid, sharp crystals begin to form and deposit in and around joints, in our case, the big toe joint which is one of the most joints to see gout arise in. The pain is sudden, sharp and stabbing and comes and goes in a matter of seconds, repeating for minutes or hours, while the pain of gout persists for days or weeks with remission in between attacks. They may also request imaging, such as an ultrasound or an MRI. (Quite possibly from weight and age). BUT, late last night I had a bowl of SK, w/strawberries and wham, the needle stab began about 3 hours later. Gabapentin prescribed by my DPM only masks the pain and makes me dysfunctional and wonky feeling. I have several controlled health conditions including gout, coronary artery disease, and sleep Apnea. Good luck to everyone, I hope for you all, your pain goes away. Avoid high heels and tight shoes in favor of low-heeled or flat shoes with soft soles. Tests mainly involves imaging exams including: Foot X-rays to look for problems with the bones and joints, such as fractures, spurs, and other abnormalities. From the description it seems that the pain is constant, worsening or improving depending on the type of footwear worn. It's easy to do. Couple episodes already when sitting. First, I want to let you know that you have the best web site I've found related to foot issues. The pain may fade during rest or after removing the shoes.The pain may be burning, stabbing, or tingling, or it may feel like an electric shock. Hang in there people. 1 But there are other causes as well, including heredity, age, arthritis, an injury to the toes, a back injury, medications, and fibromyalgia. It can also cause. It comes in waves and every few seconds & it all but takes my breath away. Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. Has anyone been told that it could be RSD - Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy or CRPS - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? To treat peripheral or diabetic neuropathy, doctors may prescribe: In some situations, a doctor may recommend deep tissue massages and corticosteroid injections to help manage symptoms, especially if the cause is sciatica. Treatment for a pinched nerve varies depending on the severity of your pain. Felt like bones breaking. Icy Hot & Infomercial foot pain relief creme doesn't work. The only difference is that (since they put a new stent in me) my faction times of my heart pumping blood has permanently and greatly slowed down (20-25), normal is 55%. Yesterday I had a steroid injection so I'm monitoring progress on that. The feeling that we get when someone else cares for our feet and rubs them feels so good. appreciate it. This is very common on the feet but can be found on the hands as well. Since foot pain is a symptom, the treatment depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the pain. Yesterday I started having short sharp and intense pain in top of right foot, only lasts about 3-5 seconds. This morning I woke up and had 3 bouts of the same pain within about 5 mins I mainly wear flat shoes and have a sedentary job. I used to work for a podiatrist (front desk) back during summers in Either of these 2 motions will cause the pain but the pain doesn't start for several seconds to a minute after I've done the motion. If this works I'll post about it. They will typically all present the same way initially with swelling, bruising and a throbbing pain as well as a limited ability to move the toe. Thanks again for your info! It used to hurt only if i was sitting with my knees fully flexed with my feet under me. Be sure to keep track of any details in your condition that will help your doctor diagnose the problem. There are ligaments and tendons that run up your ankle from this area of the foot and tendonitis can be part of the pain. Still no stabbing pain but almost everyday I feel a sensation in the exact spot it used to be in. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, The amazing story of hepatitis C, from discovery to cure, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction,,,,,, This painful condition is caused by the inflammation of the lining of the nerve. There is no gradual warning that it's coming on, merely strikes anytime day or night. Pain in the foot can arise from several different causes. She said don't worry about a clot. Yep yep yep. Your nails can show signs of psoriatic arthritis. Big toe pain is extremely common as our big toe acts as our main lever during gait aiding us to push/propell of our feet. Make an appointment to see your doctor if mild foot pain persists for more than a couple of weeks despite home treatment. Last on Dec 14th. Hi I am a 51 yr old female and the last 6 months I get woken out of a sound sleep ,not all the time but enough that I can't take it anymore, I have back problems all the way from l-2 to s-1,it feels like some is sticking either my left foot or right foot with a red hot poker and it happened again last night does anyone know what this is ?? Thank you to all who have shared their experiences so I don't feel completely alone. After about 4 treatment two weeks in a row the pain finally went away. I eat well and exercise regularly. for a couple of days now, but still experincing pain episodes lasting 5-10 minutes 3-6 times a day. I am trying to remember if the days I get the pains are the days I were the one pair of tight shoes. It never bothered me. Very painful and sleep depriving. I seem to have these problems. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. has lasted for 3 hours now. 2.1 It stabs and last from 5 seconds to maybe 20 or 30 seconds. I've been told to stop wearing any shoe that goes on top of pain of foot or past it. Feels like hot needle lasting 1-3 seconds repeating every 5-30 seconds. I am frightened this pain might come again. Foot pain can be described as sharp, stabbing, dull or throbbing. The pain is very random and just sorta comes and goes. Currently am seeing a doctor regarding this problem. (Soft tissue issue) is the way he put it. HIV, Lyme disease or syphilis can cause burning feet. It appears to be just below the skin, with the skin highly sensitive to the touch. Simple but awkward. It is a stabbing pain that last for several seconds. The new doctor used a Pulsestar treatment on my spine along with laser treatment, tens, and a modern decompression table. This was worse at night and kept me awake for several nights. This is especially good for tendinitis, peripheral neuropathy or peroneal nerve damage. We recommend that you see your doctor when you experience severe pain that stops you from being active or if the pain gets worse with time. the sensation of an electric shock in the foot or feet, pain that gets worse during the night or specific activities, injury to the front of the feet, such as from high-impact sports or jogging, lipomas lumps beneath the skin that contain an overgrowth of fat cells, sharp, shooting pain in the inner ankle and along the foot, certain hereditary conditions, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, which causes a loss of muscle tissue, Guillian-Barr syndrome, a condition that causes rapid muscle weakness, tingling, burning, sharp, or shooting pain in the toes or feet, the sensation of an electric shock in these areas, pain that usually worsens at night, causing sleep disturbances, pain or a burning sensation in the buttocks, taking over-the-counter pain relief medication, such as ibuprofen (Advil). I've had pain on the top of one foot half way between toes and ankle. Typically, the nerve pain first affects the toes and surrounding areas, and it may then slowly spread to the rest of the feet and up the legs. Maybe all this foot pain is from tiny foot bones weakening and pressing on a nerve ???? What are metatarsalgia and metatarsal pain? Foot pain may be caused by nerve damage in the foot due to an injury, diabetes mellitus, hereditary diseases or peripheral vascular disease. Midfoot injuries can be caused by I exercise 3-4 times a week and do good deal of walking as a part of my job. Been off the beer this week. What you just said is very interesting. The nerve becomes inflamed and enlarged, causing a burning or tingling sensation, cramping and numbness. Instead of the terrible stabbing pain, there was a slight feeling of itchiness. Please talk to your doctor about it and maybe show him/her this page. Left untreated however, RLS can negatively impact the quality of your life and the life of your partner. Wearing toe splints at night can help to realign your toes. An anti-inflammatory class of drugs known as JAK inhibitors have been found to increase heart conditions as well as the possibility of blood clots, cancer and death. So if youre sure that your burning pain cant come from an injury or overuse because your simply not exercising, engaging in sports or other physical activities, you definitely want to consult a podiatrist or your doctor for further diagnosis. I call it "Voodoo Dorsal Syndrome" because that perfectly describes the symptoms in every way. Kahan S, Miller R, Smith EG (Eds.). Also, the point of the foot where the metatarsal fault occurs is much higher on the foot than the site of this sharp, short, recurrent pain that I and many others here suffer from. The past year or so I have been having random excruciating pain in my left foot. Your doctor may ask you several questions related to your foot pain including: How long has your foot pain been present? It is true I had been putting compost on the vegetable patch and there are a lot of insects in that area of the garden. I am a 50 year old man in pretty good shape and about 165 pounds. With severe pain related to traumatic injuries, it may be impossible to move the affected foot at all. Still have the stabbing pain and Advil, which has never seemed to affect me seems to lesson the pain to make it tolerable. After the pain disappeared, I thought I was in the clear, until it reappeared a month later, this time with more frequent appearances (5 - 10 times a day) and lasting for almost 2 weeks. Truly, it is uncommonly kind. Some people also experience numbness between their toes. I have to believe it's nerve related. My Doctor says the quinine is the active ingredient that works the trick. For this reason, receiving a diagnosis is key. Its really beginning to concern me, especially since its happening while I'm still young. I started with this pain a few weeks ago. I just get a random sharp localized pain in the top, almost center of my foot like it's being stabbed. Tight shoes can create shooting pain through the entire toe if it compresses on a nerve. There are a wide variety of causes for having big toe pain at night. Neuromas and Pain on the Top of My Foot. Wondered on reading the comments any of the sufferers take medication for blood pressure or thyroid problems? I am not like the most of the others. Doctors may also recommend physical therapy, as stretching and strengthening the legs and feet can help manage symptoms, including pain. I can wear a sandal and if it pushes on top of my foot just in that spot it almost makes my eyes water from the pain. I too have the sharp sudden foot pain i my left foot. Sure enough. The heals, therefore, are not worn down. Apparently no one has posted a diagnosis. Please help, I am not sure what to do now! Complex regional pain syndrome. Infectious diseases. On meds for high blood pressure (Lisinopril), and high triglycerides (Trilipix). Thurs: 7:30am to 8pm I've researched tendinitis, bunions, plantar facaitis, and stress fractures, but none sound exactly right. Burning pain on the top of your foot can be a sign that something is wrong. Sleep with your feet out of the covers.Place a small fan at the end of your bed.Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and place it near your feet.Keep a pair of socks in the fridge or freezer and put them on before going to bed. Even if youre careful with your foot, you can still end up injuring the top of it. I will back off this medication and see what happens. Do we all drive manual cars or are we all left handed, there must be something which causes this problem specifically with the left foot! So sorry to hear all the comments. I am 33 yr old mother, and currently pregnant. Found this website with its shared experiences. Scientists believe that RLS is caused by an imbalance of dopamine, a chemical in the body that transmits signals between the brain and nerve cells. If any of these signs are noticed you should see your podiatrist as soon as possible so the nail spike causing the pain can be removed and prevent it from getting worse. If we could only get a straight answer. Until last night I've nailed it down to 2 specific motions that cause the pain - sharply extending or flexing the foot. Anyways, I will try the soaking and rub my feet more often than I do now and hope that it works. I tried all this and it all helps. He said it could be a ligament or tendon issue. I want to know what causes this sharp pain to form I have been feeling this foot pain 5 years ago and the doctors that have seen me don't know what causes it. Since it happens so infrequently, and is relieved as I stand and sacrifice only sleep, I persevere and suffer through it. Thought maybe over usage. The treatment has greatly helped my lower back pain as well. Woke me up from a dead sleep. I get this random pain described in the top of my right foot - maybe every other month but sometimes not for months. Until today no single attack come back to me and I keep eating a banana after my meal. I too have pain on the top of my left foot! as everybody else i too have this amazing stabbing,shooting pain on my right foot,its been going on for a few months now,i,ve tried everything you can imagine. I have never experienced this kind of pain before. Get a detailed overview of toe pain, including common causes of toe pain when walking, middle toe pain symptoms, and treatment options for toe pain. Roll the ball using your foot, slowly moving the ball down your foot and to the arch. It's on the top of my left foot and it hurts way worse when I'm lying down or sitting rather than when I'm standing. Good luck and BYE tennis shoes!!!! Gabapentin 300MG 3X/day (150MG had NO effect). My wife who is very concerned for me suggested that I drink SCHWEPPES INDIAN TONIC. I'M A SHORT OBESE FEMALE, DIABETIC, HYPERTENSIVE. These health issues include: Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause nerve pain in the toes and feet. (350lbs give or take.) I had a very hard time going up and down stairs last night, and, again this morning. The pain I describe as someone spinning a sharpened pencil straight down on my instep of the left foot is very close to what most of you have indicated. Since starting this thread some 3 years ago this problem has continued to come and go. Let this foot bath sit for 15 minutes and rinse your feet with cool water afterward. Have had experience with this localized sudden very sharp foot pain. There is a nerve or something that gets pinched when sitting that way. I am also on double my dose of lasix, so that probably helped too, but I've been on a double dose for over a week and still had a lot of pain yesterday. Like many others here, I also experienced the stabbing sensation in the top of my right foot for the first time this past February. Conseils It doesn't affect it at all, I have tried anti inflamatories,ice,heat wrapping also to np avail. I'll see if this helps. any suggestions or information is good in my books :0). However I notice that lately if I have tacked my spine in anyway such as lifting something too heavy I will momentarily get the pain back. I know my foot doctor will suggest a shot but view that as just a short term solution. TWO YEARS AGO I HAD SURGERY FOR LUNG CANCER; AM COMPLETELY FREE NOE. It extends from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down the legs, ending just beneath the knee. He told me to use ice packs and to wear good shoes even when at home -- no slippers. I was in my bed when all the sudden a huge sharp pain was under my left foot I whined a little and when I moved my foot it hurt worst I tried different positions for it to stop or calm down and it lasted longer than it usually has before. This time I am putting the pain down to midfoot gout (like I did before) and think it is due to eating extremely rich and fatty food over Easter. It feels like someone is sticking an ice pick in my foot just in front of where the foot meets the lower leg, it is bad enough to make me stumble, I have even fallen due to it a couple of times. I AM AN 82 YEAR OLD FEMALE WITH A LONG LIST OF MEDICATIONS AND ILLNESSES. I see years of people saying sharp pain top of foot but see very few answers!!! When i drive, the pain is excruciating to put my foot on the ground and the 1st few steps are awful. If you experience a loss of feeling in your feet in combination with sharp bursts of pain, SFSN could be the reason. The compression socks worked all day, but the minute I took them off, I had that pain again! Yesterday I again had the agonising pain in the top of my left foot. I am saddened for the people who have experienced this for years. They were growing closer together and more frequent until I saw a chiropractor yesterday morning he diagnosed me with a bulging disc in my lower back and sent me for an MRI that says I have two. First, I'd like to thank you for all the information that you provide on your website and the opportunity to write to you. Became type 2 diabetic 3 years after treatment, when in Nov. 2013 I went cold turkey of of several extremely powerful, doctor prescribed opiate regime because I believed I would rather try to deal on my own with the extreme pain that my chemo damaged body now lives with so many after cancer damages to my once healthy body. Pain will start off minimal but gradually get worse. I am fairly confident it has something to do with disc and nerve pain but I have recently had 5 discs (L2-thru-S1) and not a fun surgery so ya would think the surgeon would have taken care of thAt somehow?? Trauma or injury is a common cause of foot pain. Most often, doctors start with conservative treatments including: Physical therapy can be useful for treating foot pain. L'acception des cookies permettra la lecture et l'analyse des informations ainsi que le bon fonctionnement des technologies associes. If foot pain threatens to keep a person from taking part in daily activities, they should let a doctor know. For example, if a person has tarsal tunnel syndrome, treatment may involve surgery to release a nerve. Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves that can cause pain and numbness in the hands and feet. Peripheral artery disease. It has persisted ever since. Copyright 2006-2022 BaronActive | All rights reserved | Design by, Plantar Fasciosis: How to tell, tips and home remedies, How Do Knee Braces Work? WATER , an old remedy for cramps and. If a bone spur, fraction or condition like Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is suspected, your doctor will certainly order X-rays or MRI scans. Supplements for heart health: Which ones are beneficial and which ones are not? Usually when I am on my feet alot. You have a fever or redness, swelling or warmth in the area. Mind was on the Right and I am right handed and I am certain the pain was being referred from my back as like I said earlier Chiropractic Care cleared it up. The symptoms Also, try to avoid sitting or standing for long periods. After awakening you, the pain usually lessens if you get up and walk around a bit, but it usually returns after you lie down again. If one of the midfoot bones is broken or a tendon is inflamed or torn, it may cause pain, swelling, bruising, and redness on the top of the foot. Mine has followed a horrible ankle rolling sprain several years ago. I have also bought a very expensive arch support system which has not relieved the pain. Hoping I don't feel it again tonight or tomorrow. I just started with this pain yesterday, top of left foot just below big toes. Thank you. I will find a way to link more info later. Excessive force can impact any bone, but most often it affects one of our weight-bearing bones like the metatarsals that lead down to your foot. Not sure what to do about it, and if the podiatrist is the person to go to. His explanation makes sense to me but not much relief. It just started again a week ago. was woken up at 5 am with sharp stabbing pain on the top of my left foot, tried a analgesic rub, no avail, heat then ice and as a last resort a pain pill, nothing worked. They did nothing to help and the third one made my foot near my toes and the pain turn all black and blue. With peripheral neuropathy, you may begin by feeling some numbness in your middle toes and in the balls of your feet after a day spent on your feet. Within the past five years I've had back surgery for a ruptured disk, a left hip replacement and suffered several broken ribs and a ruptured spleen as the result of a fall. And I have a part time job that believe it or not overworks my right foot (while standing) as I tap a pedal. | Plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the ligament that runs under the sole of the foot, is one of the most common causes of heel pain. I originally started with knee highs, but have since purchased low rise socks -- they aren't cheap, but I did find a pair on Amazon for about $10 that I like. ?It would certainly explain the instantanous pain and the quick dissipation thereoff. I cannot understand why the medical community does not know what this is?? I have figured out over time that it only happens when laying on my right side. Sports with bang bang moments like football also provide an increased risk of first digit trauma. What a relief to read the other comments! A few months ago, I noticed a soft lump on the top of my left foot. Here are some common reasons why you might be experiencing nighttime foot pain and what you can do about them: 1. Those occur on large veins, like at the calf. Part of HuffPost Wellness. Some people here recommend taking supplements etc, but the medical profession seems to have very little knowledge of this condition and so far there is no known cure. A person may experience pain on the bottom of the foot that worsens when walking, particularly in tight high heels. The pain, like you said, came in episodes. Thanks for the commends and advice from your experiences. Then the pain goes away for a few weeks months until it tightens up again. Flat feet, cysts, spurs or inflamed tendons can compress or entrap this tunnel producing neural symptoms, including burning. I continued to have generalized foot and ankle pain for several years now for unknown reasons. Sometime that is the best remedy. Lasts for a second, comes every 15-30 seconds. Im 25 in decent healthy shape. My left foot pain just started a week or so ago during the night when sleeping. Although life-threatening causes of foot pain are rare, all serious injuries, including foot injuries, should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting. Thank you Marc Mitnick. The interesting thing is that this has happened about a week after I cut down on sugary foods and 3 days after a long haul flight. A form of imaging can be used to confirm a diagnosis. i sometimes get pains like that on my shins. and how to make it stop ,my husband says I wake up screaming . Mine seems to occur more often than the rest of you report - just when I'm sitting down or even lying in bed. Without the successful removal of uric acid, sharp crystals begin to form and deposit in and around joints, in our case, the big toe joint which is one of the most joints to see gout arise in. For that reason diabetics need to be aware of the different types of doctors that are available to treat diabetes. It's been awful in so many ways. The curcumin within turmeric also helps ease nerve pain. Tonight, while sitting on the couch with my feet up, I suddenly felt the most severe, sharpest pain in the top inside of my left foot, unlike anything I've ever felt. In addition, RLS is often misdiagnosed. The symptoms associated with gout are severe pain on the instep and top of the foot. My foot isn't swollen and or red. I have been shocked by how debilitating the experience was. However, they have identified conditions that increase the chances of developing peripheral neuropathy. Experienced a sudden sharp pain in my left foot six times today. I have had it last anywhere from 6-8hrs to 18-24+hours. I have had many injuries and have had cardiac bypass surgery in 2007, and a few other surgeries. Wakened Thurs. I realized for the past year I had made a big dietary change to eating a mostly vegan diet AND, probably more importantly, I had mostly stopped taking supplements. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. With peripheral neuropathy, you may begin by feeling some numbness in your middle toes and in the balls of your feet after a day spent on your feet. Hold on. Like everyone else said it was sudden and out of this world pain. Individuals with flat feet can also find their big toe hurts. Im in my early 50s, and have several chronic illnesses, including T2 diabetes. I am very confident in assuring you that it is NOT caused by being sexually over-active! Other causes of pain on the top of the foot can include:gout, which can cause sudden, intense pain in the joint at the base of the big toebone spurs, which are painful growths that form along your joints, in the joints in your feet by your toesperipheral neuropathy, which causes pain, prickling, or numbness that can spread up from the feet into the legsMore items Prsentation I love cookies and milk. Depending on the severity, this pain may make it difficult to stand, walk, or run. The pain caused by a fracture of the fifth metatarsal is usually located a bit on the outside of the top of your foot. Put foot in bucket of ice and it went away until the foot warmed back up. He also mentioned gout. Plantar fasciitis is an example of a condition in which pain is felt primarily at the bottom of the heel. If you need to, rest for longer periods and more often. Learn more about the possible causes and treatment options for ball of foot pain here. The sandals are old, but I only wore them once in a blue moon as they dig into the toenail area. But I sure wish I knew what this was caused by! I would love to hear from others with this problem. When I get the results back, I will let you know. 2 Pain on the Top Of Foot Causes: 2.1 Extensor Tendonitis: 2.2 Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: 2.3 Bone fracture Due To Stress: 2.4 Gout: 2.5 Bone spurs: 2.6 Peripheral Neuropathy: 2.7 Peroneal Nerve Dysfunction: 3 Pain on Top of Foot Diagnosis: I am going to see a physio tomorrow rather than a podiatrist as I am going overseas next week and need urgent help. He typically eats sweets before bed. Have your doctor use a 256 hertz tuning fork on both feet to see if you have this, too. Ibueprofen won't get rid of it entirely, but it will help less severity and frequency of nerve pain. Regardless of the cause of the pain, someone with nerve pain in one or both feet may experience: Also, the same issue that causes nerve pain may alternately cause numbness. So anyone that is suffering from this sharp sudden onset stabbing electric zap pain go and ask for an X-ray to rule out or confirm spur. Last night it hit again, worse than before. I never know when it will start. Hey, so i read about your pain and thought that it sounded so similar to mine that i had to share what i did to 'cure' it. Gout can have a very sudden and aggressive onset of severe pain which occurs most commonly at night. The way it comes and goes is almost like a random muscle spasm except it's just the nerves at the very top of the foot. After x-rays and pressing on my foot the doctor believes I have a neuroma. I had not. I too have had these symptoms randomly. Peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is an umbrella term for numbness, tingling, and burning sensations in the toes, feet, fingers, hands, or a combination of these areas. A stress fracture is the result of tiny cracks in your bones. Plan du site Scared to walk on my foot in case that triggers the pain. After two days I would say that I have noticed a huge improvement in the discomfort I have been experiencing. Oh, I'm a 34 year old female in very good physical condition. night by a sharp, stabbing pain on top of left foot. My foot doctor told me to wear compression socks. Usually several months apart. Been to podiatrist, had shots, pills, immobilization boot, physical therapy, exercise, rest, acupuncture and essential oils. As the name suggests, this type of neuropathy is caused by consuming too much alcohol. The stabbing pain that would wake me up at night so bad that I needed to sleep with the boot has gone away. However this morning I had an episode that lasted twice as long and was twice as intense went back for another treatment and felt better this afternoon but was woken up with the same horrible intensity in the middle of the night. Would love to hear what other's have found out about this. The pain comes and goes at really random times and there only has been one day where it happened almost every 30 minutes. I notice that just seconds before the pain of my life, I felt as if a nerve or something was twiching a bit then wham! Visit us for general foot care, orthotics, childrens podiatry and more. The article has given many good tips for how to treat burning feet from home remedies like ice baths or turmeric to more traditional treatments such as physical therapy. It is in this exact spot each and every time it occurs. The only relief for me is to stand on it. Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Treatment, and More - Healthline You may be experiencing a burning pain on top of the foot. I have been experiencing this pain for a few months now. I am female, 70 years old, and a Type 1 diabetic for 40 years. Had x-rays done, some bone loss, will see bone specialist soon. A pinched nerve can be the result of repetitive motions or from holding your body in one position for a long period. It may extend to the back of the foot or leg, causing cramping. Along with sharp, burning pain, numbness and tingling are the two other frequent symptoms. It is a most distressing affliction and I really hope you (and everyone else) find some relief. Typically this is a condition that will arise from physical activity where the toe is fully bent and jams up. MY LEFT FOOT AND BACK OF LEFT THIGH HAVE A DIFFERENT FEELING. The day before I ate a very rich roast meal followed by creamy sherry trifle and had several glasses of champagne beforehand. To use heat, soak your foot in a warm bath or apply a warm compress. That's what threw me off for a while. to see if he has any suggestions. it seems my foot has a stabing sensaton every 5 seconds and its not going away, i am in severe pain as of now. I have NEVER felt that intense pain ever in my life. Now after 8 bites on left leg and 4 on right leg the pulsating electric shock pain is happening every few seconds to right foot. While sciatica tends to affect the back, hips, and upper legs first, the pain can spread down the legs into the feet and toes. If nothing else, this page has made me feel less alone. I have also been trying to cut out sugar and began the Ketogenic diet. I remembered when I was taking it I was having strange pains in my ankles at the time but thought nothing in relationship to the medication. Helped a lot for most pain but now have soreness near ankle but always have excruciating pain at night when in bed. It had gone away for about a year and a half and came back two nights ago without any warning. Hi all of you commiserating pain suffers. It lasted for a few seconds and was gone. It is an intermittent pain, not as intense as some other people here experience ( it doesn't make shout out or cry), but no amount of moving or rubbing my foot makes it go away. I bet that triggered it. I am too tired to check the time. All this being said tonight this horrific, intermittent, stabbing pain at the base of my toes in one foot is taking my breath away for several seconds every few minutes. college years ago, so I know the benefits of good care. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Williams, 2009. I have tried creams, NSAIDS, muscle relaxers, cortisone shots, cam walker, rest, ice, ems (electromuscular stimulation), xrays, and MRI. Research indicates that a common cause of chronic heel pain is nerve entrapment. Neuropathy, diabetes and back pain are all a daily battle for me so this is like insult to injury. Typically it will present as shinny, red and swollen skin around the joint itself. Then just in the past few days, the pain level got jacked up to about an 8 on a 1-10 scale where 10 is a severe charley horse leg cramp. At least that's what I've been told. My pain only ever happens when I am in bed at night, not while walking around during the day. Typically, metatarsalgia begins as a callus on the bottom of the foot. I seem to have the same symptoms as everyone else. I went to see a foot specialist and he was stumped. Politique de protection des donnes personnelles, En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de services tiers pouvant installer des cookies. I don't have to wear them all the time, but I do whenever I'm going to be on my feet for any length of time -- walking, shopping, cleaning, etc. I supposed it was Diabetic Neuropathy that I was dealing with, damaged nerves. I cannot afford a podiatrist unless it would be no choice etc. Not near toes-just ON TOP of my foot. The second round, I had constant pain for two consecutive nights - not a wink of sleep. The initial consultation and x-rays show severe arthritis and bone on bone at the naviculocuneiform joint. It is very annoying but I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one dealing with this. What do other women sufferers think of this? Aspercream does not work. Not so good when one is in public. So please make sure to get your blood checked regularly by your doctor. IM SURPRISED THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE THAT HAVE THIS PROBLEM. I was wondering if that could be cause and saw some of the comments here. Apparently it can't be diagnosed according the multiple entries on this page. If any of you have had that you know what I mean. The Tarsal Tunnel is located on the inside of the ankle and functions as a pathway for many arteries, nerves and veins. Healthy eating with essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall wellness. Like the other posts I have read, I have 'sharp' pain right on the very top of my foot directly straight through where my arch would be but on top. This stabbing sensation occurred every 15 to 20 seconds, lasting about 2 to 4 seconds. Says heel pain mostly, but some sites describe arch area pain too. The sensation would last anywhere from 2 to 20 seconds and only present once a day, lasting for a few days. Happened a few more times. I first got the pains on the top of my foot while on holiday in the far east, I thought it was sunburn. Glad that pain is gone it was horrific and I never want to experience again. It has only gotten worse over the past few hours so I've resorted to ice and Aleve. Warm up and cool down before and after exercise. Mine is in the center top of the foot, not near the toes or ankle. At 5:30 am today, I was awakened again by another round of "left foot lightning stab!" Periodically have sharp pain right foot. A competent doctor might want an MRI of the foot if the xray is inconclusive. Hope it helps. Youve probably heard about Mortons neuromas, which cause pain between your toes and near the ball of your foot. In desperation I rememebered a medication a podiatrist gave me a couple years ago for another foot issue it was called 'Neuragen" I rubbed it in and almost immediately the pain subsided. Sound familiar? Richard, it would appear Quinine water would have the same effect, but please be forewarned, as in this article, I have read most of the comments and the random pain attacks seem to have no connection to resting, sleeping, driving( worst of all), walking, sitting aeroplane, basically it can happen at anytime. It has been happening on and off for about 2 weeks, but seems to be getting worse. If you are experiencing this type of pain, see a podiatrist as soon as possible to get an accurate diagnosis and start treatment. Massage in the painful area also can be effective in reducing pain. If you have this condition you might feel burning along with your other symptoms. Foot pain may be caused by nerve damage in the foot due to an injury, diabetes mellitus, hereditary diseases or peripheral vascular disease. In rare cases, infections of the bone (osteomyelitis) or skin and soft tissues (cellulitis) of the foot can spread throughout the body, resulting in shock and organ failure. If you think you might have an infection, ask your doctor to get tested as fast as possible to rule out these bad diseases. I've also gotten that horrific pain while driving. I usually end up taking a Panadeine tablet to allow me to sleep. Anyone else take ibuprofen and has this intermittant pain ? Well within a year I was in the Neurosurgeons office with Left Foot Flop due to a herniated disk in my lumbar region, I believe it was L4-L5, S-1 nerve root. What is it, I am 26 year old. Very little swelling. It stopped for two hours and I just had it happen again a few times and now it stopped again. These pains are indeed most mysterious. I have the same symptoms - stabbing pain on top of left foot while in bed at night - lasts all night and nothing helps. | I work out 5 days a week, including running. So its well worth including turmeric in your diet. My pain episodes come about once a month and last for about 30 mins to an hour with 5-10 stabs that last around 5 seconds each with varying time in between. I guess my point is, that I feel something is happening with my lower back, so that could be culprit. Cysts can develop on top of the foot, especially after an injury. You can google the YouTube videos. Luckily, nutrition has become less of a problem in our modern world and only people in certain regions of the world show nerve damage through it. This is the only recent change to my lifestyle ..could this be the link.Medication ? Diseases that affect the entire body, such as diabetes, arthritis, or vascular disease, are more complex processes that can lead to foot pain. The left foot is fine. 52-year-old fit, active, healthy woman experienced sudden, sharp pain on the top of my left foot. Clearly you put a ton of work into it and I really Rseau I had this too years ago and was sent a foot doctor. Its in the top of my left foot, feels like waves of electric shocks like.a very strong tens machine is going through the top of my foot. I am 66, very fit and have a very messed up left foot but this is in my right foot, the good one! Im a 27 y/o male who has been very active most of my life. Will post on how that goes. I've suffered with foot pain for a few years but nothing like this. I wish it could be removed. I remember his first comment was, "This doesn't look very big at all." When necessary, surgery tends to have a high success rate. This has been going on with me for quite some time now, probably a year. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Online Booking is the quickest most convenient way to secure the time, location and practitioner you want. Mine is 1inch in frnu of leg.she was realy trying to find. The first episode lasted an hour or so during a spin class, eventually subsided. Those with a family history of arthritis are more likely to suffer from a form of arthritic pain within their big toe. I experienced exactly the symptoms the original poster, Bob F, described. I'm 26 and in very good health. Like most on here, I share the same pain. So weird. Footwear is important when you have foot pain, as are proper exercise techniques. It is in the instep and can happen at any time and is excruciating. 1.4 Fibromyalgia. Another rare but potentially life-threatening cause of foot pain is cancer of the bones or soft tissues in the foot. It's torture. I did nothing different yesterday, ate nothing different, but the pains that have been plaguing me at night for weeks - months,even - simply didn't appear. Similar to what others have reported, it comes without warning and is so sudden and severe that it causes me to cry out in pain. Any ideas?? Called my foot and ankle dr. he never returned the call, so assuming this isn't life threatening. When it happens, it makes my foot jump. I try ice, heat, Advil, anything to make it go away. The last straw must have been a Devon cream tea with loads of clotted cream on scones with strawberry jam, plus a very rich cheese omelette and thick chips later on in the evening. it doesnt seem as seriouse as to alert a doctor though. How? Am concerned that the condition is worsening. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-box-4','ezslot_6',801,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-box-4-0'); Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation. I allso experience this pain when lying down, and the pain is so severe that I feel like crying.Cannot, as I am a ' macho " male , 68 years old !But it really hurts and ny doctor and even the orthopedist cannot offer any rationable explanation.I had a trombosisis a few years ago and it has been suggested that some small bloodclots may not have been completely dissolved.These may then be stuck momentarily in the small veins on top of my foot.Any opinion on this. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. It started at the top of my right foot just behind the pinky toe. Other than that my foot is feeling better. Again, I want Heat: Some people find heat to be more soothing for foot pain. This is an entirely symptom based condition so I cant post the ton of info I have, so Ill just post the three most important things (for now). Third Party materials included herein protected under copyright law. It would come on suddenly several times a day and would disappear after 1 - 2 minutes. I have been playing drums for years. It could be a symptom of diabetes. For what it is worth, it is my "professional" opinion that this particular situation is a result of an impingement of l5/s1. The pain was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt and I have never had this before. By the way, millions of websites could use yours as a guideline on how to organize information and make the site user-friendly. I'm 40, male, reasonably fit and have all the same symptoms - left foot, outside edge usually though - seems to "attack" mostly when I'm sitting or in bed, leading me to believe that this is some how related to poor circulation and perhaps, as someone mentioned earlier, a rush of blood back into veins or a pinched nerve. A few seconds and it's over. MY SUGGESTION dont cross your legs when you sit or sleep, try to eat a healthy diet, do a quick stretch of your foot every morning, try to sit whenever you get a chance to releive stress and vise versa if you work somewhere where you sit for long periods stand and stretch your feet(sitting for a long time could be blocking some nerve in your leg) and try to get as much sleep as possible. Intermittent, would burn like an electric shock a second or two and then nothing for maybe a minute. Had to get solid arch supports because of my high arch. I have been getting this same occasional stabbing pain on the top of right foot now for the last couple months. This will reduce your chances of suffering from any of these conditions in the future and keep you pain free. Hi- I'm a 51 year female with T2Diabetes recently experiencing pain (soreness) on the top of the left foot and massive sharp pain in one toe (the second one)at the tip. I first experienced the sharp stabbing pain in my left foot a few years ago, and I believe my condition is caused by my diabetes, and is exasperated when my diabetes is uncontrolled. I am now on prescription strength Vit D. 50,000 units per week. Join in and write your own page! And foot massage can actually help with nerve pain as well. I mentioned to my Dr and she just said hmmm and looked at it. I'm 57yo male with hypertension. I kept thinking it would go away if I could crack something in my foot. I have done a lot of research on the internet and I have read that wearing tight or shoes that may be too small can cause this kind of nerve damage. It felt like a sharp hot object was stuck in my foot. After all the money I put out for chiropractic treatment I try to be very careful now. Sometimes a bone seems to be sticking up from the arch, and there is nerve-type pain to touch it. I am pretty healthy otherwise. If sciatica results from a hernia, abscess, or tumor, a doctor often refers the person for surgery. Anyone here having pain taken it I wondeer? What do you all think? When your arteries are narrowed, this can lead to a burning sensation in your feet as well. While most foot pain occurs during the day while we are up and moving around on our feet, some conditions can cause us discomfort at night while we are trying to sleep. It may be intermittent or chronic. This is the most common big toe joint pain. Some people find that wearing wide, soft-soled, laced shoes with low heels helps relieve pressure on the feet and nerves. It just about brings me to my knees. Stabbing indeed!I now know what Jesus felt when they rammed the nail through the top of his foot! Best. If you keep pounding on your bones, the damage continues to grow until you have a full-blown break. Anyway, I have to say that I am feeling it with all of you. This has helped a bit with the day to day pain. Does not bother in waking hours and movement in walking. In these patients, it tends to cause burning or shooting pains in the feet. There has to be an answer out there. In some cases, it is enough to change shoes or use anti-fungal prescriptions for some time. This happened at 5 a.m. yesterday episodic pain lasting from seconds to a full minute; no diabetes; only left foot affected. The area most often, doctors start with conservative treatments including: physical therapy exercise..., see a foot specialist and he was stumped if foot pain threatens to keep a may... Relieve pressure on the underlying cause and the pain is extremely common as our main during! Push/Propell of our feet and nerves your diet alert a doctor know for a few years but like! Near my toes and ankle dr. he never returned the call, so I have been this! Was realy trying to remember if the days I were the one pair of shoes. Several years now for the commends and advice from your experiences of causes having. 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