sql server datetime formats

sql server datetime formats

For example, we could do this: This is just one of many formats that we could choose. Also, though datetime will work, use datetime2 instead as suggested in the Note in datetime (Transact-SQL) MSDN Documentation "Use the time, date, datetime2 and datetimeoffset data types for new work. 2. Trong SQL Server hm CONVERT() c s dng thay i cc nh dng kiu DateTime, S dng hm CONVERT() bn c th ly phn Date hoc phn Time. SQL Server stores datetime values as binary data, and it is *the application* which formats the data into something human readable. mon dd yyyy hh:mmAM: Nov 8 82 9:00PM: 1: USA date. Name * Did neanderthals need vitamin C from the diet? 1 To make the month name in upper case, simply use SQL Server GETDATE function is very flexible and can be used with various other date-time functions to return output in our desired format. We could add a third (culture) argument to the above code to determine the locale to use for the dates format. In SQL Server, you can use CONVERT or CAST functions to convert a datetime value (DATETIME, DATETIME2 data types i.e.) Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. It lets you access and manipulate databases. Time formats: 14:30 14:30[:20:999] 14:30[:20.9] 4am 4 PM You can specify date data with a numeric month specified. Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. function. Here we will use the "CONVERT" function to convert a datetime into different format in SQL Server. If thecultureargument is not provided, the language of the current session is used. SYSDATETIME() function returns a datetime2(7) value that contains the date and time of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is running. You can use T-SQL to explicitly set the date format of the current session by using the SET DATEFORMAT statement. SELECT DECODE (Letters, 'First',1, 'Second',2, 'Third',3, 0) AS LN. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This should do it: Declare @Date datetime = '2012-03-27 12:34:39 . Change the session's date format or provide a style to the explicit conversion. rev2022.12.9.43105. Simply provide two arguments; the date/time and the format to use. nanosecond portion of the time. For general data type conversions, use CAST () or CONVERT (). What date/time literal formats are LANGUAGE and DATEFORMAT safe? formats that are often asked by SQL Server developers. SMALLDATETIME - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS. It only takes a minute to sign up. + CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS [M.YYYY], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '.' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '.' SQL Server provides a number of options you can use for formatting a date/time string in SQL queries and stored procedures either from an input file (Excel, CSV, etc.) The format of sqlserver is yyyy-mm-dd, but you can define your input by execute the command set dateformat dmy -- to accept dmy format set dateformat mdy select cast ( '11-9-2014' as date) set dateformat dmy select cast ( '11-9-2014' as date) updated Ideally you can not try to change format, you can validate your data and then insert. The SQL statements used below to return the different date formats use the SYSDATETIME () date function, which is new to SQL Server 2008. Why would Henry want to close the breach? Heres a basic example of using theFORMAT() function to format a date. How does legislative oversight work in Switzerland when there is technically no "opposition" in parliament? [Month YYYY], SELECT CAST(DAY(GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' ' + DATENAME(MM, GETDATE()) AS What's the \synctex primitive? The SQL Server stores the date & time as integers. The following list will show you the Standard SQL Date and Time Format Strings. 2017-06-14T11:57:53 -> Mittwoch, 14. Subtracting 100 from the Style . Let's see how to use FORMAT function to format date. Heres another: The actual results will vary depending depending on the culture being used. When you query data from a DATETIME column, MySQL displays the DATETIME value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. FROM LettersTable. If you are letting people type any date string into a form field, stop doing that, too. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Converting a DateTime to a VarChar. Note that the current language will usually be the same as the users default language, but this might not be the case if the user has changed the current language using SET LANGUAGE. Mathematica cannot find square roots of some matrices? However, there are some situations were it is useful to convert a DateTime into a formatted character string within a SQL statement. And by using the Convert () function, we can format it to yyyymmdd format. is an integer that . Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? Do non-Segwit nodes reject Segwit transactions with invalid signature? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been, Understanding datetime formats in SQL Server, I can't reproduce your problem at all, btw, Bad Habits to Kick : Mis-handling date/range queries, Write International Transact-SQL Statements. Just changing the language (which any of your user sessions can do) forced SQL Server to interpret that as YYYY-DD-MM instead of YYYY-MM-DD. Should I give a brutally honest feedback on course evaluations? Should I give a brutally honest feedback on course evaluations? As you know that, DATEADD () SQL Server function can add/subtract year, month, or day values from the given DateTime value. in the date. AM/PM Date and Time Formats in Microsoft SQL Server Provided by the FMS Development Team There are times when you need to display time in AM/PM format (non-Military or 24 hour) such as 2:07 PM. select Format_A=convert(datetime,'2010-01-27') go. This was never difficult in Microsoft Access/VBA using it's Format command: Format ( Now (), "hh:mm AM/PM") Thanks!! Does balls to the wall mean full speed ahead or full speed ahead and nosedive? One of the first considerations is the actual date/time value needed. to a string using the specified format. types already and not of DATETIME data type. value. 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Asked Questions - SQL Server Dates, SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 100), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 1) AS [MM/DD/YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) AS [MM/DD/YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 2) AS [YY.MM.DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 102) AS [YYYY.MM.DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 3) AS [DD/MM/YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 103) AS [DD/MM/YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 4) AS [DD.MM.YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 104) AS [DD.MM.YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 5) AS [DD-MM-YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 105) AS [DD-MM-YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), GETDATE(), 6) AS [DD MON YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), GETDATE(), 106) AS [DD MON YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 7) AS [Mon DD, YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 107) AS [Mon DD, YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 108), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), GETDATE(), 109), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 10) AS [MM-DD-YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 110) AS [MM-DD-YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 11) AS [YY/MM/DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 111) AS [YYYY/MM/DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), GETDATE(), 12) AS [YYMMDD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112) AS [YYYYMMDD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(24), GETDATE(), 113), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 114) AS [HH:MI:SS:MMM(24H)], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), GETDATE(), 120), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(23), GETDATE(), 121), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(23), GETDATE(), 126), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), GETDATE(), 130), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), GETDATE(), 131), SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 3), 5) AS [MM/YY], SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 103), 7) AS [MM/YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), GETDATE(), 11) AS [YY/MM], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), GETDATE(), 111) AS [YYYY/MM], SELECT DATENAME(MM, GETDATE()) + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 107), 9) How do you set a default value for a MySQL Datetime column? [DD Month], SELECT DATENAME(MM, GETDATE()) + ' ' + CAST(DAY(GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS Use a date-picker or calendar control and dictate the format of the string before you pass it to SQL Server. The output of this function will return in a 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm' format. for formatting numbers): These are the same numeric format specifiers that are supported by the .NET Framework. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, Need to show date in specific format sql server. I would keep in mind that unless you have a good reason for it, I mean a really good reason, formatting is usually a better job for the technology displaying the data. SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '2017-02-09'); SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '2017-02-09 01:23:45.678'); All three dates are now interpreted by SQL Server as September 2 nd instead of February 9 th. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. It is also useful in designing and maintaining a large-scale database. Not the answer you're looking for? Although formatting is generally best done elsewhere, SQL Server 2012 introduces a feature to make this much easier in T-SQL: SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'd', 'en-US'); That specifies short date . La conversion d'un type de donnes varchar en type de donnes datetime a cr une valeur hors limites. Edit: Please see the screenshot of the error in Management Studio below. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You can use the FORMAT() function to return only the month part of the date, or the week, or year as required. GETUTCDATE (): It returns datetime in GMT. For this, we can follow the following syntax. [Month DD], SELECT CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' ' + DATENAME(MM, SYSDATETIME()) + ' ' A format string defines how the output should be formatted. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. DATETIME - format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS. the most frequently asked questions in SQL Server forums is how to format a Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 2 For information about alphabetical, numeric, unseparated, and time formats for the date and time parts of datetime2, see date (Transact-SQL)and time (Transact-SQL). There is an exception: SELECT CONVERT(DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd'); will not break. The SYSDATETIME() Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL? SELECT GETDATE() GO. They are more portable. Why is SQL Server showing me the dates in a format that is not covertable or valid when applied back to itself? the UPPER string function. + RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) AS [DD Month YY], SELECT RIGHT('0' + DATENAME(DAY, SYSDATETIME()), 2) + ' ' + DATENAME(MONTH, SYSDATETIME())+ ' ' + DATENAME(YEAR, SYSDATETIME()) AS [DD Month YYYY], SELECT REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), SYSDATETIME(), 6), 6), ' ', '-') AS By default, the language of the current session is used, but you can also override this with a third (culture) argument. Is there any reason on passenger airliners not to have a physical lock between throttles? We have a variety of data types in SQL Server that can be used as the date in our table. rev2022.12.9.43105. Syntax DATE_FORMAT (date, format) -Where date is a suitable date and Format tells about the layout to be represented. How to Format the Date & Time in SQL Server, how to find the language of the current session, How Language Settings can Affect your FORMAT() Results. This example uses the CONVERT () function to convert a string in ANSI date format to a datetime: SELECT CONVERT (DATETIME, '2019-08-15', 102) result ; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Here is the output: result ----------------------- 2019-08-15 00:00:00.000 (1 row affected) Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) set dateformat ydm datetime value or column into a specific date format. The Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Note that the GETDATE() function returns the current database server's datetime.. But I err on the side of consistency rather than using a format only in the one place where I know it doesn't break, and having to use a safer format everywhere else. How do I calculate someone's age based on a DateTime type birthday? Let . First we start with the conversion options available for sql datetime formats with century (YYYY or CCYY format). But in real worlds the date & time format that people use change from culture to culture. By using some built-in function in SQL Server we can get the datetime value in specific format. using the VARCHAR value of the date and time and not its original DATETIME All other conversion styles return error 9809. For example, the following always breaks:*. a compiled piece of code. When it comes to converting datetime value to character, there are so many formatting styles for the output. This article will discuss the date format in SQL. + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '.' TIMESTAMP - format: a unique number. I don't have any problem in changing the date format when writing queries, but I want to play with these dates at an application level (Java-JDBC app) and I don't want to be applying date format changes all the time [DD Month], SELECT DATENAME(MONTH, SYSDATETIME()) + ' ' + RIGHT('0' + DATENAME(DAY, SYSDATETIME()), 2) AS Is energy "equal" to the curvature of spacetime? ISO 8601 Descriptions Always, always, always use one of the above two formats. or a date column (datetime, datetime2, smalldatetime, etc.) It ranges from 01 to 31. is a two-digit integer that represents the year. Valid values are mdy, dmy, ymd, ydm, myd, and dym. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 1. Following the standard date formats are some extended date Using FORMAT you can format datetime value as you wish. Heres how to find the language of the current session, and heres how to set it. How did muzzle-loaded rifled artillery solve the problems of the hand-held rifle? These types align with the SQL Standard. Thus, the date June 06, 2021, will be stored as 2021-06-21. In Oracle, TO_CHAR function converts a datetime value (DATE, TIMESTAMP data types i.e.) And within that FORMAT Function, we have to use either Standard or Custom format modifiers to format the given data. Syntax Example Other Date Formats You can use the FORMAT function, to format the datetime value is several other ways you like. The FORMAT () function formats a value with the specified format (and an optional culture in SQL Server 2017). Style Code Style Format Example; 0 or 100: Default. Why do quantum objects slow down when volume increases? Is there a higher analog of "category with all same side inverses is a groupoid"? + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '.' . How to make voltage plus/minus signs bolder? Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Would it be possible, given current technology, ten years, and an infinite amount of money, to construct a 7,000 foot (2200 meter) aircraft carrier? The SQL statements used below to return the different date formats use the SYSDATETIME() date function, which is new to SQL Server 2008. In SQL Server, we have used built-in functions such as SQL GETDATE () and GetUTCDate () to provide server date and format in various formats. SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 120), 3, 8) AS [YY-MM-DD], SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 11), '/', '-') AS [YY-MM-DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 120) AS [YYYY-MM-DD], SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 111), '/', '-') AS [YYYY-MM-DD], Beals Conjecture - A Search for Counterexamples Using SQL Server, Frequently mm. [Month DD], SELECT CAST(DAY(GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' ' + DATENAME(MM, GETDATE()) + ' ' You use MySQL DATETIME to store a value that contains both date and time. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Get in Touch Get access to some of the top IT talent, leverage our expertise to jumpstart your project. Here are the examples regarding how DECODE can be written in SQL Server. For conversion, we have to first convert the string to a standard date format, and then we have to convert the standard date to a varchar data type. But these settings are literally ignored when using the above two formats. The Transact-SQL (T-SQL) Convert command can be used to convert data between different types. The most popular format of date is 'YYYY-MM-DD' and 'DD-MM-YYYYY.'. Convert string "Jun 1 2005 1:33PM" into datetime. Date Format Style: USA mm/dd/yy: 1: ANSI yy.mm.dd: 2: British/French dd/mm/yy: 3: German dd.mm.yy: 4: Italian dd-mm-yy: 5: SQL select FORMAT(CAST('2018-01-01 14:00' AS datetime2), N'hh:mm tt') -- returns 02:00 PM select FORMAT(CAST('2018-01-01 14:00' AS datetime2), N'hh:mm t') -- returns 02:00 P Format returns the specified time in 24h format SQL select FORMAT(CAST('2018-01-01 14:00' AS datetime2), N'HH:mm') -- returns 14:00 See Also CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) How to format equivalent datetime string in SQL SERVER 2012 to give this output '2014-05-24 01:24:37 AM'? To achieve a smalldatetime result (as in the question), you would need to use a convert (or cast). Here are some more date formats that does not come standard in SQL Server as By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The following articles contain all the numeric format specifiers you can use with the FORMAT() function (i.e. Where does the idea of selling dragon parts come from? confusion between a half wave and a centre tapped full wave rectifier. Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) By default, DATETIME values range from 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59. Equivalent to not specifying a style code. 1. It is worth to note that the output of these date formats are of VARCHAR data any date comparisons performed after the datetime value has been formatted are In SQL Server, converting string to date implicitly depends on the string date format and the default language settings (regional settings); If the date stored within a string is in ISO formats: yyyyMMdd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss(.mmm), it can be converted regardless of the regional settings, else the date must have a supported format or it will throw an exception, as an example while working . It can insert, delete, alter, update records in a database. Hence it is important to format the date & time . Simply provide two arguments; the date/time and the format to use. The most common of them are DateTime, DateTime2, and Date. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. hh. Similar things can happen with setting like DATEFORMAT. In SQL Server, we can easily convert a DateTime data type to a string having "yyyy-mm-dd" format by using the Convert () function. Le paramtre de langue est pass Franais. Should teachers encourage good students to help weaker ones? Here's how the syntax goes: SET DATEFORMAT { format | @format_var } Where format | @format_var is the order of the date parts. Note SQL Server supports the date format, in Arabic style, with the Kuwaiti algorithm. One of Does a 120cc engine burn 120cc of fuel a minute? is an integer that represents the day of the month. Could anyone explain me why this is happening and if there is any way to solve it at a DB level? SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 20), 8) AS [YY-MM-DD], SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 11), '/', '-') AS [YY-MM-DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 120) AS [YYYY-MM-DD], SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 111), '/', '-') AS [YYYY-MM-DD], Beals Conjecture - A Search for Counterexamples Using SQL Server, Error in Importing/Exporting Geography/Geometry Columns in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, SQL Server 2008 to Windows Server 2008 Connection Error 1326, Drawing a Circle with the Geometry Data Type, Convert Latitude/Longitude to Geography Point, MERGE Statement With Table-Valued Parameters, SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), SYSDATETIME(), 100), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 1) AS [MM/DD/YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 101) AS [MM/DD/YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 2) AS [YY.MM.DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 102) AS [YYYY.MM.DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 3) AS [DD/MM/YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 103) AS [DD/MM/YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 4) AS [DD.MM.YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 104) AS [DD.MM.YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 5) AS [DD-MM-YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 105) AS [DD-MM-YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(9), SYSDATETIME(), 6) AS [DD MON YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), SYSDATETIME(), 106) AS [DD MON YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 7) AS [Mon DD, YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), SYSDATETIME(), 107) AS [Mon DD, YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 8), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), SYSDATETIME(), 9), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 10) AS [MM-DD-YY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 110) AS [MM-DD-YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 11) AS [YY/MM/DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 111) AS [YYYY/MM/DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), SYSDATETIME(), 12) AS [YYMMDD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 112) AS [YYYYMMDD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), SYSDATETIME(), 13), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), SYSDATETIME(), 14) AS [HH:MI:SS:MMM(24H)], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), SYSDATETIME(), 120), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(23), SYSDATETIME(), 121), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), SYSDATETIME(), 22), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), SYSDATETIME(), 23), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 24), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), SYSDATETIME(), 25), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(27), SYSDATETIME(), 126), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), SYSDATETIME(), 130), SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), SYSDATETIME(), 131), SELECT CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YYYY-M-D], SELECT RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YY-M-D], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS [M-D-YYYY], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) AS [M-D-YY], SELECT CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS [D-M-YYYY], SELECT CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) AS [D-M-YY], SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), SYSDATETIME(), 20), 5) AS [YY-MM], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), SYSDATETIME(), 120) AS [YYYY-MM], SELECT RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YY-M], SELECT CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YYYY-M], SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 5), 5) AS [MM-YY], SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 105), 7) AS [MM-YYYY], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) AS [M-YY], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS [M-YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), SYSDATETIME(), 10) AS [MM-DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), SYSDATETIME(), 5) AS [DD-MM], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [M-D], SELECT CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [D-M], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS [M/D/YYYY], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) AS [M/D/YY], SELECT CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS [D/M/YYYY], SELECT CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) AS [D/M/YY], SELECT CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '/' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YYYY/M/D], SELECT RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) + '/' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YY/M/D], SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 3), 5) AS [MM/YY], SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 103), 7) AS [MM/YYYY], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) AS [M/YY], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS [M/YYYY], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), SYSDATETIME(), 11) AS [YY/MM], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), SYSDATETIME(), 111) AS [YYYY/MM], SELECT RIGHT(CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)), 2) + '/' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YY/M], SELECT CAST(YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '/' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [YYYY/M], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), SYSDATETIME(), 1) AS [MM/DD], SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), SYSDATETIME(), 3) AS [DD/MM], SELECT CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [M/D], SELECT CAST(DAY(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(MONTH(SYSDATETIME()) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS [D/M], SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SYSDATETIME(), 101), '/', '.') 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