words for girls beauty

words for girls beauty

The presidential election is not a beauty contest. List of Words To Describe Beauty admirable adorable aesthetic alluring amazing angelic appealing astonishing athletic attractive becoming beguiling bewitching blooming bonny breathtaking brilliant captivating celestial challenging charismatic charming chic classy confident curvy cute dainty dapper darling dashing dazzling debonair decorative I am speechless about your sense of Humor. 234. It's time to say those beautiful words to your girl. I'm fascinated by your lips because they always say the most amazing things with a bright and beautiful smile. 25 results for "beautiful girls all over 2" hide this ad. 24h Q0x`*"n u`G:0` 227. Add in an example of when she proved her loyalty to you. Maybe Im old-fashioned, but I believe empowering words for women do not need to be a reflection on others. We as a society owe it to women to create a truly supportive environment in which they too can grow and move forward., Every womans success should be an inspiration to another. They would always remain the same. You've surely encountered bueno/buena before, as it's one of the most common adjectives - in fact one of the most common words - in the Spanish language. 150. Thank you for never getting tired of me. You are the friend that everyone wishes that they had. 123. 55. hermosa chica. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.". But you can also empower women and girls by recognizing their accomplishments, focusing on positive attributes, and treating them with absolute love and respect. 15. If youve found a malfunction or have ideas for improvement, well be happy to hear from you. 286. N|'^~(nZK&5/-A^f=HqL=KA 114. True friends are like diamonds. Beautiful Quotes for Girls "I hope you feel beautiful today." "Dear girls, being strong is the new beautiful." "Dear girls, be your own kind of beautiful." "Beautiful girls are the perfect combination of sun and moonlight." "Forgive yourself for believing that you're anything less than beautiful." "You know who is beautiful? Have a nice day! Cute The most common word that we hear for all girls and women. If you found value in my words, please consider sharing it on your socials by clicking the buttons below. You light up everywhere you go. You are so great when it comes to giving gifts. You are superwoman. Empowering words for women empower women. G Sp1I8_arHA6n- Another way to say Cute Girl? Thank you! gi>fpJQs;~5_-bCaWrV5z^?bP%V!Cdi#yhRMEj:E*>\b]y\R\ The stars, the moon, and the sun are minor to me since you sparkle brighter than all of them. Pictures don't do justice to your looks. If anyone can do this, it is you. Thank you for being my friend. I hope we can build an online community where we share, support, and inspire each other on our journey through life. Maybe the sound of a certain word is especially attractive to you, or maybe a certain word makes you think of a beautiful place or time in your life. And I sure am glad that I chose you. 65. Comments For Girls Eyes. I'm hotter & then Black coffee. This mode adjusts the website for the convenience of users with visual impairments such as Degrading Eyesight, Tunnel Vision, Cataract, Glaucoma, and others. Our family is so strong because you hold it together. Allows using the site with your screen-reader. Is she a friend, a significant other, a potential love interest? How do you know this girl? Some terms with the most beautiful meanings are rarely used unusual words. 12. 161. I enjoy your unique perspective. It is not substitute or professional advice. A day without you is meaningless. Explore many uniquely beautiful French words, such as chaussures (shoes). For any assistance, please reach out to [emailprotected]. You also know exactly what people will love. 30. Friends are cheaper than therapy, so thank you for saving me a lot of money over the years. Pretty girls who are unaware of their looks are more attractive than gorgeous girls who flaunt it. 6. For example here the girl is having the word 'Fighting' on her wrist and the boy is having 'Birds' inked on his wrist. Bueno/Buena - "Good Looking". 194. It is obvious that you listen to everyone before you make a decision on what to do next. If someone has put in an effort, or even if they have not, if you see something that is worth praising, then go ahead. The results below obviously aren't all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. 87. Cragen is the Welsh word for "shell" and can be used as an earthy but rare given name for a girl. 236. You always strive to make me a better man. For more inspiration about empowerment, please check out my Empowerment Quotes page. - Dr. Suess. Amazon.com: Big Words for Fearless Girls: 1,000 Big Words for Girls with Big Dreams: 9781733633543: Miles, Stephanie, Miles, David: Books . You have such a talent for putting together the most gorgeous outfits. 111. Some of the most popular female singers across all genres have released songs that empower women. darling girl. You should not have to hate others to feel empowered. 208. The stars, sun, and moon come second because your smile shines brighter than them all. Kind words help break the ice, but your words must be sincere and not overly flirty. One who is loving, caring, protective, affectionate, kind, nuturing and dependable. This word is a reminder . I love how comfortable you are in your own body. 270. Susan Ballinger is an educator, writer, inspirational leader, PTSD survivor, and advocate for ALL. You can reach out to the websites operators by using the following email [emailprotected]. You, my friend, are the cats pajamas. 217. At the end of the day, the most important thing a girl can be is herself. 188. I recently got a subscription to a new photo service for just that purpose so you should be seeing a difference in the near future! You are so good at putting clothes together. 212. I have tried all my possible best to see that I take you out of my memory, but it always seems like it's an impossible task. Try to be genuine in what you say to her. The definition of empowerment is 1: the act or action ofempoweringsomeone or something; the granting of the power, right, or authority to perform various acts or duties and 2: the state of being empowered to do something;the power, right, or authority to do something. I never have to pretend to be someone else when I am with you. Best Compliments That Highlight A Girl's Beauty Your voice adds cheer to the most dreary day. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible SZ{SitZOt5s)$os^$R ;u=sNB!|8JxRyF8uPUDJv1)`+S}?faDcKk:Gl-E_[gCC4= +?@ /l50T9KLj *dsCU8bda*]*,Lm4ilzXNl8c]Gfb0uNM1zY#4>m'tXI)nrPv]S PBBY Exquisite means to be beautiful in a very delicate and refined way. screen-readers are able to read, comprehend, and enjoy the websites functions. That is actually something I have been working on! Thanks for stepping up to the plate. 109. This quote resonated with me because it relates to how I feel about empowerment. Lists. However, complimenting someones body at work leans towards being inappropriate. To turn on screen-reader adjustments at any time, users need only to press the Alt+1 keyboard combination. 297. Surely you are the most beautiful woman alive, the most that I've seen. Many great novelists, saints and celebrities are named Agatha. 38. In this article, we are referring to the concept of promoting self-actualization (fulfilling your highest potential) and the act of empowering someone (women and girls) to do amazing things! Beauty Pageants promote necessary values not only for the competition season but also for the lifetime, such as discipline and commitment. Subscribe To Our Newsletter! . These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Always stay focused on whether or not your work effectively communicates what you want to say. Have you ever heard the expression "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. I am so happy that our paths crossed and that we are friends. Whenever I look at you, I can delete all my stress and joy my happiness with you absolutely. Beauty exists in every language. Your skin is so soft. It makes me smile. You are my best friend, my partner in crime. You have such great communication skills. You fill up an empty space in my heart that I never knew existed. 191. Your work lately has been very impressive. 135 beautiful words for a girl to make her feel good. You look stunning no matter what you wear. 186. I worked for it." - Este Lauder "You are powerful, beautiful, brilliant, and brave." "You owe yourself the love you so freely give to other people." "Everything will be okay in the end. I love that you are true to yourself. Wishing you sunshine and smiles today and everyday! "There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved". 139. A woman who knows who she is and who appreciates herself and her traits is one that will go far. Save the article for days when youre not feeling so confident to help you remember how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL YOU ARE! 235. I want my days to begin and end with you. Information shared on this website and associated social media accounts is based solely on personal experience. You carry yourself with so much maturity. You mean the world to me. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here is a beautiful one-word tattoo on the foot of this girl. You are the most loveliest person I have been with. You are a natural beauty. Surely the God who made you has a wonderful, beautiful plan for your life! 5. If you need help with a problem, you should consult your medical, legal, educational, or another professional who is qualified to provide you with services or advice specific to your personal needs. 3. 5. 160. The more beautiful the serpent, the more fatal its sting. I'm charmed by your sense of humor. I am so glad that I asked you to marry me, and I am even happier that you said yes. This is the revised version of Songs That Empower Women with 48 of my favorite empowering songs performed by women to inspire and empower women everywhere! If it's not okay, it's not the end!" "We are who we are, and it is more than enough." Cinderella never asked for a prince. "Trust your beauty to shine from your eyes and into the souls of that deserve you." - Melody Carstairs "Your beauty blinds me because it comes from your heart and it is reflected in your eyes." - Unknown "She is the most beautiful pattern of beauty on the fabric of love." - Imran Shaikh "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." 151. You are already so naturally beautiful. Jazzy active; lively; flashy; fancy; showy. Bewitching - adj. Reviewed in the United States on November 8, 2019. We are more than friends. With you in my life, everything just makes sense. These are words of flirting compliments on her looks to make her happy and feel good on being looking so stunning. You did a really great job as a mother. The things in life that really matter are those that seem not to. Lucky is not a unique word but if you focus on the calligraphy then . 4 French Words For Beauty Beaut IPA: /bo.te/, bo.te; Gender: feminine; Type: noun; L'lection prsidentielle, a n'est pas un concours de beaut. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Below is a list of beautiful words to say to a girl. It is used to symbolize somebody whether in a romantic way or in a non-romantic way. And I mean that in a good way. Read our About page for more information. 266. Chocolate is great, but your friendship is even better. Kirei ( / ) is a na-adjective that has two meanings: 'beautiful' and 'clean'. Thank you for your continued support! Silences, not loud conversations. However, your photos need to be updated to represent a wider variety of women of color Blacks, Africans, Eastern European, Indian, Malaysian, Chinese, Japanese, Alaskans, Hispanic etc. You have gorgeous cheekbones. 130. You work so well with everyone else here. 51. 1. Good friends are hard to find, so I am especially grateful that we found each other. This includes the ability to navigate the website using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, operate dropdowns with the arrow keys, close them with Esc, trigger buttons and links using the Enter key, navigate between radio and checkbox elements using the arrow keys, and fill them in with the Spacebar or Enter key.Additionally, keyboard users will find quick-navigation and content-skip menus, available at any time by clicking Alt+1, or as the first elements of the site while navigating with the keyboard. You do not need makeup. You could be a stylist. I am lucky that friendship does not come with price tags. Fortunately, beauty pageants offer powerful future benefits for not only the winner but also the rest of contestants. Can't take my eyes offoh gosh. You are the wisest woman I have ever met. You shimmer in the light. Bueno usually means "good", but it has some hidden tricks. A well-placed compliment could help a woman relax if she is anxious in a social setting. Your positive attitude in the workplace is contagious. 232. 172. A screen-reader is software for blind users that is installed on a computer and smartphone, and websites must be compatible with it. 190. Those eyes mean the world to me. Full list of synonyms for Beautiful is here. 13. For example, we provide accurate form labels; I love how confident you are. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. We can choose to use this forceconstructivelywith words of encouragement, ordestructivelyusing words of despair. You are the definition of Beauty. How Do People Share The News About Their Engagements? You are the first thing that I want to wake up to every morning and the last thing I want to see before I fall asleep. This mode helps users with ADHD and Neurodevelopmental disorders to read, browse, and focus on the main website elements more easily while significantly reducing distractions. 80. I love you because you're a wholesome person. You are lovely. 240. You are a true friend, the best kind of friend that a girl could ask for. 18 By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. 305. Sassy Sister Stuff The love that you show for our kids has made them into the most amazing people. You can also have name of your baby son or baby daughter inked on your body. However, take care not to overdose on descriptive words. "You are lovely.". 75. You want to empower women and girls by reminding them of their worth, ability, and power. It can be used for a person you are usually attracted to. Your relationship to her is important when it comes to picking the right compliment for her. You have a really great sense of fashion. &U=3w0=pGHOV.nX375F;YnJ#L_R:Q|s)XLhAeKK\~5OqIH7XE-z=XumF)'|.C 4X9Z[pM>ix0BB:3)d0pC#&MN%tZ}e1;[2qD=vyyRQH r@3e~Km[Hk&V`hMyoK/CjVj!TCmKC+ Hy;|8P!` Hr6Xmlq?d46TZnq%TAQc>[ [vZ |mIAP%[y.ocO10-ptx|H\/UlkTp"R#>IL!H=7f( |!hMA}H%z,U0;fvE78~'uzx2@k}Rs 3^/_piHfESxyu4 5@dl/qE1Sgp 165. Visit Susan at sassysisterstuff.com or any of the socials below. Rainy nights, not summer evenings. As soon as a user with a screen-reader enters your site, they immediately receive In a workplace situation, there are many things that you can compliment a girl about. 10. They felt belittling to women, or others words such as intimidating, entitled, provocative, dominating, bitchy, and righteous. Old clothes, not new. What words do you think are beautiful? Find more words! Words can make a big difference in whether girls and women feel empowered or belittled, confident or weak, happy or sad. My pen has power., I know my worth. Below are different kinds of compliments that you can give to a girl in many types of situations. 293. Tell her that she is more caring, more intelligent and more eloquent than other girls. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. My name is Susan and I have lived in Southern Maryland (just outside of Washington, D.C.) my whole life. You are so good with makeup. Beautiful Words for Girls. 57. But on those days when it just comes togethermaybe we nailed the perfect cat eye or woke up to a particularly good hair daygetting beauty compliments out of the blue are basically the best thing ever. You make me the happiest man in the world. Were strongest when we cheer each other on., And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears., I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldnt have stumbled across my strength., If youre one of those people who has that little voice in the back of her mind saying, Maybe I could do [fill in the blank], dont tell it to be quiet. You are like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. . I want to spend my entire life with you. My parents love you. Your beauty is so natural. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo springs to mind for termagant, which means a trouble-making woman, prone to fits of violence or brawling. 37. 189. Songs that Empower Women was one of the first articles I wrote for Sassy Sister Stuff. 5. You cannot choose your family, but you can choose your friends. 27. I am so proud of you and everything that you continue to accomplish. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. You amaze me with everything that you do. Empowering words for women should be about women, for women, and by women. Girls need to stick together. Users can also use shortcuts such as M (menus), H (headings), F (forms), B (buttons), and G (graphics) to jump to specific elements. I have gone back and revised it and added to it since that time, but the songs mentioned in the article remain some of my all-time favorite empowering songs. 279. After a long career in education, she founded the website, Sassy Sister Stuff, in 2020 to share, support, and inspire other women on their journey of personal growth and wellness - at any age or stage of life. 83. Judge nothing by the appearance. You are kind-hearted, patient, and caring. You can use any of the following words for beautiful girls: Alluring appealing charming cute dazzling delicate delightful elegant exquisite fascinating fine good-looking gorgeous graceful grand handsome lovely magnificent marvelous pleasing pretty splendid stunning superb wonderful admirable angelic beauteous bewitching classy comely divine I cant get my eyes of this pic. a%d1eIvP0K{U nA}(3\vX7FRe.ejE~EHj[L31TC3=Xa7Op2 R11P s6 -n |q *8wE}dLgUR$X#Q)0qlCRA1'' pmdD41}qLn(}}+Kc;)Mp#1]awLv You really know how to make me laugh. Aesthete. Beautiful compliments for the girl you like Your intelligence and conviction are powerful. Synonyms for Cute Girl (other words and phrases for Cute Girl). 1. You never fail to show me that you care about me. Discover a few of the most lovely words in a selection of languages. as soon as they enter the website. Being with you means the world to me. THE WORLD. This website will be dedicated to personal growth, wellness, adventure, happiness, education, and other topics that will help us all live our best lives of passion, purpose, and positivity. Still, we are continually improving our accessibility, adding, updating and improving its options and features, and developing and adopting new technologies. 45. s I never have more fun than when I am with you. You're a divine present. While she might enjoy being complimented on her fashion choices, what means even more is if you compliment her work abilities. BEAUTY WORDS THAT START WITH K Kicky exciting; lively; fashionable. Inspiring and encouraging words for women "I never dreamed about success. 602 Greek Baby Girl Names With Meanings. 124. Or you can use it with verbs. You are what I call a forever friend. 81. Do you want to highlight her looks, her accomplishments, or her personality? Whenever I need a friend to talk to, you are the first person I turn to. This is the best way to empower women! 195. The background process also handles triggered popups by moving the keyboard focus towards them as soon as they appear, and not allow the focus drift outside of it. Are your favorites on this list? 138. These 79 empowering words for women are about YOU, too! So it's the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a beauty vocabulary list, or just a general beauty word list for whatever purpose, but it's not necessarily going to be useful if you're looking for words that mean the same thing as beauty (though it still might be handy for that). You are my one and only. I am impressed by the beauty of your eyes. Examine some particularly lovely Filipino words, such as pagwawagi (mastery). She walks in beauty, like the night 79 Strong Empowering Words for Women and Girls: Which Are Your Favorite Empowering Words? RANK. 238. The more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for womens rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. 23. They inspire me to feel positive, motivated, and confident. That is not to say that you should steer completely clear of compliments about someones style or beauty. Of course, rather than looking for words that are beautiful in and of themselves, you may just be looking for other words for beauty. 247. You look even more beautiful without makeup. Terms like these can enhance your writing, but adding too many descriptors can detract from the meaning. Ezekiel 28:17-18. Save these words look at these words and think about these words OFTEN. 99. You are so gorgeous and that is the least interesting thing about you. Even after all these years, I still fall in love with you over and over again. for images that are not described. Are you looking for a list of beautiful words? 75 Compliments for Women. There is never a dull moment with you around. Adorable - adj. and others. Phenomenally. Hi there! You are the weirdest person that I have ever met. Whoever is lucky enough to end up with you will never be bored a day in their life. This application remediates the websites HTML, pGg/?^Z+?@@|eq*aG?s'62l^G'P 9;PFQc)17>/R(Ds &m+FAo xwPd Although is a nice way to call a girl beautiful, many men use this word to flirt. You are alluring. You are so charming and irresistible to me. 53. When you speak, everyone in the room listens to you. You did a really great job out there. Don't let life keep you down, always keep smiling. Some of the words I ran across while researching this article gave me a less-than warm feeling. n. bonny girl. Whether it's her smile, her laugh, or just the way she looks at you, a cute girl has a way of brightening up your day. You are perfect just the way you are. 1. Synonyms for Cute girl. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. You make me feel so full in my heart and in my soul. You look great every single time. Nobody in this world makes me happier than you do. This collection of Bible verses for girls includes uplifting and reassuring Scriptures on your value and worth in the sight of your Creator. Thank you for always being there for me. Total number of Beauty words and adjectives: 76 words. One always believes in yourself. Complimenting an outfit or hair is one thing. As a mother, you taught your children how to be strong and kind. At this point, you are like family to me. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with beauty, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. 307. 95. Therefore, everyone could potentially have a different opinion on which words are beautiful and which words are not, which words describe beauty and which do not. I love how well you get along with my family. 116. 196. At.O?b&*?.Flrp9CN4SX4hPZ$w@O/w!.`nj'R V l$|7=K#[_s I will., Women dont need to find a voice, they have a voice, and they need to feel empowered to use it. We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, 106. That is a gift. Those are the kind of words she will love you for. 1. So for example, you could enter "elegance" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to beauty and elegance. Or maybe you want to tell her how she is such a loyal friend. 115. 264. Girl words are listed in alphabetical order. 22. :Zl#uN Fb1L_;nb3fQ@CQ1s@=Zp}~uSGml Q13:laKXrRdl :fznc.1c{w[JdC+8;u>oSK/"h)'{&{|&+2Agyg7m=BtNn*w?kL0?[1B>3`!qoNC 3rL(nZ;)-t:NZ You gave me such a thoughtful gift. Our friendship is like a special cup of tea. Your strength in the face of obstacles is amazing. We can use words for a variety of purposes, but the most precious and rewarding words we can use are words that empower girls and women everywhere. 168. Through thick and thin, I can always count on you to be my friend. This is the direct translation of beauty from English into French. Be your own kind of beautiful. I can't have enough of you, my Love. Your eyes are beautiful because they are filled with kindness and intelligence. The 10 Beauty Compliments Every Girl Loves. I could listen to you talk for hours and never get tired of it. You have made such a big difference in my life. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I believe empowering words for women do not need to be a reflection on others. You are attractive. They say that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but you are my perfect catch. Remind yourself that you matter, too! Adventures in Dating: Memoirs of a Single Mom, Adventures in Dating: Memoirs of Midlife Relationships, Infographic: Why Do People Swipe Right (or Left) on Tinder. Feeling empowered is an essential part of personal growth and development. g4Gf)(0@In2a7O00/J[^ r^J=QzF%lGM5q(0I$;*J0V2F3PvRRp*1+;qO#7xufr}C.1kmnD:%;[Z9Y jT d*5Cvf{=d;~FOsM,yFSY~{(*M^?&vtDLZp3RAy[+291vZ`_K,aqad\ZJm?Mj?Z::yadvl# .O Even though nobody is perfect, there is nothing about you that I would change. You are the first person to strike my mind every morning. I wonder how I couldn't notice such a magnificent flower like you before. Nobody in this world makes me happier than you do. 230. NUFT"/Nl;.ag&iK2-G/_8dCip WDfR regardless of circumstance and ability. God's Word comes alive through the gorgeous illustrated verses of the NIV Beautiful Word Bible for Girls.This Bible encourages girls ages 8 to 12 to spend quiet time with God and personally experience his promises, each in their own unique way, through its inspiring full-color art . No one can tell you what words you should think are beautiful, because the matter is one of personal opinion. Thank you for nurturing our kids and giving them the guidance that they need in life. n. charming lady. Having beauty is not a sin and it is something to thank God for. 1) Kept promises, not lies. In this article, we will look at 79 of the most empowering words for women, as well as music and great quotes that empower women to have a positive healthy mindset. 12. alongside console screenshots of code examples: Screen-reader optimization: we run a background process that learns the websites components from top to bottom, to ensure ongoing compliance even when updating the website. If you just care about the words' direct semantic similarity to beauty, then there's probably no need for this. A kind natured woman. Which ones describe you? Spanish Translation. This mode enables people with epilepsy to use the website safely by eliminating the risk of seizures that result from flashing or blinking animations and risky color combinations. I love you as you are. Empowering words for women should be about women, for women, and by women. You have already accomplished so much. Thank you for always being there for me. 108. Remember, your brain learns to believe what you tell it. You look sleek and cute babe. And they should make women feel good. I believe in you. Using some of these beautiful words in your writing can help engage readers in your work by making your writing more vivid and interesting. So if we all consistently use these positive, strong and empowering words for women on a regular basis, women everywhere should develop and maintain a sense of value, worth, and confidence. Here are some famous love quotes you can use in a sweet text, alongside a gift, or on other occasions, to show your sweetheart that you love her. 153. Do you have favorite songs that help you feel empowered? I love hearing you laugh. 237. 274. 9. Heres how our website covers some of the most important screen-reader requirements, I love that I can just be myself when I am with you. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. . n. cute lady. 41. -^ (iypOz@97aaC>HK{^62c'yU}f|%pOaR;9Z/bl5}*MrK~;Nd*7m?Pan}$J#@uJB?Yj@)H'#KID0 |w"I{ "x XxSJPZ7lCDZw=bf Mp4dxjd~=^d'w7J N_[L, \*v`-Ib)3]L8TP('r!/_M&2z@V1-;.f~d5oc~g8\9ms%}P;EX r#sKP`4wiD094xWPbMwZx~F5C4'3HR/."1=Di7DGE#MAO2Ri4pSKY If anything, I love you even more now. When our best efforts are seen and mentioned by others, then it is a nice feeling knowing that someone is noticing us and paying attention. ANSWER. aesthetic - pleasing appearance ambivalence - conflicting feelings or emotions demure - modest, not calling attention to oneself diaphanous - delicate, translucent, very lightweight dissemble - to hide one's true feelings ebullience - full of energy, highly enthusiastic xoxo:), Your email address will not be published. Perhaps the first step should be to look into your own mind.

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